Bai Ye and the soldiers reorganized their equipment and prepared to move forward. They understood that the dangers in this dark passage were far more than these, but as long as they were united, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

"Bai Ye, where should we go next?" a soldier asked, revealing a hint of confusion in his voice.

Bai Ye looked around and said with a firm look: "Let's continue to move forward and find an exit. Although it is dangerous here, it is also the only way for us to reach our destination."

The soldiers nodded one after another after hearing this, and they believed in Bai Ye's judgment. So, everyone set out on the road again.

As they went deeper into the dark passage, the surrounding environment became worse. There were more and more cracks on the wall, and gravel and soil fell from time to time. The soldiers moved forward cautiously, fearing that they would trigger some mechanism or trap.

At this moment, a low roar suddenly came from the front. The roar was deafening, as if the entire passage was shaking. The soldiers were startled by the sudden roar and stopped one after another.

"What is this sound?" a soldier asked nervously.

Bai Ye frowned, he had never heard such a roar. But his intuition told him that the owner of this roar was definitely not a good guy. He signaled the soldiers to be alert, and then slowly walked forward.

As the distance got closer, the roar became clearer and clearer. Soon, they saw a huge monster. The monster was covered with sharp scales, its eyes were red, and it kept roaring. It was blocking the center of the passage, blocking everyone's way.

"This is... a giant radiation dragon beast!" A soldier who had seen all kinds of monsters exclaimed.

"Dragon beast?" Another soldier asked nervously, "What should we do?"

Bai Ye took a deep breath. He knew that the challenge he faced this time was more severe than any previous one. But he also knew that he couldn't back down. He turned to the soldiers and said, "We must work together to defeat this dragon beast. It is huge, but as long as we find its weakness, we will be able to defeat it."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew that this battle would be a life-and-death contest, but they also believed that as long as they united as one, they would be able to win.

Bai Ye ordered the soldiers to spread out and form a circle to surround the dragon beast. Then he began to carefully observe the dragon beast's movements to find its weakness.

After some observation, Bai Ye found that there was a relatively sparse scale on the dragon beast's abdomen and the skin there was thinner than other places. He guessed that it might be the dragon beast's weakness.

"Everyone pay attention!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "Attack the dragon beast's abdomen, that's its weakness!"

The soldiers immediately took action after hearing this. They adjusted the direction of attack and launched a fierce attack on the dragon beast's abdomen. However, the dragon beast's defense was extremely strong. Although the soldiers' attacks could make it feel painful, they could not cause fatal damage.

Bai Ye saw this and knew that this was not a solution. He had to personally find the dragon beast's weakness and give it a fatal blow.

He took a deep breath and rushed towards the dragon beast. He waved the long knife in his hand and drew a series of cold lights in the air and slashed at the dragon beast's abdomen. However, the dragon beast's scales were extremely hard and his attack could only leave shallow scratches on them.

But Bai Ye did not give up. He continued to swing the knife and slash at the dragon beast's abdomen. Each attack made him feel more tired, but he dared not relax at all because he knew this was their only chance.

Finally, after a fierce attack, Bai Ye found the weakness of the dragon beast. He slashed the weak part of the dragon beast's abdomen with a knife, and blood splattered. The dragon beast screamed and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the soldiers cheered. They knew that they had successfully defeated this giant radiation dragon beast. They came forward and surrounded Bai Ye to congratulate and thank him.

Bai Ye smiled and shook his head. He said: "This is the result of our joint efforts. Everyone played an important role in the battle."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew that the victory of this battle was inseparable from everyone's efforts and contributions. They felt extremely proud and satisfied because they knew that they had successfully overcome one difficulty after another and were getting closer and closer to their destination.

After a short rest, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued on the road ahead. They knew that there were more challenges waiting for them ahead, but they also believed that as long as they kept their firm beliefs and the power of unity, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and find the way to their destination.

After defeating the giant radiation dragon beast, Bai Ye and the soldiers took a short break and then set out on the journey again. The light in the passage became dimmer and dimmer, as if it was swallowing up all the light, but everyone's heart was burning with a determined flame, illuminating the way forward.

As they went deeper, the passage began to become rugged and uneven, and the ground under their feet seemed to collapse at any time. Bai Ye held the long knife in his hand tightly and observed the surroundings vigilantly. He knew that every place here might hide a fatal crisis.

At this moment, a strange noise came from the front. Bai Ye immediately signaled the soldiers to stop. He held his breath and tried to distinguish the source of the sound. The noise became louder and louder, accompanied by a low vibration, as if something was approaching quickly.

"Quick! Everyone, get ready for battle!" Bai Ye shouted loudly. The soldiers immediately became nervous after hearing this. They held their weapons tightly and waited for battle.

Soon, a huge figure rushed out of the darkness. It was huge, covered with a thick carapace, and a pair of huge pincers waved in the air, making a harsh sound. This is a giant radioactive beetle, and its appearance makes everyone panic.

"What the hell is this?" a soldier asked in horror.

"This is a radiation beetle." Bai Ye replied in a deep voice, "Its carapace is very hard, and we need to find its weakness to defeat it."

The soldiers nodded to express their understanding. They know that this battle will be more difficult than any previous one, but they also believe that as long as they work together, they will be able to defeat this Beetle.

Bai Ye commanded the soldiers to spread out and form a circle to surround Beetle in the middle. Then he began to carefully observe the beetle's movements looking for its weak points.

After some observation, Bai Ye discovered that there was a relatively weak spot on the beetle's abdomen and the carapace there seemed to be somewhat loose. He guessed that might be the Beetle's weak spot.

"Everyone, pay attention!" Bai Ye shouted, "attack the beetle's abdomen, which is its weak point!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately took action. They adjusted their attack directions and launched a fierce attack on the beetle's abdomen. However, the beetle's defense is extremely strong. Although the soldiers' attacks can make it feel pain, they cannot cause fatal damage.

The beetle was so enraged that it brandished its huge pincers and launched a fierce attack on the soldiers. The soldiers dodged the beetle's attacks while continuing to attack its belly.

The battle lasted for a long time and both sides fell into a stalemate. Bai Ye knew that this was not the way to go. He had to personally find the Beetle's weakness and give it a fatal blow.

He took a deep breath and lunged at the Beetle. He waved the long knife in his hand, drawing streaks of cold light in the air and slashing at the beetle's abdomen. However, the beetle's carapace is so hard that his attacks can only leave shallow scratches on it.

But Bai Ye did not give up. He continued to slash at the beetle's abdomen with his knife. Each attack made him feel more exhausted but he didn't dare to relax at all because he knew this was their only chance.

Finally, after a fierce attack, Bai Ye found the Beetle's weakness. He slashed the weak spot on the beetle's abdomen with his knife. The carapace shattered and blood splattered everywhere. The beetle let out a scream and fell to the ground.

The soldiers cheered at this as they knew they had successfully defeated the giant radioactive beetle. They all came forward and gathered around Bai Ye to congratulate and thank him.

Bai Ye smiled and shook his head and said, "This is all the result of our joint efforts. Everyone played an important role in the battle."

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew that the victory of this battle was inseparable from everyone's efforts and contributions. They feel extremely proud and satisfied because they know that they have successfully overcome one difficulty after another and are getting closer to their destination.

However, everyone did not have much time to rest because there was a new noise in the passage. They know there is still a long road ahead and they must remain vigilant and ready to face new challenges.

Along the way, Bai Ye and the soldiers encountered various dangers and challenges. Sometimes they need to cross narrow cracks, sometimes they need to climb tall rock walls, and sometimes they even need to fight to the death with monsters hiding in the dark. But no matter what difficulties they encountered, they always maintained their firm belief and the strength of unity to overcome one difficulty after another.

As time went by their physical strength and spirit were greatly tested but they never gave up. They know that only by persevering can they find their way to their destination.

Finally after an arduous trek they came to a huge cave. The bottomless cave exudes a mysterious atmosphere. Bai Ye knew that this was the destination they had been looking for - a place hiding countless secrets and treasures.

They cautiously entered the cave and found that it was full of strange traps and traps. But Bai Ye, with his extraordinary wisdom and courage, led the soldiers to crack through these traps and traps one by one and finally reached the depths of the cave.

There they found a huge treasure house filled with all kinds of precious treasures and equipment. These treasures and equipment will play an important role in their next adventure.

The soldiers cheered knowing that they had successfully completed this risky mission. They feel immense excitement and satisfaction because they know they have found the path to success.

However, Bai Ye remained calm, knowing that this was just the beginning of their adventure. He took a deep breath and said: "We still have a long way to go and many challenges to face. But as long as we maintain our firm belief and the strength of unity, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and find the real treasure." ”

The soldiers nodded in agreement with him.

Bai Ye and the soldiers stopped in front of the huge treasure house deep in the cave. They looked at the mountains of treasures in front of them, their eyes shining with excitement and desire. However, Bai Ye knows that the distribution of these treasures is not a simple matter, it is related to the unity and harmony of the entire team.

"We have gone through countless difficulties and challenges together along the way." Bai Ye's voice echoed in the cave, "These treasures are the result of our joint efforts. Therefore, we must distribute these treasures justly and equitably."

The soldiers nodded in agreement, knowing that Bai Ye's words made sense. However, how to distribute these treasures has become a difficult problem.

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, then said: "First of all, we must make it clear that these treasures do not belong to a certain person, but to our entire team. Therefore, we cannot destroy the unity of the team because of personal greed."

The soldiers nodded again to show their understanding. Bai Ye continued: "Next, we need to develop a detailed distribution plan. This plan must take into account everyone's contribution and everyone's needs."

So, Bai Ye began to discuss the distribution plan with the soldiers. They reviewed everyone's performance in detail, including bravery in battle, persistence in difficulties, and contribution in teamwork. At the same time, they also took into account everyone's needs, including equipment, weapons, and medicines.

After some intense discussions and consultations, they finally developed a detailed distribution plan. This plan divides the treasure into several parts, including equipment, weapons, medicines and jewelry. Everyone can choose the corresponding part according to their needs and contributions.

Under Bai Ye's patient persuasion, the soldiers gradually let go of their disputes and greedy mentality. They began to re-examine their behavior and attitudes, and tried to think about the problem from the perspective of each other.

In the end, with everyone's joint efforts, the treasure was smoothly distributed to everyone. Everyone got the corresponding part according to their needs and contributions, and there was no injustice or dissatisfaction.

The soldiers expressed their gratitude and satisfaction. They knew that this distribution was not only fair and reasonable, but also made them more deeply aware of the importance and value of the team. They all expressed that they would cherish this opportunity more and work harder to contribute their own strength to the future of the team.

After distributing the treasure, Bai Ye did not forget their mission and responsibility. He led the soldiers to carefully pack up the remaining treasures and prepare to take them back to the camp as the common wealth of the team.

They carefully put the treasures into backpacks and boxes and slowly left the cave. Before leaving, they also deliberately left unfinished instant noodles in the cave.

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