Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 183 Prelude (2)

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West, District 27.

"Ike, another boring day." A middle-aged knight with a scar on his face casually leaned on a steel spear and sighed at his companion.

Ike was a rather young guy. He stood up straight and looked forward with a serious and determined look on his face. He didn't answer the middle-aged knight's words.

"Hey, what are you doing so seriously, anyway, our knights are not as good as those wizards, and ah, some wizards are there, those high-energy creatures or all kinds of strange witchcraft plants, how dare to come here."

The middle-aged knight looked at the young knight Ike's face and couldn't help but sneered.

He was firm in his will and tried his best to do everything well. However, after experiencing many things, he finally realized how ridiculous his thoughts were.

A knight is always a knight, not a wizard.

"Ike, hehe, really young..." Such an idea flashed in the middle-aged knight's mind.

"Master Wizard!"

Ike's steel spear leaned on the ground and made a loud noise.

The middle-aged knight was startled, and turned his head to look quickly. Outside the door, at some point, a carriage stopped. The two wizards and wizards had already left the carriage and walked towards them slowly.

The middle-aged knight looked at the signs on the clothes of the two wizards, and knew that they were wizards from the headquarters of the Wizarding Academy Alliance, so he hurriedly greeted them with a flattering smile on his face.

"Lord Wizard, Lord Wizard." The middle-aged knight nodded and bowed, talking non-stop.

But in his heart, he was scolding Ike fiercely.

"Aike, Aike, you stinky boy, you didn't tell me when the wizard came over, you, you, you, you..."

Maureen and Albert ignored the middle-aged knight's thoughts, and didn't even glance at the young Ike. They talked to each other and walked in.

"Richard, in the past few days, I have taken you to many locations and met many pharmacists, but the pharmacist I saw this time was different."

"Wizard Louis is a member of our medicine lamp,

At the same time, he is also a very famous pharmacist in the pharmacy department. "

Albert was talking to Maureen as he walked.

Maureen nodded slightly while listening to Albert's words.

In the past few days, he and Albert have been wandering around in different places, and have met many pharmacists. Some of them were sent out from the pharmacy department a long time ago, and Maureen has never seen them. They, apparently, did the same with this Lewis pharmacist.

Soon, Maureen and the others appeared outside a villa.

"Albert, I haven't seen you for a long time. The one next to you is the rookie of the medicine lamp, and the famous pharmacy genius in the headquarters of the Wizarding College Alliance?"

The door of the villa opened slowly, and an old man with dirty, greasy stains and messy hair walked out of the villa.

Along with the old man, there was a thick red smoke and an indescribable strange smell.

"Wizard Lewis."

Albert smiled.

For the next few days, Maureen and Albert stayed at the station in the twenty-seventh district in the west, and communicated with Louis on pharmacy.

Maureen found that this pharmacist named Louis was indeed very eccentric and difficult to get along with, but his knowledge of pharmacy was very high, and Maureen benefited a lot from him.

"I'm afraid Louis's pharmacy skills are no worse than Albert's..." Maureen thought to himself.

Later, Maureen was relieved when he learned from Albert that Louis was still the deputy minister of the Pharmacy Department.

That's right, for a powerful pharmacist like Louis, the Wizarding College Alliance is not blind, and will definitely not let it be buried.

In addition to communicating with Louis, Maureen goes out from time to time and buys some peculiar wizarding creature limbs.

After all, witchcraft creatures have their own particularity. Some witchcraft creatures have rotted away before they can be transported to the headquarters of the Wizarding College Alliance. Therefore, if you want to get them, you must go to the local area to process those materials and then save them. Just do it.

Mo Lin was slowly walking down the street, thinking about the witchcraft materials he had just purchased in his mind.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hooves came over, and the wizards next to them hurriedly avoided.

A team of wizards rushed out of the station. Looking at their clothes and outfits, it could be easily judged that they were all battle wizards at the Alliance Headquarters.

"Huh?" Mo Lin suddenly realized that the leading battle wizard was a little familiar.

On closer inspection, it turned out to be Wright.

Wright's whole body was shrouded in a layer of heavy bronze armor, only one pair of eyes were exposed, and a broad bronze sword was hanging around his waist. At this time, Wright was riding on a tall and majestic warhorse, with extraordinary might and great oppression. .

Wright's eyes looked over, obviously, he also found Maureen.

He gave Maureen a deep look.

The warhorse paused for a moment, and then when Wright exerted force, the warhorse immediately galloped forward.

There was a sound of hooves, and soon, these battle wizards disappeared in place.

There was a sound of discussion all around, whether it was a wizard apprentice or a knight, everyone around him was talking about Wright, constantly evaluating, and there was admiration and envy in his tone that could not be concealed.

"I remember that the route between Wright and I intersected in the twenty-seventh district in the west. No wonder he appeared here..." Thinking of Wright's appearance just now, Maureen nodded, and his face showed a hint of confusion. The color of thinking.


Suddenly, Maureen turned his head and looked at the sky outside the station.

His eyes were bright, but his brows could not help frowning slightly.


After a while, the wizards stopped to repair.

Although they are battle wizards, that doesn't mean they won't work hard and won't get tired.

The war horse was eating the green grass on the ground, while Wright stood in front of a stone, his body was straight, and he quietly looked at the direction of the station in the twenty-seventh district in the west.

His eyes were fixed, and his body was motionless, as if it were a statue.

"Wizard Wright, we've packed up and we can go." Deguri clapped his hands, shook off the hay residue in his hand, and walked over and said.

Those hay were cultivated by the Pharmacy Department, and were specially used to feed the witchcraft plants of war horses.

"Then let's go."

Wright retracted his gaze and clenched the bronze broadsword around his waist.

He turned around, strode forward, and said, "Let's go to the next station and continue our inspection!"

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