But soon they walked back into the forest. After defeating the prehistoric beast, Bai Ye and the soldiers did not stop moving forward. They know that there are countless unknown dangers hidden in this dense forest. Only by moving forward can they find a way out to the outside world.

In the forest, the sun casts mottled light and shadow through the gaps in the leaves, and the breeze blows, bringing a hint of coolness. However, this peaceful atmosphere did not last long. Suddenly, a low roar came from the depths of the forest, making the leaves rustle. Bai Ye and the soldiers immediately became alert and clenched their weapons, preparing to deal with the upcoming danger.

The roaring sound got closer and closer, and then, a group of huge figures rushed out from the shadows of the forest. Their bodies were emitting a faint blue light, and their eyes flashed with fierce light - they were dozens of giant radiated wild boars! These wild boars are several times larger than ordinary wild boars, have sharp tusks, strong muscles, and look extremely ferocious.

"Everyone, be careful, it's a herd of radiated wild boars!" Bai Ye shouted, while waving the long sword in his hand, pointing at the rushing wild boars. Upon hearing this, the soldiers prepared for battle. Some raised their shields, some gripped their spears, and some drew their bows and arrows, preparing to meet the sudden attack.

The giant radiated wild boars charged fiercely, and they roared one after another, making the ground tremble. Although the soldiers were well prepared, they still seemed a little powerless under the attack of the wild boars. Some soldiers were knocked down by wild boars, and some were scratched by their tusks. The scene was once very chaotic.

When Bai Ye saw this, he immediately stepped forward. He waved his sword and rushed towards the wild boars. His swordsmanship is precise and sharp, and every swing of his sword can accurately hit the vital part of the wild boar. Under his leadership, the soldiers also cheered up. They fought side by side with Bai Ye and jointly resisted the attack of the wild boars.

"Concentrate your firepower and attack their eyes!" Bai Ye shouted. Upon hearing this, the soldiers adjusted their attack direction and concentrated their firepower to attack the wild boar's eyes. Under the intensive attack of arrows and bullets, the wild boars began to appear in chaos. They roared in pain, trying to find a chance to escape.

However, Bai Ye did not give them this chance. He has a body shape like the wind, and can move freely among the wild boars. Every time he swings his sword, he can take away the life of a wild boar. The soldiers were also inspired by his bravery. They fought bravely and fought fiercely with the wild boars.

Over time, the number of wild boar herds gradually decreased. However, the remaining wild boars became more ferocious and cunning. They began to disperse, trying to attack from all directions. Bai Ye and the soldiers had to spread out and deal with threats from different directions.

"Pay attention to defense and don't act alone!" Bai Ye reminded loudly. He knew that when dispersed, soldiers were more vulnerable to wild boar attacks. While waving his sword to defend himself against the wild boar's attack, he observed the situation on the battlefield.

Suddenly, a huge wild boar rushed from the side of Bai Ye. It was extremely fast, and its fangs flashed with cold light. Bai Ye, with sharp eyes and quick hands, immediately swung his sword and struck the wild boar on the head. However, this wild boar was extremely cunning. It nimbly avoided Bai Ye's attack, and then stabbed Bai Ye with its fangs.

Bai Ye was startled, and he quickly jumped back to avoid the wild boar's attack. However, his sleeve was cut open by the wild boar's tusks. He felt a slight pain, but he didn't pay attention, knowing that it wasn't time to rest yet.

"Everyone, be careful about this wild boar!" Bai Ye warned loudly. He stared closely at the huge wild boar, preparing to attack again. The wild boar also seemed to be interested in Bai Ye. It kept attacking Bai Ye, trying to defeat him.

Bai Ye started a fierce battle with the wild boar. He waved his long sword and made a crisp sound when it collided with the wild boar's tusks. Every bump made his arms tingle but he didn't flinch. He knew that only by defeating the boar could he gain the morale to continue fighting.

During the fierce battle, Bai Ye gradually discovered the weakness of the wild boar - its weak abdomen. He immediately adjusted his attack direction and concentrated his strength to attack the wild boar's belly. "Bang!" There was a loud sound and the sword finally penetrated the wild boar's abdomen, and blood splattered everywhere.

The boar let out a roar of pain and fell to the ground. Bai Ye took the opportunity to attack other wild boars. Under his leadership, the soldiers also found the wild boar's weakness and began to focus their firepower on the attack.

As each wild boar was knocked down, the situation on the battlefield gradually reversed. The morale of the soldiers also began to rise. They fought side by side with Bai Ye to resist the attacks of the remaining wild boars.

Finally, after a fierce battle, all the remaining wild boars were knocked down. Bai Ye and the soldiers stood on the battlefield, breathing heavily. Their bodies were covered with blood and soil, but they had victory smiles on their faces.

"We won!" Bai Ye shouted, his voice full of joy and pride. The soldiers also cheered. They knew that the victory of this battle was inseparable from everyone's hard work and dedication.

However, Bai Ye has not forgotten their goal - to find a way to the outside world. He looked at the dense forest around him and then said to the soldiers: "We still need to keep moving forward. This forest still hides more dangers and unknowns, but as long as we are united, nothing can stop us from moving forward!"

The soldiers nodded in agreement with his words.

Amid the cheers of victory, Bai Ye and the soldiers began to deal with the bodies of the giant radioactive boars that fell to the ground. They knew that these wild boars were not only a threat, but also a rare supply.

First, the soldiers carefully avoided the sharp tusks and hard shells of the wild boars and began to peel the meat from the wild boars. They cut the skin of the wild boars with a knife, revealing the bright red muscles inside. Although the meat exuded a faint radiation glow, the soldiers were accustomed to this environment and knew how to deal with these radioactive substances.

Bai Ye stood aside and guided the soldiers to work. He noticed that the meat of these wild boars was extremely delicious, better than any food they had eaten before. He decided to use this meat as the staple food for tonight.

The soldiers quickly cut the meat of the wild boars into pieces of moderate size and then wrapped them with leaves and vines. This can prevent the leakage of radiation and keep the meat fresh.

Next, Bai Ye and the soldiers began to look for a suitable place to grill the meat. They found an open space and built a simple grill with branches and leaves. Then, they put the wrapped pieces of meat on the grill and lit a fire.

The flames jumped under the grill, making crackling sounds. The pieces of meat gradually exuded an attractive aroma under the scorching flames, which filled the entire forest. The soldiers sat around the fire, waiting for the meat to be cooked while exchanging their experiences and feelings about the battle.

Bai Ye sat on the other side of the fire, his eyes swept over the soldiers, his heart full of gratitude and pride. He knew that these soldiers were his partners and comrades-in-arms, and they had experienced countless battles and tests together before they came to this day.

Soon, the pieces of meat were finally cooked. The soldiers couldn't wait to take out the pieces of meat and began to enjoy this sumptuous dinner. They ate the meat in big mouthfuls, with satisfied and happy smiles on their faces.

Bai Ye also picked up a piece of meat and took a bite. He felt the deliciousness of the meat and the delicate taste, and couldn't help sighing in his heart. He knew that these meats not only filled their stomachs, but also gave them the courage and strength to move forward.

After enjoying dinner, the soldiers began to clean up the mess. They collected the remaining pieces of meat and bones and prepared to save them as tomorrow's rations. Then, they extinguished the fire, disassembled the grill, and restored the original appearance of the clearing.

As night fell, Bai Ye and the soldiers lay on the grass beside the fire, looking up at the starry sky. They knew that there were countless dangers and unknowns hidden in this forest, but they also believed that as long as they united as one and moved forward courageously, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

In this way, under the light of the fire, they spent a peaceful night. Tomorrow, they will continue to move forward and meet new challenges and tests.

As the night deepened, Bai Ye and the soldiers lay on the grass, surrounded by dense forests and twinkling stars. The breeze blew, bringing the rustling of leaves and the roar of wild beasts in the distance. In this quiet night, they temporarily put aside their fatigue and vigilance in their hearts and enjoyed this rare quiet time.

However, Bai Ye knew that this was only a short-lived tranquility. Tomorrow, they will continue to face unknown dangers in this forest. He closed his eyes and began to think about the next plan and strategy. He knew that they could not move forward blindly, and had to find a way out to the outside world, otherwise they would be trapped in this forest forever.

"Bai Ye, what do you think we should do next?" A soldier's voice broke the silence of the night. Bai Ye opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a young soldier looking at him with expectations and questions in his eyes.

Bai Ye smiled slightly and sat up. He looked around and thought about the next direction. Suddenly, his eyes fell on a tall tree. The tree was towering into the sky, with lush branches and leaves, like a natural lighthouse. He decided to take the tree as the target and move in its direction.

"We will move in the direction of the big tree tomorrow." Bai Ye pointed to the big tree and said, "Maybe there, we can find clues to the outside world." The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew that Bai Ye was an experienced leader, and his decisions were usually well thought out.

The next morning, the sun shone through the gaps in the leaves on the ground, forming patches of mottled light and shadow. After breakfast, Bai Ye and the soldiers started to move towards the big tree. They passed through dense woods and swamps, avoiding various dangers and traps. Although the road was difficult, they still maintained a firm pace and confidence.

After a whole day of trekking, they finally came to the foot of the big tree. The big tree was towering into the sky, with lush branches and leaves, like a huge green palace. They looked up and saw that the treetops were shrouded in clouds and mist, as if hiding endless mysteries.

"This place is really unusual." Bai Ye murmured to himself. He carefully observed the trunk and branches of the big tree, trying to find clues to the outside world. Suddenly, he found a line of blurred words engraved on the trunk of the big tree. He took a closer look and saw that it said: "The secret passage to the outside world is under the roots of the tree."

Bai Ye was delighted, he knew that they had finally found the clue to the outside world. He immediately summoned the soldiers to come and check the line of text. After seeing the line of text, the soldiers also showed excitement and excitement. They knew that as long as they found the secret passage under the tree roots, they could leave the forest and return to their familiar world.

However, it was not easy to find the secret passage. They searched around the tree for a long time but did not find any clues. Just when they were disappointed and frustrated, Bai Ye suddenly found an abnormality at the root of the tree - there was a piece of raised soil that was different in color from the surrounding soil.

"This may be the entrance to the secret passage!" Bai Ye pointed to the raised soil and said. The soldiers immediately gathered around and took out tools to dig the soil. After some effort, they finally dug a stone slab and revealed a dark entrance.

"This is the secret passage to the outside world!" Bai Ye said excitedly. The soldiers also cheered. They knew that as long as they passed this secret passage, they could leave this dangerous forest and return to their familiar world.

However, it was not easy to enter the secret passage. The secret passage was pitch black and full of unknown dangers and traps. Bai Ye knew that they had to be careful to pass safely. He asked the soldiers to light torches to illuminate the road and then personally led them into the secret passage.

The secret passage was extremely narrow and could only accommodate one person. They lined up and walked forward carefully. Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew through the torches, and the flames flickered as if they would go out at any time. The soldiers could not help but feel a sense of fear and uneasiness in their hearts.

"Don't panic!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice echoing in the secret passage, "As long as we stay calm and alert, we can pass through here safely!" Hearing this, the soldiers stabilized their emotions and continued to move forward.

After a long and difficult trek, they finally walked out of the secret passage and came to a strange place. The sun was bright and the air was fresh, which was completely different from the previous forest. They looked around and saw endless grasslands and towering mountains in the distance.

"We are finally out!" A soldier shouted excitedly. Other soldiers also cheered. They knew that they had successfully left the dangerous forest and returned to their familiar world.

Bai Ye stood on the grassland and looked into the distance, his heart full of emotion and joy. He knew that the reason they were able to successfully leave the forest was because they were united and brave. He turned around and looked at the soldiers around him with gratitude and admiration in his eyes.

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