Da da da.

The carriage moved forward slowly.

"Mr. Maureen, Mr. Sheeran, this is Glam Town, the town closest to the Demon Sealing Cave." Hera jumped off her black horse, looking valiantly and full of a kind of saying Unable to feel the atmosphere, she came to the carriage and spoke to Maureen and Sheeran.

Energy particles flashed.

The figures of Maureen and Sheeran slowly solidified and appeared on the ground.

"Then, Maureen, it looks like we've reached the place." Sheeran looked forward, then he turned around, looked at Maureen next to him, smiled and said this.

"Let's go."

Maureen didn't say anything. After looking at Sheeran and Hera, he took the lead and walked forward.

That's right, Hera followed him and Sheeran, walking with them.

In fact, at the very beginning, Maureen didn't want this noblewoman to come with him. He had no interest in this woman. He refused Hera's invitation to hunt, but after that, Hera She took her family knights to catch up, gave Mo Lin a lot of precious materials, and then talked to Mo Lin. At this point, Mo Lin had some new considerations.

After thinking about it carefully, Maureen decided to let Hera come over and go with her family knights.

After all, their team just had a few more people.

Next, after traveling for a while, Mo Lin and the others finally came here and came to the small town of Glam near the Demon Sealing Cave.

Mo Lin and the others briefly rested here for a night. On the second day, Mo Lin and the others set off and went to the Demon Sealing Cave.

The only people who really entered the Demon Sealing Cave were Mo Lin, Xilan, and Hera. None of the other family knights went in. Their strength was too weak, and they were just courting death in vain.

The Demon Sealing Cave is a barren mountain. Around the barren mountain, there is a huge hole, and a little bit of black gas is constantly emitting from it, making the surrounding look strange and evil.

Originally, this was the area of ​​the Tusuo people. Later, the Tusuo people began to rise. Under the continuous blows of many principalities such as Hongfenglin, they left here and went to other places.

"Let's go in." Maureen said lightly.

Sheeran and Hera didn't say much. They followed behind Mo Lin, walked towards it, and entered it directly.

Different from the abyss crack in the hand of the silver soul, it is extremely quiet here, surrounded by stone roads, and piled with some messy stones, which looks a bit rushed and messy.

In the dark and dark environment, the stones were slightly black, as if a faint mist was shrouded in it.

Mo Lin waved his hand and shot a flaming ball of light. The ball of light floated in mid-air. Mo Lin and the others slowly moved forward and kept walking forward.

Finally, when Mo Lin and the others continued to move forward, an inexplicable expression suddenly appeared in the surrounding scene.


As if stepping on something, Mo Lin only felt a slight flower in front of him, and the next moment, he appeared in a completely unfamiliar place.

There is endless vastness here, and a plain appears in front of you. This world is surrounded by a faint mist, swaying and blurring. On top of this plain, there is an incomparably wide dry river.

"This is the scene of the Bloodline Royal Court, and at the same time, this is also the real Demon Sealing Cave."

Mo Lin looked at the scene around him and sighed a little. He was very familiar with the surroundings. After all, he once came here and got the inheritance of the origin totem.

In the legend of the Tusso people, there is a golden sun, a silver moon, and a huge flying dragon in the sky.

This is what he has been through.

Mo Lin thought of the scene in the past, and the expression on his face couldn't help but sigh.

"Is there a magic cave here?" Hera looked around with a curious look on her face.

"That's right,

It was here, when it was originally here, there was also the bloodline royal court of the Tusuo people, but later, the bloodline royal court disappeared, and the Demon Sealing Cave was completely revealed. "

Maureen said something casually.

"Okay, let's go to other places to take a closer look." He stretched out his hand, pulled the black robe on him, and said so.

Today's Demon Sealing Cave has truly appeared. Although it still looks like the bloodline royal court, many things are different after all.

Mo Lin was flying in the air, and he could clearly see that huge holes appeared one by one on the ground, as if they were leading directly to the unknown depths of the ground. On the edge of those holes, layers and numerous The messy piles of bones give people a vague and terrible feeling at first glance.

roar, roar, roar.

From time to time, there will be voices coming out of those caves. The sound seems to be the roar of an unknown monster, and it seems to be the low whine when the wind blows through the cave.

"It looks a bit strange." Sheeran moved, and he came to Mo Lin and said in a low voice.

"Look elsewhere."

Mo Lin didn't rush into those underground holes, he raised his eyes, looked ahead, and said this.

Then, Mo Lin and the others flew forward together. They flew for a while, but just in front of them, Mo Lin suddenly found that there were many stone walls in front of them. On those stone walls, there were several huge stone caves. These caves are very huge, and they are motionless in the wafting black mist, quietly living, just like the giant beast opened its mouth and devoured all existence in the dark.

"These caves... I feel terrible, really terrible."

After entering the Demon Sealing Cave, Hera no longer had the lively and jumping feeling she had before. She looked at the stone cave in front of her with a very solemn expression on her face. She turned around and looked at Mo Lin beside her.

"It looks like these stone caves lead to somewhere, or in other words, something will rush out from here." Mo Lin looked at the stone road ahead and said in a low voice.

He moved slightly in his heart, and an ice-blue gleam appeared in his eyes. At the same time, his perception was like a tide, and it continued to spread towards the surroundings.

Maureen is now making some observations.

Suddenly, Mo Lin let out a startled sound as if he had discovered something.

In his perception, in the surrounding area above the Plain of White Bone, before he knew it, countless stone pillars had been erected, and some strange totems were carved on the stone pillars. There was an indescribable terrifying feeling in my heart.

"Stone pillar?"

Maureen frowned.

At this moment, Mo Lin suddenly discovered that the black mist that was floating in the surrounding air suddenly boiled at this moment, kept stirring, and began to spin.

The hole on the ground and the stone cave on the stone wall also burst out a large amount of rich black air in an instant, making the originally blurred surroundings even more blurred.

Countless black qi was spinning faster and faster, and in a very short period of time, it turned into a huge whirlpool.

Hula la.

The surrounding black air was constantly stirring.


"damn it!"

Too fast, this is really too fast, Mo Lin and the others didn't react at all. As soon as his body moved, he was sucked in by the huge black vortex.

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