Under the scorching sun in the desert, Bai Ye and the soldiers were standing next to the torn body of the little radioactive beast. Everyone's face was filled with shock and confusion. The silence of the desert was broken by the sudden riot just now, and now there was only the sound of heavy breathing and the sound of sand blown by the distant wind.

Suddenly, a strange light flashed out from the remains of the small radiation beast, and then, a low and weird laughter echoed in the empty desert. The soldiers looked back in horror and saw that the little radioactive beast that was supposed to be dead was slowly moving. Its body fragments were reassembled in the light, and its blue scales shone with dazzling light, as if it had never been harmed.

"How... how is this possible?" one soldier exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear.

"It...it's resurrected!" Another soldier also shouted, his eyes full of horror and disbelief.

The little radiation beast stood up, its eyes full of madness and mockery. It opened its mouth and let out a sharp and harsh laugh, the sound full of provocation and triumph. The soldiers raised their weapons one after another, but they did not dare to fire easily, for fear that this seemingly fragile creature would burst out with amazing power again.

However, the little radiation beast did not give them more time to react. It suddenly thrust its sharp claws into the sand and dug hard. Sand grains flew in all directions, forming a huge sand pit. As the little radiation beast dug, a huge black shadow gradually emerged from the sand pit.

"That's... a helicopter!" one soldier exclaimed.

Sure enough, the little radiomon dug up an intact helicopter. Its fuselage is covered in sand, but its exquisite structure and powerful power can still be seen. The little radiobeast jumped onto the helicopter and started the engine deftly. The rotor began to rotate slowly, kicking up a huge cloud of dust.

"It's trying to escape!" shouted a soldier, his voice filled with anxiety.

However, Bai Ye seemed unusually calm. He stood there, motionless, staring at the little radiobeast that was about to take off. When the helicopter's rotor reached its maximum speed, the little radiomon laughed wildly again. Its laughter echoed across the desert, full of defiance and triumph.

However, at the moment when the helicopter was about to leave the ground, Bai Ye suddenly moved. He quickly took out a basketball from his backpack and threw it towards the helicopter. This seemingly ordinary action contains amazing power. The basketball drew a perfect arc in the air and then accurately hit the helicopter's rotor.

"Bang!" A loud noise echoed in the desert. The helicopter's rotor broke instantly, the fuselage lost its balance, rolled in the air and fell. The little radiation beast screamed in terror and tried to stabilize the fuselage, but to no avail. The helicopter hit the sand hard, kicking up a huge cloud of dust.

The soldiers were stunned by this scene. They looked at the basketball in Bai Ye's hands and the crashed helicopter in the distance, their hearts filled with awe and admiration.

"Bai Ye, how did you do it?" a soldier asked, his voice full of admiration.

Bai Ye smiled slightly and replied: "On the battlefield, we can never underestimate any enemy. Although this little radiation beast is cunning, it was ultimately defeated by our wisdom."

The soldiers all nodded after hearing this. They understood that Bai Ye's words contained profound truth. They looked at the burning helicopter wreckage in the distance and the frightened and helpless eyes of the little radiation beast, and felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in their hearts.

However, Bai Ye didn't give them much time to celebrate. He put away the basketball and waved his hand, signaling the soldiers to move on. They know that there are more challenges and dangers waiting for them in this desert. Only with constant vigilance and solidarity can we find our way home.

So, in the afterglow of the setting sun, Bai Ye led the soldiers to move forward. Their figures drifted away in the desert, leaving only silence and desolation. The body of the little radioactive beast and the crashed helicopter have become eternal mysteries and warnings in this desert.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the figures of the white night and the soldiers gradually disappeared on the desert horizon, leaving only silence and desolation. The body of the little radiobeast and the crashed helicopter became indelible marks in this desert, reminding them of what they had just experienced.

The hearts of the soldiers were full of complex emotions. They marveled at the resurrection and mystery of the little radiation beast, and also admired Bai Ye's calm judgment and decisive actions. They know that this experience will be an unforgettable memory in their lives.

However, the road ahead is still long and arduous. The soldiers followed Bai Ye closely, their steps firm and powerful, their hearts full of curiosity about the unknown and desire for challenges.

Night gradually fell, and the desert night sky was filled with stars. The soldiers sat around the fire, talking softly. They talked about their experiences during the day, the resurrection of the little radiant beast and the crash of the helicopter, as well as the journey ahead and the hope of returning home.

Bai Ye sat aside and listened quietly to the soldiers' conversation. His eyes were deep and firm, as if he could penetrate the darkness and see the light of the future. He knew that although this experience was thrilling, it also made them more united and stronger.

"Bai Ye, do you think we can really find our way home?" a soldier suddenly asked, his voice full of expectation and uneasiness.

Bai Ye raised his head, looked at the starry sky, and then said slowly: "As long as we unite and strengthen our faith, we will be able to find a way home. Although this desert is vast and dangerous, it also has its own rules. As long as we are careful Observe and think carefully, and you will be able to find the way forward.”

The soldiers all nodded after hearing this. They believed Bai Ye's words. They know that only unity and faith can allow them to overcome all difficulties and find their way home.

It was late at night, and the soldiers gradually fell asleep. But he couldn't sleep during the white night. He sat by the fire and thought about his next plan. He knows that they still have a long way to go and need to face more challenges and dangers.

At this moment, a slight noise caught Bai Ye's attention. He immediately stood up alertly and looked around. Not far away, I saw a vague figure moving in the darkness.

Bai Ye was startled. Could there be another danger approaching? He quickly drew his weapon and prepared to respond. However, when he got closer, he discovered that the figure turned out to be a little radiation beast.

The little radiation beast has now returned to its original appearance. It is lying quietly on the sand, its eyes full of exhaustion and helplessness. Bai Ye looked at it, feeling an inexplicable emotion well up in his heart. He knew that although this little creature had deceived them before, it seemed so fragile and helpless at this moment.

"What...what else do you want to do?" Bai Ye asked, his voice full of vigilance.

The little radiation beast raised his head, looked at Bai Ye, and then said slowly: "I know I have deceived you, but that was because I was afraid. I am just a lonely creature who has survived in this desert for a long time. I don’t know what the outside world is like, and I don’t know how to get along with others. When I see you, I think you are very strong and brave, so I want to follow you and find a partner I can rely on.”

Bai Ye felt a little moved when he heard what the little radiation beast said. He understood that although this little creature was cunning, it also had its own difficulties and helplessness. He walked forward, squatted down, looked into the eyes of the little radiation beast, and said: "We can give you a chance, but you must promise not to deceive us again. What we want is a trustworthy partner, not a Enemies who may betray us at any time.”

The little radiation beast nodded after hearing this, and said in a weak voice: "I promise, I will not deceive you again. I just want to find the way home with you."

Bai Ye looked at the determined eyes of the little radiation beast and made a decision in his heart. He stood up and shouted to the soldiers: "Everyone wake up! We have a new partner!"

The soldiers woke up from their sleep one after another. They looked at the little radiation beast standing next to Bai Ye, with expressions of surprise and curiosity on their faces. However, when they heard Bai Ye say that the little Radiant Beast would be their new partner, they all looked confused and uneasy.

"Bai Ye, are you sure? It is the creature that just deceived us!" said a soldier.

Bai Ye nodded and replied: "Yes, I'm sure. I believe it has realized its mistakes and is willing to correct them. Moreover, we also need a creature who understands this desert to guide us forward. So, I decided Give it a chance."

The soldiers were silent for a moment, and then nodded. They knew that Bai Ye's decision was carefully considered, and they also believed in Bai Ye's judgment. As a result, the little radiation beast became their new partner and set out with them on their way home.

In the scorching desert, Bai Ye led the soldiers and walked side by side with the little radiation beast. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on them, elongating their firm figures. Although every step in the desert is full of unknowns and dangers, everyone's hearts are full of faith and courage.

The little radiation beast jumped around everyone, its blue scales shining with a charming luster in the sunset. Since it decided to become their partner, it has shown a different sincerity and friendliness than before. It uses its knowledge of the desert to guide people in the direction of finding food and water, and has become an indispensable member of them.

The soldiers' attitude towards the little radioactive beast has also changed, from initial vigilance and suspicion to now trust and dependence. They began to accept this unique partner and gradually adapted to the harsh environment of the desert with its help.

However, just as everyone was immersed in this rare harmony, an accident happened again. The little radiation beast suddenly let out a sharp and weird scream, and its body began to undergo changes. The blue scales quickly faded away, replaced by a cold metallic luster. In the blink of an eye, it was no longer the small radioactive beast they were familiar with, but a helicopter with a strange shape.

The helicopter hovered in the air and let out a mocking laugh: "You actually believe in this cunning creature like me? It's so ridiculous! Now, I want to leave this hellish place, and you just stay in this desert and wait to die. !”

The soldiers were stunned by this scene. They did not expect that the little radiation beast would betray them again. However, at this critical moment, Bai Ye behaved extremely calmly. He quickly observed the helicopter's movements, looking for opportunities to counterattack.

"Don't panic!" Bai Ye shouted, his voice firm and powerful, "We will definitely find a way to deal with it!"

When the soldiers heard Bai Ye's words, the panic in their hearts gradually calmed down. They believe in the white night and their own power. They quickly spread out, looking for tools and weapons they could use to fight back.

However, the helicopter did not give them much time. It let out a sharp whistle and then flew away quickly. Seeing this, the soldiers raised their weapons and prepared to fire at the helicopter.

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly picked up a passing turtle from the ground. The turtle seemed to be disturbed by the sound of the helicopter and was struggling to escape from the desert. However, Bai Ye grabbed it and threw it hard at the helicopter.

The turtle drew a beautiful arc in the air and then accurately hit the rotor of the helicopter. The helicopter suddenly lost its balance and swayed in the air. Seeing this, Bai Ye rushed forward quickly and pulled the helicopter to the ground with force.

The helicopter finally stopped after rolling several times on the sand. The soldiers quickly surrounded it and controlled the helicopter firmly. They looked at this creature that had betrayed them, and their hearts were full of anger and disappointment.

However, at this moment, the helicopter made another strange cry. Its body began to mutate and gradually restored the appearance of a small radiation beast. The small radiation beast lay on the sand, with fear and confusion in its eyes.

"Why... why?" the little radioactive beast asked weakly, "Why can you still catch me?"

Bai Ye looked at it coldly and replied: "Because we never really believed in you. Your betrayal and deception only made us more vigilant and strong. We know that in this desert, only mutual trust and unity can survive."

The soldiers nodded after hearing this. They looked at the little radioactive beast with indifference and determination in their eyes. They knew that this creature was no longer their partner, but a potential threat.

The little radioactive beast looked at the cold eyes of the crowd and was filled with despair. It knew that it could no longer survive in this desert. So it slowly closed its eyes and let its life disappear in this desolate land.

The soldiers watched the little radioactive beast gradually lose its breath of life, but there was no sympathy or pity in their hearts. They knew that although this creature was once one of them, its betrayal and deception had made them lose trust. They will continue to move forward, looking for a way home, and this creature will become a permanent warning in their hearts.

Bai Ye stood up, clapped his hands, and signaled the soldiers to move on. They know that the road ahead is still long and difficult, but they are ready. They believe that as long as they unite and have firm faith, they will be able to find the way home.

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