In the depths of the radiation desert, Bai Ye led a group of soldiers to continue their journey. The sun was high and the desert heat was rolling in, but their steps were firm and powerful, as if nothing could stop their determination to move forward.

After a period of trekking, they suddenly saw an abandoned dance hall appearing in front of them. This dance hall stands out in the desert, like an island lost in time. Bai Ye waved his hand to signal the soldiers to stop. He carefully observed the song and dance hall, trying to find any clues.

"Why is there a dance hall here?" a soldier asked doubtfully.

"Maybe it was left by people from the past." Bai Ye replied, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and vigilance, "But we need to be careful, there may be unknown dangers hidden here."

The soldiers nodded, knowing full well that in this desert, anything that seemed ordinary might hide a deadly threat. They held their weapons tightly, ready to deal with possible dangers.

Bai Ye approached the dance hall cautiously. He opened the door and was greeted by a stream of fragrant air. The air was in stark contrast to the heat and dryness of the desert, and it made people feel comfortable. The soldiers also followed Bai Ye into the song and dance hall. They looked around and found that although the place had been abandoned for a long time, the interior was extremely clean, as if someone had cleaned it regularly.

Just when they were confused, there was a sudden huge shock. The floor of the dance hall began to shake, and dust fell from the walls. The soldiers fled in terror, but it was too late. Dozens of giant radiated turtles were seen rushing out from all directions of the song and dance hall. Their bodies were huge and heavy, but their speeds were extremely fast.

"It's a radiated turtle!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "Everyone, disperse quickly, don't let them focus their attack!"

The soldiers dispersed after hearing the words. They raised their weapons and attacked these giant radiated turtles. However, these radiated turtles have extremely strong defenses, and ordinary attacks cannot cause effective damage to them at all. With their huge bodies and hard carapace, they slammed into the soldiers crazily, trying to defeat them one by one.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Bai Ye quickly thought of countermeasures. He knew that if they continued like this, they would soon be consumed by these radiated turtles. He must find a way to defeat these powerful enemies.

"Don't panic, everyone!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "Although these radiated turtles are powerful, they also have weaknesses. Their eyes are their most vulnerable point. As long as we can attack their eyes, it is possible to defeat them!"

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, and they began to focus their fire on the radiation turtle's eyes. However, these radiated turtles have extremely fast reflexes and are always able to avoid the soldiers' attacks quickly. Bai Ye felt anxious when he saw this. He knew that he had to come up with more clever ways to deal with these radioactive turtles.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon. These radiated turtles always move regularly when attacking, as if following a specific rhythm. Bai Ye's heart moved, and he immediately thought of a way.

"Everyone listen to my command!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "These radiated turtles have a rhythm when they attack. We can use this rhythm to avoid their attacks and find opportunities to attack their eyes!"

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, and they began to act according to Bai Ye's command. Under Bai Ye's command, they successfully evaded the attacks of the radiation turtles and found an opportunity to attack their eyes. After a fierce battle, they finally succeeded in defeating these giant radiated turtles.

After the battle, the soldiers collapsed on the ground, gasping for air. They looked at the ruins and wreckage all over the ground, and their hearts were filled with joy and emotion. They knew that if it weren't for Bai Ye's command and their unity and cooperation, they would have died under the attack of these radioactive turtles.

"Bai Ye, you are really our savior!" A soldier said gratefully.

"No, it's the credit of all of us." Bai Ye shook his head. He looked at the tired but satisfied faces of the soldiers, and his heart was filled with gratitude and pride. He knew that these soldiers were his strongest backing and an important support for his ability to survive in this desert.

"Let's take a rest." Bai Ye said, "We will continue moving forward after we regain our strength."

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, and they found a relatively safe place to sit down and rest. In this abandoned song and dance hall, they temporarily forgot the dangers and hardships in the outside world, leaving only their expectations and longing for the future.

As the sun gradually sets in the west, the temperature in the desert also begins to gradually drop. The soldiers gradually recovered from fatigue, and their faces once again showed a determined look. They know that no matter how many difficulties and challenges await them ahead, they will move forward bravely and never give up.

Bai Ye stood aside and looked into the distance. His heart is full of expectation and determination. He knows that their journey is still long, but they are ready to face all challenges. He believes that as long as they unite as one and move forward courageously, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

Under the shelter of the abandoned dance hall, the soldiers and Bai Ye got a short rest. As night falls, the starry sky in the desert is particularly bright, as if countless gems are inlaid in the black sky. Bai Ye stared at the starry sky, filled with yearning and curiosity for the unknown.

The soldiers sat around the fire, sharing food and water. They looked tired, but their eyes were full of determination. Bai Ye walked among them and whispered, "Let's rest well tonight and continue on tomorrow morning. This desert is full of unknowns and dangers, but as long as we unite as one, nothing can stop us."

The soldiers nodded one after another, knowing that Bai Ye's words were the greatest encouragement to them. In this desert, they have learned to rely on and trust each other, which is the key to their survival.

As the night deepened, the soldiers gradually fell asleep. Bai Ye had trouble falling asleep, thinking about the next journey and the possible dangers. He knew that every corner of this desert might hide a deadly threat, and they must always be vigilant.

Just as Bai Ye was thinking, a subtle sound broke the silence of the night. He quickly stood up and looked in the direction of the sound. I saw a huge radioactive beast slowly walking out of the darkness, with a faint green light flashing in its eyes, as if it could devour everything.

Bai Ye was startled, and he immediately summoned the soldiers to prepare for battle. The soldiers quickly stood up, holding their weapons tightly, with a tense and determined look on their faces. They knew that this radiation beast would be a major challenge for them.

"Don't panic!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "Although this radiation beast is powerful, we also have our advantages. As long as we stay calm and united, we will definitely be able to defeat it!"

The soldiers nodded one after another, and they began to disperse and stand according to Bai Ye's instructions, preparing to attack the radiation beast. However, this radiation beast did not seem to intend to give them a chance. It let out a deafening roar and then rushed towards the soldiers.

The soldiers immediately went up and fought fiercely with the radiation beast. However, the power and speed of this radiation beast were far beyond their imagination, and the soldiers were soon suppressed by it and couldn't breathe. Bai Ye was anxious when he saw this, and he quickly rushed to the front of the radiation beast and tried to attract its attention.

"Attack its eyes!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "That's its weakness!"

The soldiers attacked the eyes of the radiation beast one after another. However, the radiation beast had extremely strong defense, and their attacks could not cause effective damage to it at all. Bai Ye's heart sank when he saw this, he knew that this was not a solution.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon. This radiation beast always moves regularly when attacking, as if following a certain rhythm. Bai Ye's mind moved, and he immediately thought of a way.

"Everyone listen to my command!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "This radiation beast has a rhythm when attacking, we can use this rhythm to avoid its attack and find an opportunity to attack its eyes!"

The soldiers nodded after hearing this, and they began to act according to Bai Ye's command. Under Bai Ye's command, they successfully avoided the attack of the radiation beast and found an opportunity to attack its eyes. After a fierce battle, they finally succeeded in defeating the radiation beast.

After the battle, the soldiers collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath. They looked at the ruins and debris on the ground, and their hearts were full of gratitude and emotion. They knew that if it were not for Bai Ye's command and their unity and cooperation, they would have died under the attack of this radiation beast long ago.

"Bai Ye, you are really our leader!" A soldier said gratefully, "Without you, we would have been unable to hold on."

Bai Ye shook his head and smiled and said, "No, it's all our credit. In this desert, each of us is indispensable. As long as we unite as one and move forward courageously, nothing can stop us."

The soldiers nodded one after another, and their faces showed a firm look. They knew that the road ahead was still long, but they were ready to face all challenges.

After a night's rest, the soldiers and Bai Ye set out on the journey again. They crossed the sand dunes, avoided traps, and moved forward with firm steps towards the unknown. In the process, they encountered all kinds of difficulties and challenges, but they never gave up hope and kept walking firmly.

As time went by, they gradually approached the depths of the desert. There, they found a mysterious relic. This relic exudes an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, as if hiding endless secrets and treasures. The soldiers were deeply attracted by the relic, and they couldn't wait to explore the mysteries in it.

However, just as they were about to enter the relic, a huge vibration came. The whole desert began to tremble, as if some terrifying power was awakening. The soldiers fled in panic, but it was too late. A huge beast rushed out of the desert, emitting powerful radiation energy, which made people shudder.

This beast was the final challenge they were about to face - the guardian of the desert. The soldiers knew that this would be an unprecedented battle. They had to go all out and unite as one to defeat this powerful enemy.

In the following battle, the soldiers and Bai Ye showed amazing courage and wisdom. They used terrain and tactics to fight a fierce battle with the beast. After a hard battle, they finally found the weakness of the beast and successfully defeated it.

After the battle, the soldiers and Bai Ye sat on the ground tired but satisfied. They looked at the defeated behemoth in front of them, their hearts filled with the joy of victory. Although the battle was extremely difficult, they finally defeated the powerful enemy with their firm belief and the power of unity.

"We did it!" A soldier shouted excitedly, his voice echoing in the empty desert.

"Yes, we did it." Bai Ye smiled and nodded, his eyes full of admiration and pride. He knew that this victory was not only a proof of their strength, but also an affirmation of their unity and belief.

The soldiers stood up one after another, and they surrounded Bai Ye to celebrate this hard-won victory. In this desert, they experienced countless difficulties and challenges, but every time they relied on their firm belief and the power of unity to successfully overcome the difficulties and move towards victory.

However, Bai Ye did not forget their original intention. He looked at the mysterious ruins in front of him, his heart full of expectation and curiosity. He knew that the ruins might hide the answers and treasures they had been looking for. So he signaled the soldiers to move on and explore this mysterious ruins.

As they gradually went deeper into the ruins, they found that it was full of ancient civilizations and mysterious symbols. The walls were engraved with complex patterns and words, as if telling an ancient and mysterious story. The soldiers were deeply attracted by these patterns and words, and they stopped to watch and try to decipher the mysteries.

However, this relic is not just a place to display ancient civilizations. Here, they also encountered various organs and traps. Although these organs and traps are ancient and complex, the soldiers successfully cracked them one by one with their wisdom and courage. They knew that these organs and traps were a test of their wisdom and courage. Only by passing these tests can they have a deeper understanding of this relic and its mysteries.

During the exploration, the soldiers also found some precious cultural relics and treasures. These cultural relics and treasures not only have high historical value, but also contain powerful energy. The soldiers carefully collected these cultural relics and treasures, knowing that they would be an important support for their next journey.

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