In the depths of the radiation desert, Bai Ye led the soldiers to continue their journey. The scorching sun mercilessly burned the earth, and everything in the desert seemed so desolate and dead. However, in this endless desolation, an abandoned fruit shop unexpectedly appeared in everyone's sight.

The appearance of the fruit shop was dilapidated, the windows were broken, and the door panels were crumbling. Waves of stench emanated from the store, which was disgusting. The soldiers frowned, but they knew that in this desert, any trace of life might be the key to their survival.

Bai Ye signaled everyone to stop, and he carefully observed the abandoned fruit shop. His eyes were full of vigilance and curiosity, and he knew that there might be unknown dangers hidden here.

"Everyone be careful, there may be radiation contamination here." Bai Ye whispered, his voice echoing in the desert with an unquestionable majesty.

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, and they held their weapons tightly, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time. They knew that in this desert, any negligence could cost them dearly.

Just then, there was a commotion in the abandoned fruit shop. Then, dozens of giant radioactive leopards rushed out of the shop. They were huge, muscular, and had ferocious eyes. Their fur exuded a strong radiation smell, which made people shudder.

"Quick, prepare for battle!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice full of tension and determination.

The soldiers immediately entered the combat state after hearing the words. They quickly dispersed and formed a defensive circle. The weapons in their hands flashed cold light, ready to attack these ferocious radioactive leopards at any time.

However, these radioactive leopards did not leave much preparation time for everyone. They made a deafening roar, and then rushed towards everyone. They were so fast, as if lightning flashed across the desert sky.

The soldiers raised their weapons and fired at these radioactive leopards. However, the bodies of these radioactive leopards seemed to have strong resistance to bullets, and bullets could only leave shallow wounds on their bodies.

Bai Ye was shocked when he saw this, and he knew that these radioactive leopards were not ordinary beasts. He quickly observed the movements and attack methods of these leopards, trying to find their weaknesses.

"Don't panic, concentrate your firepower on their eyes!" Bai Ye shouted loudly. His voice echoed in the desert, bringing hope and courage to everyone.

After hearing this, the soldiers adjusted their attack targets one after another, and they concentrated their firepower on the eyes of these radioactive leopards. Sure enough, the eyes of these leopards seemed to be their weaknesses. Under the fierce attack of everyone, some leopards' eyes were hit, and they roared in pain and slowed down.

Bai Ye was happy when he saw this, and he knew that they had found the weaknesses of these leopards. He quickly rushed forward and attacked these leopards with his weapons in his hands. His movements were swift and powerful, and every attack could cause fatal damage to these leopards.

With the joint efforts of everyone, these radioactive leopards were gradually defeated. They fell to the ground and made their last wailing sounds. However, just when everyone thought the battle was over, a larger radioactive leopard rushed out of the store. Its eyes flashed with a more ferocious light, as if it was going to defeat everyone in one fell swoop.

"Everyone be careful, this is their leader!" Bai Ye shouted loudly. His voice was full of tension and vigilance.

After hearing this, the soldiers held their weapons tightly in their hands, ready to meet the fierce attack of the leader. However, at this critical moment, Bai Ye made a decision that surprised everyone. He rushed forward quickly and attacked the leader.

Bai Ye's movements were swift and decisive. He waved his weapon and hit the leader's head. Amid the exclamations of everyone, he successfully hit the leader's head. The leader let out a painful roar and fell to the ground.

Everyone was relieved when they saw this, and they all gathered around to check on the leader. However, at this moment, the leader suddenly stood up again. There was a more ferocious light flashing in its eyes, as if to put everyone to death.

Bai Ye's heart tightened when he saw this. He knew that this leader was not so easy to defeat. He quickly signaled everyone to disperse, and then prepared to attack the leader again.

However, at this moment, a strange sound came from the store. Then, a dazzling light shot out from the store, covering everyone. They felt a powerful force pushing them back...

In the dazzling light, everyone was forced to retreat, their eyes full of astonishment and confusion. This sudden change caught them off guard, and they had to temporarily give up the battle with the leader of the radiation leopard, and instead looked at the abandoned fruit shop vigilantly.

The light gradually dissipated, but the stench in the store became stronger. The soldiers frowned and covered their mouths and noses with clothes, but even so, the unpleasant smell was still unbearable. Bai Ye clenched his fists, he knew that there must be something strange in this fruit shop.

"Everyone be careful, there may be something more dangerous here." Bai Ye whispered, his voice echoing in the desert with a subtle tremor.

After hearing this, the soldiers all nodded in tacit agreement. They held their weapons tightly, ready to deal with any possible danger. They knew that in this land eroded by radiation, any negligence could be fatal.

At this moment, the door of the fruit shop suddenly creaked open. A cold wind blew out of the store, carrying a disgusting stench. The soldiers stepped back and stared at the door vigilantly.

I saw a huge creature slowly walking out of the store. Its skin showed a strange green color, covered with twisted blood vessels and protruding bumps. Its eyes flashed red, like two burning flames. Its claws were as sharp as a knife, and a light scratch left a deep mark on the ground.

"What... what is this?" A soldier asked in horror, his voice full of fear.

Bai Ye stared at the creature with a frown. He had never seen such a strange creature, but his intuition told him that this creature was definitely extraordinary.

"Don't be afraid, let's go together!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice full of determination and courage.

After hearing this, the soldiers took a deep breath, and then followed Bai Ye closely, ready to attack the creature.

However, the creature did not seem to leave them any chance. It let out a deafening roar, and then rushed towards the crowd. It was so fast, like a green lightning across the desert sky.

The soldiers raised their weapons and fired at the creature. However, the bullets hit the creature, but it seemed like a drop in the ocean, disappearing without a trace.

Seeing this, Bai Ye's heart sank. He knew that this creature was not an ordinary radiation creature, it had a very strong defense, and ordinary weapons could not cause effective damage to it at all.

"Everyone step back, let me try!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice full of determination.

After hearing this, the soldiers quickly stepped back, leaving a space for Bai Ye. Bai Ye took a deep breath, and then rushed towards the creature. He swung the weapon in his hand and slammed it at the creature's head.

However, the creature's reaction was extremely fast. It turned its head slightly and dodged Bai Ye's attack. Then, it stretched out its sharp claws and grabbed Bai Ye.

Bai Ye was shocked when he saw this. He quickly retreated and narrowly avoided the creature's claws. His heart was filled with shock. The speed and reaction of this creature were far beyond his imagination.

However, Bai Ye did not give up. He knew that this creature was a major obstacle on their way forward and they had to find a way to defeat it. He took a deep breath and rushed towards the creature again.

This time, he changed his attack method. He no longer attacked the creature's head directly, but chose to attack its body. He swung the weapon in his hand and slammed it at the creature's abdomen.

The creature let out a painful roar and fell to the ground. Its abdomen was hit by Bai Ye, and a green liquid flowed out. This liquid exuded a strong smell of radiation, which made people dare not approach.

However, Bai Ye did not stop. He took advantage of the situation and rushed forward and attacked the creature's head again. This time, he successfully hit the creature's head. The creature let out a shrill wail and then fell to the ground completely.

The soldiers cheered when they saw this, and they all gathered around to check on the creature. However, at this moment, a strange sound came from the fruit shop again. Everyone was shocked and looked into the shop nervously.

I saw a creature of even larger size slowly walking out of the shop. Its skin was a strange purple color, covered with twisted lines and protruding bumps. Its eyes flashed purple light, like two twinkling stars. Its breath was powerful and terrifying, making people shudder.

"What... what is this?" A soldier asked in horror, his voice full of despair.

Bai Ye stared at the creature with a frown. He knew that this creature was their real enemy. He took a deep breath and then said loudly: "Don't be afraid, we will definitely defeat it!"

After hearing this, the soldiers nodded silently. They knew that now they had no way out and could only fight with all their strength. They held their weapons tightly, ready to meet the creature's fierce attack.

However, the creature did not attack immediately. It just stood there quietly, staring at everyone with its pair of eyes flashing purple light. Its breath became stronger and stronger, as if it was going to swallow up the entire desert.

Bai Ye saw this, and his heart tightened. He knew that the power of this creature was far greater than the previous radiation leopard leader, and they had to come up with more effective tactics to deal with it.

"Everyone listen to my command!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice echoing in the desert, appearing firm and powerful, "We need to distract its attention, and then concentrate firepower to attack its weaknesses."

After hearing this, the soldiers nodded to show that they understood. They quickly dispersed, forming a semicircular encirclement, surrounding the purple creature in the middle. They knew that the next battle would be a tough battle, but they were ready.

The purple creature did not seem to be affected by the dispersion of the crowd. It still stood there quietly, scanning everyone with its pair of purple eyes flashing. Its breath became stronger and stronger, as if it would burst out with amazing power at any time.

The purple creature roared in pain and fell to the ground. Its abdomen was hit by Bai Ye, and a stream of purple liquid flowed out. This liquid exuded a strong radioactive smell, which made people dare not approach.

However, the purple creature did not give up. It struggled to stand up, with a more ferocious light flashing in its eyes. It roared deafeningly and rushed towards the crowd again.

Seeing this, the soldiers nervously clenched their weapons. They knew that this creature was furious to the extreme, and the next battle would be more intense.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Don't panic, follow the plan!"

After hearing this, the soldiers nodded. They quickly dispersed to form a tighter encirclement. They fired at the purple creature with their weapons.

The purple creature seemed a little flustered under the siege of the crowd. It kept roaring and waving its sharp claws to attack the crowd. However, due to the siege and dispersion of the crowd, its attacks always failed to hit the target.

Seeing this, Bai Ye was happy. He knew that they had found the creature's weakness. He took a deep breath and rushed towards the purple creature again. This time, he no longer fought alone, but attacked with other soldiers.

They used their weapons to slam the purple creature's abdomen, and suppressed its actions with firepower. Under the siege of the crowd, the purple creature finally couldn't resist. It let out a shrill wail and fell to the ground.

The soldiers cheered when they saw this, and they all surrounded the purple creature to check the situation. The creature was dying, and its abdomen was hit by everyone, and a large amount of purple liquid flowed out. This liquid exuded a strong smell of radiation, but in the eyes of everyone at this moment, it was a symbol of victory.

Bai Ye looked at the purple creature lying on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that they had successfully defeated this powerful creature and cleared a major obstacle for the next journey. He turned to look at the soldiers with a relieved smile on his face.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Bai Ye said loudly, "We have successfully defeated this creature and won precious time for our journey. However, we still need to move on and cannot stay here for too long."

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, they knew that Bai Ye was right. Although they had just experienced a tough battle, they could not let their guard down. They quickly cleaned up the battlefield and prepared to move on.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, Bai Ye led the soldiers to move forward. They crossed the barren desert and headed towards the unknown distance. Although the road ahead was full of dangers and unknowns, they were ready to meet the upcoming challenges.

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