Deep in the cave, Bai Ye led the soldiers to move forward. They passed through narrow gaps, climbed over towering rock walls, and finally came to an abandoned delicatessen. This delicatessen seemed to be forgotten by time, standing alone in the darkness, emitting an indescribable stench.

The soldiers stopped and looked at the strange building vigilantly. Bai Ye frowned, and he felt that there was a huge danger in this delicatessen. He signaled the soldiers not to act rashly, and then slowly approached the entrance of the delicatessen.

The moment they stepped into the delicatessen, a stronger stench hit them in the face, making it almost impossible to breathe. The soldiers couldn't help but cover their mouths and noses, but their eyes were fixed on the front. The store was in a mess, with all kinds of rotten food scattered all over the floor, emitting a disgusting smell.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm. He carefully observed the surrounding environment, looking for possible dangers. At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong vibration coming from underground. Then, dozens of giant monsters rushed out of the darkness. They were huge, covered with thick bacon, and exuded a creepy stench.

"It's a giant radioactive bacon monster!" Bai Ye shouted, "Everyone be careful!"

The soldiers immediately became nervous when they heard it, and they all took fighting postures, ready to fight these monsters. However, these monsters were extremely ferocious. They waved their sharp claws and launched a fierce attack on the soldiers.

"Quick! Spread out!" Bai Ye commanded loudly, "Don't let them concentrate their attacks!"

The soldiers immediately dispersed when they heard it, and they used the terrain and obstacles to avoid the monsters' attacks. At the same time, they also launched a counterattack against the monsters. However, these monsters have extremely strong defenses, and the soldiers' attacks can only make them feel pain, but cannot cause fatal damage.

"These monsters have too strong defenses!" A soldier shouted, "What should we do?"

"Don't panic!" Bai Ye replied calmly, "Their weakness must be under the bacon. We must find a way to attack their bodies!"

The soldiers nodded to show that they understood. They began to look for opportunities to attack the monsters. However, these monsters were extremely cunning. They kept moving their bodies, making it difficult for the soldiers to find opportunities to attack.

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly saw a monster's movements slow down a little. He immediately realized that this was an opportunity, so he rushed towards the monster. He waved the long knife in his hand and chopped at the monster's bacon layer.

"Kacha!" A crisp sound came, and Bai Ye's long knife actually cut through the monster's bacon layer, revealing a hideous monster body inside. The monster's body was thin, but its eyes were extremely fierce. It let out a sharp roar and launched a fierce attack on Bai Ye.

Bai Ye's figure flashed and dodged the monster's attack. He took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack on the monster's body. However, the monster's body was extremely flexible. It kept dodging Bai Ye's attacks and counterattacked Bai Ye at the same time.

Bai Ye and the monster's body launched a fierce battle. They fought back and forth, and it was hard to tell. Seeing this, the soldiers gathered around and attacked the monster, hoping to help Bai Ye defeat it.

With the efforts of everyone, the monster was finally defeated. It let out a shrill roar and fell to the ground. The soldiers cheered, knowing that they had successfully defeated the monster.

However, they did not have much time to celebrate. Because the remaining monsters were still attacking them. Bai Ye knew that these monsters would not give up easily, and he had to lead the soldiers to continue fighting.

"Don't let your guard down!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "These monsters are cunning and we must be careful!"

The soldiers nodded to show that they understood. They re-posed in a fighting posture to prepare for the next challenge.

In the following battle, the soldiers showed amazing courage and perseverance. They fought fiercely with the monsters and constantly attacked the monsters' bodies. However, these monsters were extremely tenacious and they constantly counterattacked the soldiers and tried to break through their defenses.

The battle was extremely difficult and both sides were in a stalemate. However, Bai Ye did not give up and continued to command the soldiers to fight. He kept looking for opportunities to launch fatal attacks on the monsters.

In the repeated battles, Bai Ye gradually figured out the attack patterns of these monsters. He found that these monsters would have a short pause when attacking, and this pause was when they were most vulnerable. So Bai Ye commanded the soldiers to take advantage of this opportunity to launch a fierce attack on the monsters.

With the efforts of everyone, the monsters finally began to retreat. They fell to the ground one by one and roared shrilly. Seeing this, the soldiers cheered and knew that they had successfully defeated these monsters.

However, Bai Ye did not relax his vigilance. He knew that these monsters were only part of the dangers in this delicatessen. They still needed to continue to explore this mysterious building to find more clues and treasures.

So Bai Ye led the soldiers to continue forward. They carefully passed through various areas of the delicatessen to look for possible clues and dangers. In the process, they encountered various challenges and difficulties, but they always maintained firm beliefs and the power of unity to overcome these difficulties together.

In the abandoned delicatessen deep in the cave, as the monsters were defeated and fell to the ground one by one, the stench and blood in the air intertwined, forming a suffocating atmosphere. Although Bai Ye and the soldiers had achieved a temporary victory, their nerves were still tense, because they knew that this was just the beginning of the challenge.

The interior layout of the delicatessen was intricate, and the dim lights barely illuminated the surroundings. Bai Ye held a torch and led the soldiers deep into it. They stepped on the rotten food residues, and every step was accompanied by a "squeaking" sound, as if warning of the impending danger.

"Everyone be careful, these monsters may just be guards here." Bai Ye's voice was low and firm, "We must be more vigilant and find the entrance to the next area."

The soldiers nodded one after another, holding their weapons tightly, ready to respond to emergencies at any time. Suddenly, a low roar came from behind them, and then several undetected monsters rushed out from the dark and attacked them.

The soldiers immediately entered the combat state, waving their weapons and engaging in a fierce battle with the monsters. Bai Ye quickly moved to a high ground, illuminated the battlefield with torches, and provided guidance for the soldiers.

"Be careful to avoid their claws!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "Their claws are extremely sharp, and the consequences will be disastrous if they are hit!"

The soldiers dodged one after another upon hearing this, and they used the terrain and obstacles to avoid the monsters' attacks. At the same time, they also launched a counterattack against the monsters. However, these monsters seemed to be more ferocious than before, and they kept charging at the soldiers, trying to break through their defenses.

In the fierce battle, a soldier was accidentally scratched by a monster, and the blood instantly stained his armor red. He fell to the ground in pain, groaning faintly. Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately rushed forward, protecting the soldiers behind him, and slashed at the monsters with a knife.

"Don't give up!" Bai Ye encouraged loudly, "As long as we are united, nothing can stop us from moving forward!"

Encouraged by Bai Ye, the soldiers regained their spirits. They fought the monsters more bravely, and every attack was full of strength and determination. After a hard battle, they finally defeated all the remaining monsters.

However, the battlefield after the battle was in a mess. The soldiers sat on the ground exhausted and panted, their armor was covered with blood and mud. Bai Ye was also sweating profusely, but he remained calm and alert.

"Let's take a break." Bai Ye said, taking out some food and water from his backpack and handing them to the soldiers, "We will continue to move forward after we recover our strength."

The soldiers took the food and water and began to eat and replenish their water. While eating, they discussed the battle just now and the next plan. Bai Ye sat quietly aside thinking about the next action plan.

"These monsters seem to have some kind of organization." A soldier suddenly said, "They are not attacking us randomly but charging at us in an organized manner."

"You are right." Bai Ye nodded, "This means that there may be a bigger secret behind this delicatessen. We must continue to explore and find clues."

The soldiers agreed after hearing this. They knew that only by moving forward could they uncover the secret of this delicatessen and find the real treasure. So they took a short rest and set off again.

In the following exploration, the soldiers encountered more challenges and dangers. They passed through narrow passages, climbed over steep rock walls, and even had to face some traps. But no matter how big the difficulties were, they overcame them one by one with firm belief and the power of unity.

Finally, they came to the depths of the delicatessen. The light here was dim, but the air was filled with a mysterious atmosphere. Bai Ye held a torch and carefully observed the surrounding environment. He found that there were many strange symbols and patterns here, which seemed to hide some secrets.

"Everyone be careful." Bai Ye whispered, "There may be greater dangers hidden here."

The soldiers became nervous after hearing this. They held their weapons tightly and prepared to deal with possible dangers. At this moment, a strange laugh suddenly came from the darkness, which was creepy.

"Welcome to my territory." A low and strange voice said, "You will receive the most severe test here."

Bai Ye and the soldiers looked at each other. They knew that they had come to the real challenge. But they did not retreat, but walked forward more firmly to prepare for the next challenge...

As the strange voice fell, the air around them seemed to solidify. The soldiers could feel a strong sense of oppression coming from all directions, making them nervous involuntarily. Bai Ye held the torch tightly and watched the surrounding movements vigilantly.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, blowing the flame of the torch to sway. Then, several black shadows rushed out of the darkness and attacked the soldiers. These black shadows were agile and fast, and they rushed to the soldiers in a blink of an eye.

"It's a new monster!" A soldier shouted loudly.

The soldiers immediately entered the combat state. They waved their weapons and launched a counterattack against the black shadows. However, these black shadows were extremely flexible. They dodged the soldiers' attacks and continued to charge at the soldiers.

Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately rushed to the front of the soldiers. He waved the long sword in his hand and started a fierce battle with the black shadow. Every collision between the sword and the black shadow would make a crisp metal collision sound echoing in the cave.

"These shadows are very powerful!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "We must be careful!"

The soldiers strengthened their defenses after hearing this. Deep in the dim delicatessen, with Bai Ye's order, the soldiers strengthened their defenses. They held their weapons tightly, with a firm light in their eyes, ready to meet the fierce attack of these mysterious shadows.

These shadows were erratic, like ghosts. Their attack methods were also very strange. Sometimes they turned into entities to launch a fierce charge, and sometimes they turned into invisible undercurrents to shuttle around the soldiers. Every attack was hard to guard against, and the soldiers had to concentrate on dealing with it.

As a leader, Bai Ye not only had to protect the safety of the soldiers, but also to find ways to defeat these shadows. He carefully observed the attack patterns of the shadows, trying to find their weaknesses. However, these shadows seemed to have no fixed attack mode, and their actions were completely arbitrary, which made Bai Ye feel a little tricky.

In the fierce battle, the soldiers constantly adjusted their tactics. Sometimes they dispersed to avoid being attacked by the shadows; sometimes they gathered in formation and suppressed the shadows with dense firepower. However, these tactics did not seem to have much effect. The shadows still flexibly shuttled between the soldiers to launch attacks.

"These shadows seem to be able to absorb our attack energy!" A soldier discovered this rule in the battle, "Our attacks don't seem to have much effect on them!"

Bai Ye was shocked when he heard this. He immediately realized that this might be the key to defeating the shadows. He shouted loudly: "Everyone, don't use energy attacks, try physical attacks instead!"

The soldiers changed their attack methods after hearing this. They waved their weapons and launched a fierce physical attack on the shadows. Sure enough, these shadows began to show fatigue under the physical attack and their attacks became less fierce.

"It works!" Bai Ye was happy and continued to command the soldiers to carry out physical attacks. Soon these shadows fell to the ground and turned into bursts of black smoke and dissipated in the air.

However, just when the soldiers thought the battle was over, a more weird laugh came from the darkness again. The deep and strange voice said: "I didn't expect you to be so smart, but this is just a little test for you."

As the voice fell, the darkness around them suddenly became thicker. A powerful energy surged out of the darkness and attacked the soldiers. This energy was so powerful that it knocked the soldiers to the ground in an instant.

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