Journey of the Legendary Wizard

Chapter 596 Demonic Qi



Maureen looked around, everything was blurry.

He was standing now in a glowing darkness.

The surrounding is dark, extremely dense, extremely pure darkness, as if it is the deepest and purest night sky, and below Mo Lin, there are light and shadows that interweave and emerge, criss-crossing and constantly emerging. , constantly flashing and disappearing, without beginning or end.

Maureen seemed to be floating now, and it seemed to be above a layer of black and transparent crystal.

One after another light and shadow flashed and intertwined, intertwined vertically and horizontally, constantly coming and going, with no end and no direction.

This is an extremely strange world, and at the same time, it is also a space that is difficult for imagination to reach.

Mo Lin's eyes were slightly closed, the black robe on his body fell down, and he kept floating quietly, motionless, without the slightest bit of other things, time seemed to have passed for a long time, and it seemed that there was no past at all, Suddenly, Maureen's body fell.


It was like a drop of water fell all at once.

Mo Lin fell into those intertwined changes, bright and dark light and shadow.

The world changes and everything changes here.


A huge light burst into his eyes at once.

When Mo Lin opened his eyes, he found that he was no longer in the strange space just now, but in a cave.

"Phew~~" Maureen let out a sigh of relief.

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous, it was really dangerous just now."

Maureen muttered.

In the past, many things happened too fast, Mo Lin and the others didn't react at all, they were caught in a whirlpool, and when Mo Lin woke up, he found that he was in that place. Inside a strange space.

That space is very strange, very strange, and very terrifying.

Mo Lin once wanted to crack and escape, but found that he couldn't do this step at all. In that space, too many things were involved. According to Mo Lin's observation and chip analysis, if Mo Lin was in the If you are not careful here, you will be hit by a strong space slash, your body will be cut apart, your consciousness will be torn apart, and then you will choose again.

If you don't pay attention a little, it will not only be difficult to distinguish and decipher, but also fall into self-lost, making it difficult to distinguish yourself.

Fortunately, Maureen escaped from it.

"I escaped, but what about the others, Sheeran, and Hera..." Maureen looked around.

He walked forward, very cautiously, lest he would trigger something else.

After walking for a while, Mo Lin suddenly found a figure in front of him.

He walked forward vigilantly, and soon saw the figure, and after seeing the figure, Mo Lin couldn't help being stunned.

That person should be none other than Sheeran.

Sheeran looks a little weird now.

The wings behind him are open, and the translucent metal wings are shining with a deep black light, like Hades opening the wings of Yongye, and in front of Xilan, in front of his forehead, there is a blazing black light It turned into a flame, beating non-stop, and it cast light after another, falling on Sheeran's forehead.

Firelight, shimmer.

When Maureen came over, Sheeran's eyes moved, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Mauren." Sheeran smiled at Maureen.


A slight voice came over, and the black flame in front of Xilan's forehead exploded, turned into countless rays of light, and disappeared into his wings.

"Xielan, are you alright?" Maureen looked at this scene, and his heart moved slightly, but he was quite calm, and he looked at Xilan and asked.

"It's okay." Sheeran shook her head slightly and said, "The whirlpool wanted to pull me into some space just now, but I stopped him and shot to kill, so,

There is no problem. "

"It's you, Mo Lin, I can feel the horror of that space, and it's amazing that you can come out of the space by yourself."

"I originally planned to help you later."

Sheeran thought of something, he looked at Maureen and laughed.

Maureen also smiled, he and Sheeran chatted briefly, and then calmed down.

"By the way, what about Hera, where is she?" Maureen thought of a person, and he asked.

"do not know."

Sheeran shook her head.

So they started looking for it.

After searching carefully for a while, finally, Morin and the others found Hera in the corner of the cave.

Hera fell to the ground motionless, her breathing was steady, her mental sea and consciousness did not have any ups and downs or fluctuations, as if she had simply fallen asleep.

Sensing that someone came over to move his body, he slowly woke up.

"Mr. Maureen, Mr. Sheeran." Hera stood up from the ground, the expression on her face was a little confused and looked a little unnatural.

"How are you doing?"

Maureen asked.

"I... I'm fine." Hera looked a little dazed, as if she hadn't recovered.

Maureen frowned slightly.

He didn't speak, didn't say anything, he stared at Hera, a cold blue glimmer flashed in his eyes, and glanced at Hera, and finally, after confirming that there was nothing wrong, Maureen This is relieved.

"Everyone is fine." Mo Lin exhaled softly, and then, Mo Lin thought of something and said, "Where are we now?"

"It's like at the end of the Plain of Bones, in a cave among those stone walls."

Sheeran said that he seemed to have been observing the surroundings for a long time, so he was able to draw such a conclusion.

At the end of the White Bone Plain, in the caves of those stone walls.

"Let's take a closer look."

Maureen said.

They began to slowly move forward in the cave. At the beginning, the surroundings were calm, there was nothing else, and there was not the slightest abnormality. However, after Mo Lin and the others gradually moved forward for a while, finally, some people appeared in front of them. other things.

Those were some corpses and weapons with strange shapes, as well as some magic circles and line patterns. These things were scattered on the ground and covered with dust, as if a long, long time had passed.

"Among these corpses, there are some human wizards, while others are strange races that can't be said." Mo Lin glanced at it, looked at it briefly, and came to such a conclusion.

"Abyss monster?"

Hera said in a low voice, she squatted down and subconsciously wanted to touch the bones.


A silent vibration came over, and Hera felt like she had touched something. In an instant, a large scene of images appeared here.

Rumbling, the sky was trembling, and countless firelights and flowing flames crossed the sky.

Gray light, black light, fire light, countless lights are intertwined here.

On the plain, countless sorcerers and warlocks formed a terrifying legion. They gathered together, chanted complicated and mysterious witchcraft incantations, and played a series of terrible combination witchcraft. The torrent of sorcery slammed into the front in an instant.

One after another, the wizard towers floated up and down, linked together into pieces, radiant and radiant, forming a sea of ​​rays of light.

The wizards and warlocks are fighting, and their opponents are none other than the abyss monsters.


The monsters in the abyss gathered to form black clouds in the sky and the ground, and then started to attack the front.

It was completely boiling here, and it became a strange sea.

Countless wizards and warlocks, as well as abyss monsters, were killing each other, the light was blazing, and the screams sounded, and many, many people died like this.

Countless corpses fell on the ground, dyeing the entire earth red.

Light and shadow changes intertwined, and everything has disappeared at the end.

Time seems to have passed for a long time, and it also seems to have passed for a short time.

Maureen and Hiran Hera looked at each other, and their eyes couldn't help showing a hint of shock.

"This is a scene that happened in the past. It is a scene of ancient wizards and warlocks fighting against abyssal monsters." Sheeran looked at the fading scene ahead, exhaled, and his eyes narrowed slightly. Muttering to himself, he said, "The Devil Sealing Cave, the Devil Sealing Cave..."

"Okay, let's get out of here and find a way out, hoping to leave this cave soon." Mo Lin was silent for a while, then he looked around and said this.

Sheeran and Hera had no objection to this, so Maureen and the others set off from this point and continued to walk forward.

Not long after he left, Mo Lin suddenly heard a faint and subtle voice coming from the front.

Boom boom boom.

Boom boom boom.

It was as if a sound suddenly sounded, and then it exploded here.


"What is it?"

Sheeran and Hera were startled.

"Damn, run, run!" Sheeran's expression changed, and she suddenly shouted.

The expression on Maureen's face also changed.

Now, he finally sees clearly what is rushing towards.

It was countless turbulent black torrents. Those black torrents were pitch black, with an indescribable sticky feeling, and a deep gloomy darkness. At this time, the black torrent was moving towards the crazy man in front of him. The convolution rushed over, as if to completely submerge this place.

Overwhelming, in the blink of an eye, everything in the cave was swallowed up by the sticky black torrent, which was surging towards Mo Lin and the others frantically.

"damn it!"

Mo Lin and the others ran frantically towards the rear. Fortunately, as soon as their bodies moved, they entered the cave just now.

boom! !

The black viscous torrent seemed to be a huge air current, almost rushing past Mo Lin, and, for some reason, the huge black torrent was only impacting the convolution outside, but did not spread in this small Side cave.

Maureen and the others were still in shock, and after a while, they settled down again.

"Why, those black torrents didn't come in." Mo Lin's eyes showed a hint of doubt. He looked at Sheeran and Hera, who also had similar looks in their eyes, and seemed very curious about it.

Maureen smiled at them, then stretched out his perception and felt it carefully.

From the inside, it seems that there is an invisible barrier between the small cave on the side and the huge black sticky torrent, which completely divides everything.

However, when Mo Lin's perception spread, he suddenly felt a shock.

"damn it!"

Mo Lin suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

In this small cave on the side, beneath the original bones, a bright circle of magic magic circles suddenly appeared.

Boom, a muffled sound, as if the invisible diaphragm disappeared, a huge black torrent rushed in at once, drowning the same here.

But Maureen and the others have disappeared.

Mo Lin only felt a flash in front of his eyes. When he came back to his senses, he found that he had reappeared above the Plain of White Bone.

Sheeran and Hera were there, and they looked equally terrified.

Rumbling, the cave on the stone wall in front made a surging sound, as if something was surging non-stop.

"Come out, we came out like this..." Hera looked around, she was a little dazed, and there was an unbelievable look on her face.

"Yeah, we did come out."

Maureen smiled. He looked around, and the surroundings were still quiet, nothing changed, the same as when they first came in.

But Maureen frowned.

His body blurred, and suddenly disappeared from the spot.

boom! !

Maureen appeared next to a stone pillar, and with a sudden wave of his palm, the stone pillar immediately burst, and then disappeared instantly for countless dust.

Next, Mo Lin did the same and shot at the other stone pillars.

I only heard a banging sound coming, and soon, all the stone pillars around it turned into dust and disappeared.

There is no stone pillar here.

"Those stone pillars... I don't feel right." Maureen withdrew his hand. He looked at Sheeran and Hera and said so.

Sheeran and Hera didn't speak, and what happened just now was still vivid in their minds. They naturally understood what Maureen was doing.

"Okay, let's go, get out of here, I always feel that something is not right here." Hera said, she looked around, and couldn't help shrinking her neck.

At this time, the marquise, who was originally grand and heroic, finally showed a look of fear, and she no longer had the feeling she had before.

Maureen didn't speak.

He looked around.

It seems that there is still no change in the surrounding, but compared with before, it seems that there is an unknown and inexplicable change.

Especially those demonic energy slowly floating in the air.


Maureen's brows involuntarily raised slightly.

He stretched out his hand, grabbed it slightly in the air, and grabbed the demonic energy in his hand.

The black magic energy gathered in his hands, but soon disappeared.

Maureen slowly let go of his hand.

He looked around, and his lips moved slightly. Immediately, a glass test tube appeared in front of him. At the same time, a wisp of magical energy lingered around, condensed into a liquid, and appeared in the glass test tube.

"I always feel that compared to before, the demonic energy here is full of a strange change." Mo Lin flipped his palm and put away the glass test tube, thinking in his heart.

"Okay, let's go, get out of here."

Maureen looked at Sheeran and Hera and said lightly. To find this site, please search for "6 Mao" or enter the URL:.

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