In the afterglow of the setting sun, the desert is like a golden ocean, boundless. The figures of Bai Ye and the soldiers seemed so small in this ocean, but their determination was like a rock in the desert, unwavering.

As night falls, the temperature in the desert drops rapidly, and the cold wind howls and rolls up layers of sand waves. Bai Ye and the soldiers had to slow down to avoid getting lost in the darkness. They leaned closely together, using body heat to warm each other, and at the same time, they used each other's beliefs to support their motivation to move forward.

In the night, they lit torches, and the flames swayed in the desert, illuminating their way forward. Bai Ye stood at the front of the team, his eyes were firm and deep, as if he could penetrate the darkness and see the dawn in the distance.

"Everyone, be careful. The desert is more dangerous at night." Bai Ye's voice echoed in the night, with a trace of unnoticeable tension. He knew that there were many unknown dangers lurking in the desert at night, and they had to be more careful.

The soldiers all nodded after hearing this. They held the weapons in their hands tightly and observed their surroundings vigilantly. Their eyes were full of determination and courage. They knew that only by uniting as one could they overcome all difficulties.

At this moment, a low roar suddenly came from the depths of the desert. The sound was low and terrifying, as if a demon from hell was roaring. The soldiers were all startled by the sudden sound. They looked at Bai Ye nervously, waiting for his instructions.

Bai Ye frowned, a trace of vigilance flashing in his eyes. He knew that the creature represented by this roar was anything but ordinary, and they must be prepared to deal with it.

"Don't panic, everyone, follow the plan." Bai Ye whispered. Although his voice was calm, it was full of power.

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, and they quickly spread out to form a tight encirclement. They pointed their weapons in the direction of the roar, preparing for the coming challenge.

As the roar got closer and closer, a huge creature gradually walked out of the darkness. Its skin is a deep red and covered with sharp scales. Its eyes flashed red, like two burning flames. Its aura is powerful and terrifying, making people shudder.

"This is... a red-scaled beast!" a soldier shouted in horror, his voice full of fear.

Bai Ye stared at the red-scaled beast closely, and his heart was filled with shock. He had never seen such a powerful creature, but he knew they had to defeat it before they could move on.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, we will definitely defeat it!" Bai Ye shouted, his voice full of determination and courage.

The soldiers took a deep breath after hearing this. They knew that now they had no way out and could only fight with all their strength. They held the weapons in their hands tightly and prepared to attack the red-scaled beast.

However, the red-scaled beast did not attack immediately. It just stood there quietly, staring at everyone with its red eyes. Its aura is getting stronger and stronger, as if it is going to swallow up the entire desert.

When Bai Ye saw this, his heart tightened. He knew that this creature was far more powerful than the previous purple creature, and they had to come up with more effective tactics to deal with it.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly shouted: "I see its weak point! It's in its belly!"

When Bai Ye heard this, his heart moved. He quickly observed the red-scaled beast's abdomen, and sure enough he found a relatively soft place there. He took a deep breath, and then said loudly: "Everyone, follow my command, let's focus our fire on its abdomen!"

The soldiers all nodded after hearing this. They quickly adjusted their firepower and aimed their guns at the belly of the red-scaled beast. As a burst of gunfire rang out, the red-scaled beast was hit in the abdomen, and a stream of red liquid flowed out.

The red-scaled beast let out a roar of pain and fell to the ground. Its body was shaking violently, and it was obviously severely injured. However, it didn't give up. It struggled to stand up, its eyes flashing with a more ferocious light.

When Bai Ye saw this, his heart sank. He knew that this creature was extremely tenacious and they had to continue attacking to completely defeat it.

"Everyone, don't stop! Keep attacking!" Bai Ye shouted, his voice full of determination.

The soldiers took a deep breath after hearing this, and then attacked the red-scaled beast again. They used the weapons in their hands to violently hit the red-scaled beast's abdomen, while using firepower to suppress its movements.

Under the siege of everyone, the red scale beast was finally unable to resist. It let out a shrill wail and then fell to the ground. Its body gradually lost its vitality and eventually turned into a pile of ruins.

The soldiers cheered when they saw this, and they all gathered around to check on the red-scaled beast. It was seen that this creature had completely lost signs of life. Its abdomen was hit by everyone, and a large amount of red liquid flowed out. This liquid exudes a strong smell of radiation, but in the eyes of everyone at this moment, it is a symbol of victory.

Bai Ye looked at the red-scaled beast lying on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that they had successfully defeated this powerful creature and bought valuable time for the rest of the journey. He turned to look at the soldiers with a pleased smile on his face.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone!" Bai Ye said loudly, "We successfully defeated the red-scaled beast and removed another obstacle for our journey. However, we still need to move forward and cannot stay here for too long."

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, knowing that the road ahead was still long and full of unknowns. As the night deepened, their eyes became more determined, as if they could penetrate the endless darkness and find the distant dawn.

Bai Ye waved his hand to signal everyone to take a break and recover their strength. The soldiers sat around the fire, sharing each other's food and water. In this quiet night, the sound of wind and insects in the desert became the only background music, and their laughter became a rare vitality in this dead silence.

"Are you all tired?" Bai Ye asked softly, his words full of concern.

"No, we can still move forward." A young soldier replied, with a firm light in his eyes.

Bai Ye smiled and nodded, knowing the tenacity and perseverance of these soldiers. They came from different places, had different backgrounds and stories, but at this moment they fought side by side for the same goal. This unity and trust is an important support for their survival in the desert.

After a short rest, the soldiers stood up again. They sorted out their equipment and prepared to move on. Bai Ye stood at the front of the team, his eyes looking into the distance, as if he could see through the endless darkness and find the direction in his heart.

With Bai Ye's leadership, the soldiers set out on their journey again. They crossed every corner of the desert, climbed over sand dunes, and avoided traps. In this barren land, they became each other's reliance and strength.

However, as time went on, they gradually found that the road ahead was becoming more and more difficult. There were fewer and fewer water sources in the desert, and food was becoming more and more scarce. They had to save more energy and find new sources of supplies.

In the process, they encountered various dangers and difficulties. Sometimes it was a fierce desert creature attack, and sometimes it was bad weather conditions that hindered their progress. But no matter what difficulties they encountered, they never gave up hope and kept moving forward firmly.

In the process, the relationship between the soldiers became closer. They helped each other, supported each other, and faced the challenges ahead together. The trust and friendship between them became their most solid source of strength.

Just when they were about to run out of all their resources, they accidentally discovered an oasis hidden deep in the desert. Although this oasis was not big, it was full of vitality and vitality. There are clear water sources, rich vegetation and various wild animals here. This is undoubtedly a huge surprise for the exhausted soldiers.

They cheered and rushed into the oasis, enjoying everything here. They drank enough water, ate enough food, and then lay on the soft grass to rest. In this quiet and beautiful place, they temporarily forgot all their troubles and fatigue, leaving only expectations and longings for the future.

However, just as they were immersed in this tranquility and beauty, a low roar broke the calm again. They looked up and saw a huge creature slowly walking towards them. The skin of this creature was a dark blue, covered with hard scales. Its eyes flashed blue, revealing a cold and majestic atmosphere.

"This is... the blue-scaled dragon!" A soldier shouted in horror, his voice full of fear.

Bai Ye frowned, and his heart was full of vigilance. He knew that the strength of this creature was far greater than the previous red-scaled beast, and they must be prepared to deal with it.

"Don't panic, everyone, we will definitely defeat it!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice full of determination and courage.

After hearing this, the soldiers took a deep breath. They knew that there was no way out now. They quickly dispersed and formed a tight encirclement. They pointed their weapons in the direction of the blue-scaled dragon, ready to meet the upcoming challenge.

As the blue-scaled dragon got closer, its breath became stronger and stronger. The soldiers could feel the strong sense of oppression, as if their whole bodies were bound. However, they did not retreat. They held their weapons tightly in their hands and prepared to attack the blue-scaled dragon.

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly thought of a plan. He quickly conveyed his ideas to the soldiers and got their support. They acted according to the plan and began to act in an orderly manner.

First, some soldiers were responsible for attracting the attention of the blue-scaled dragon. They launched a fierce attack on the blue-scaled dragon to try to anger it. While the other part of the soldiers took the opportunity to go around behind the blue-scaled dragon and prepare to launch a fatal blow.

Under the siege of the crowd, the blue-scaled dragon was finally enraged. It let out a deafening roar and rushed towards the soldiers who attacked it. However, just as it was about to approach the soldiers, the soldiers suddenly dispersed, leaving the blue-scaled dragon empty-handed.

At the same time, the soldiers who had circled behind the blue-scaled dragon took the opportunity to attack. They used their weapons to hit the blue-scaled dragon's vulnerable parts such as its back and legs. Under the siege of the crowd, the blue-scaled dragon finally couldn't resist. It let out a shrill wail and fell to the ground.

The soldiers cheered when they saw this, and they all surrounded the blue-scaled dragon to check on its condition. They saw that the creature had completely lost its life signs, and its body gradually turned into a ball of blue flames. The flames emitted strong light and heat, illuminating the entire oasis.

Bai Ye looked at the blue-scaled dragon lying on the ground, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that they had successfully defeated this powerful creature and won another victory for the next journey. He turned to look at the soldiers with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Everyone did a good job!" Bai Ye said loudly, "We have proved our courage and wisdom again. Although the road ahead is still full of unknowns and dangers, as long as we unite as one and move forward courageously, nothing can stop us from moving forward."

The soldiers were excited after hearing this. They cheered for their victory and were even more excited about the new challenges that were about to come. In this oasis illuminated by blue flames, they felt unprecedented strength and confidence.

However, the death of the blue-scaled dragon did not bring them permanent peace. As the flames gradually died out, they found that the oasis began to change. The originally clear water source began to become turbid, and the vegetation gradually withered. They realized that the life of this oasis was rapidly passing away, and they must find a new place to live as soon as possible.

Bai Ye looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart was full of worries. He knew that they could not stay here for long and had to leave this dying oasis as soon as possible. He quickly gathered the soldiers and conveyed his decision.

"We can't stay here any longer." Bai Ye's voice was firm and powerful. "The life of this oasis is passing away. We must find a new place to live as soon as possible. We must move on and find the next oasis."

The soldiers nodded after hearing this. They knew that Bai Ye's decision was correct. They quickly packed their bags and prepared to leave this dying oasis. Before leaving, they took a deep look at this place that once gave them hope and strength, and then resolutely embarked on a new journey.

As the sun rose, they set out on the journey of the desert again. They crossed the sand dunes, avoided traps, and moved forward with firm steps towards the unknown. In the process, they encountered various difficulties and challenges, but they never gave up hope and kept walking firmly.

During the days of walking in the desert, they faced not only physical tests, but also spiritual challenges. They must always be vigilant and clear-headed to deal with dangers that may arise at any time.

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