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In the room, the lights are bright.

Maureen was wearing a loose white robe, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, quietly looking at the darkening night outside the window.

After a while, Maureen drew the curtains, turned around, and chanted a sorcery spell.

There was a wave of energy particles in the air, and soon, a translucent blurry image appeared in the air.

It was Falls.

"Fowles, I have collected all the data and information on the route." Maureen said lightly, looking at Foles' translucent phantom.

"Oh, really?"

Fowles raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised.

Maureen didn't explain anything. His thoughts moved slightly, and immediately, the energy particles in the air fluctuated, forming a map in the air.

Those maps were distributed in blocks, and there were several thin lines intertwined in the middle, and those thin lines were still shimmering, making the whole map very clear.

Next to the map, there are also some structural drawings and layout drawings that are constantly glowing.

"This is all the important running routes that I have mapped out, as well as the internal layout of those garrison locations." Mo Lin said lightly.

Although there are some stations that are not the places where the pharmacists are stationed in the medicine lamp, but on the way, Maureen made up some excuses, went to these places to take a closer look, and let the chip secretly record all the relevant information image, and then draw it again.

"Oh, it's very comprehensive." Fowles squinted at the map, and after a while, he suddenly laughed lowly.

He stretched out his hand, flicked it in the air, and immediately, all the images disappeared.

"It's not easy being able to draw so many things."

"It's really hard for you, Maureen."

"Rest assured, our transaction has always been valid, and I will send the resources you want to you."

Fowles said softly,

Said: "And, when our arrangement is completed, we will give you and Wright a special gift."

Maureen simply smiled, and after a few simple conversations with Foles again, he ended the conversation.

Seeing Foles' phantom turning into countless energy particles and disappearing into the void, Maureen's eyes couldn't help but slowly frown.

"Chip, start testing!" Mo Lin's heart moved.

"Ding! The mission has been established!"

"The magic circle is running!"

"Molson Interaction Array, Ellis Mag Array, Whigmar Earth Resistance Array... Works well."

"All sorcery circles are functioning normally!"

"Starting the Lowe reaction..."


"Data calculation..."

"Conclusion is being generated..."

The sound of the chip kept ringing.

In the room, one by one magic circles emerged from the void, emitting a faint light, which reflected each other, which seemed mysterious and unusual.

At the intersection of those circles, there was a distorted energy group. That energy group was exactly what Fowles looked like just now, but it kept flashing and seemed very blurry.

try{mad1(gad2;} h(ex){} Maureen stood quietly, a magic circle glowing with silver light passed through his body, twinkling, playing a mysterious role, while Maureen But he didn't realize it, he just looked at the central energy group of the many circles.

"It took me a lot of effort to arrange a lot of ancient magic circles, and these ancient magic circles shielded each other. With my current strength and such a delicate arrangement, I want to hide from a Fowles. A simple detection of mental phantoms, no matter what, is enough."

"Let's see what the result is..."

The black robe on Maureen fluttered slowly, while a blue shimmer appeared in his eyes, and the dense blue data turbulence flashed constantly.

In an instant, the icy blue light was dazzling.


In the Black Stone Hall.

Fowles narrowed his eyes and raised his head slightly.

"Okay, Wright has also passed all the information to me, and the information is complete." Fowles turned around, looked at the tall man standing beside him, and said, "Bordeaux, we can go."

Bordeaux was an extremely handsome middle-aged man with a sinister face and silver hair.

Listen to Falls, Bol

\u003cistyle='color:#4876ff'\u003e-----this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Friends please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

\u003cistyle='color:#4876ff'\u003e----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

Duo Yin nodded and said, "Okay, then let's make arrangements."

Then, Bordeaux and Fowles made arrangements for the actions of many dark wizards, and let many dark wizards be responsible for the attacks in different places.

"Lilia, what do you think of our arrangement? What's your opinion?" Suddenly, Bordeaux turned his head and looked up at the black stone high-back chair as if he had thought of something.

There was no one on the black stone high-back chair, but at the top of the chair, there was a nightingale.

The feathers of Nightingale's body are as black as ink, and it also has long black tail feathers, which looks mysterious and noble.

"Do whatever you want, as long as the dark wizards die a little less." Nightingale released a clear female voice, which was tactful and pleasant.

"I'm tired, Fowles, Bordeaux, let's talk slowly."

Nightingale stretched out her feathers a little, and then with a thud, it turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared on the black stone high-back chair.

"Lilia she..." Bordeaux was a little startled.

Although this one is also a second-level wizard, but in this matter, is it a little too casual?

"Hey, Bordeaux, that's because you don't know Lilia yet. She's never been interested in these things." Fowles laughed aside.

Immediately, Fowles and Bordeaux discussed with each other and decided to start tomorrow night. After all, it will take a little time for the dark wizards to be in place.

try{mad1(gad2;} h(ex){} After the negotiation, Bordeaux left the Blackrock Hall.

Fowles stood silently on the spot, as if he had thought of something, he opened his hands with a sighing look on his face, and said, "Come on, I'm finally here again."

"Wenger, Jonker, Orens, Yogg, old friends, here I am again."

"And this time, I will give you a big surprise."

"Haha, hahahaha!"

Fowles' slightly frantic laughter kept echoing in the Blackstone Hall.


West, District 27.

The night was dark, except for the occasional roar outside.

"What are these bastards arguing about..." The middle-aged knight leaned on his steel spear, his body was tilted, and he sighed weakly.

Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer, put down the steel spear, and sat down against the wall.

"Ike, sit down too, it's very late now, no one else will come, and those witchcraft creatures won't come to attack at night." The middle-aged knight waved his hand and greeted the young knight next to him.

Ike glanced at the middle-aged knight slightly, snorted coldly, then turned his head away, and looked at the deep night outside without squinting.

"Cut, I don't know what's wrong." The middle-aged knight spat fiercely on the ground.

"You're still young now, so you don't know what to do. You'll know when you've experienced more."

"And at night, what are you doing so seriously? No one is looking at you, really..."

The middle-aged knight muttered. Holding the steel spear, he leaned against the city wall and narrowed slowly.

Half asleep, the middle-aged knight suddenly heard the loud sound of the steel spear falling to the ground.

"This idiot is finally connected, and he knows he has a rest." The middle-aged knight snorted, thinking in his heart.

But suddenly, the middle-aged knight realized something was wrong.

There is a bloody smell.

Very strong bloody smell.

The middle-aged knight suddenly lost all sleepiness. He stood up leaning on the steel spear and found that Ike had fallen to the ground, the steel spear fell to the side, and blood was constantly flowing from Ike's body.

"What, this is..." The middle-aged knight instantly widened his eyes.

Before waiting for the middle-aged knight to do anything, an arrow with sorcery fluctuations flew over from the night, and shot through the middle-aged knight's throat at once.

"Ah... cluck..."

The steel spear in the middle-aged knight's hand slid to the ground. He stretched out his hand, trying to pull out the arrow from his throat, but found that he had no strength in his entire body.

Before falling to the ground and falling into complete darkness, the middle-aged knight saw countless wizards in black robes with cold expressions rushed out and ran towards the twenty-seventh district.

That's countless dark wizards. 71

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