In the dense forest, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to move forward. The sunlight shone through the dense leaves, dappled on them, forming a pattern of light and shadow interweaving. The air around them was filled with the fresh smell of leaves and soil, which formed a sharp contrast with the stench in the cave before.

Bai Ye walked at the front of the team, his eyes were sharp and firm, and he was always alert to the movements around him. The soldiers followed closely behind him. Although their footsteps were a bit heavy, every step was extremely firm.

Not long after they went deep into the forest, suddenly, a noisy movement broke the silence around them. Dozens of giant radioactive monkeys rushed out from the depths of the woods. They were huge, their hair showed a strange fluorescent color, and their eyes flashed with fierce light.

"Prepare for battle!" Bai Ye gave an order, his voice full of decisiveness and calmness.

The soldiers immediately entered the combat state after hearing the words, and they quickly dispersed to find the best combat position. The weapons in their hands shone coldly in the sun, and their eyes revealed firmness and courage.

"These monkeys don't look easy to deal with." Bai Ye whispered, his eyes fixed on the monkeys, looking for their weaknesses.

"Yes, they are huge, and they seem to emit radiation." A soldier answered, with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Bai Ye nodded, he knew that these monkeys were indeed unusual. He quickly thought of countermeasures, trying to find a way to defeat these monkeys.

At this moment, the largest radiation monkey took the lead in attacking. It let out a deafening roar, and then rushed towards Bai Ye. Seeing this, Bai Ye quickly waved the long sword in his hand to meet the monkey's attack.

"Dang!" With a loud bang, the long sword collided with the monkey's claws, making a harsh metal collision sound. Bai Ye only felt a huge force coming, and his body involuntarily stepped back a few steps. He was shocked, the power of these monkeys was indeed extraordinary.

However, Bai Ye did not retreat. He stabilized his body and swung his sword to attack the monkey again. At the same time, he also issued an order to the soldiers: "Concentrate firepower on their heads!"

The soldiers launched attacks one after another, and their arrows and bullets shot at the monkeys' heads like raindrops. However, the skin of these monkeys is extremely hard, and ordinary attacks can't cause much damage to them.

Bai Ye saw this and felt anxious. He knew that this was not a solution, and he had to find a more effective way to attack. He carefully observed the monkeys' movements and found that although their movements were fierce, they seemed a little clumsy. He immediately thought of a plan.

"Everyone disperse!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, "Use flexible tactics to deal with them!"

The soldiers immediately dispersed after hearing the words. They used trees as cover and continued to attack the monkeys. At the same time, they also kept an eye on the monkeys' movements to prevent them from launching surprise attacks.

Bai Ye took the opportunity to rush to the largest radioactive monkey. He waved his long sword and started a fierce battle with the monkey. Every collision made a deafening sound and sparks flew. Bai Ye relied on his extraordinary speed and strength to continuously attack the monkey and try to find its weakness.

After a period of fierce fighting, Bai Ye finally found the monkey's weakness - its eyes. He immediately changed his attack strategy and concentrated his firepower on the monkey's eyes. After continuous attacks, the monkey's eyes were finally severely damaged. It screamed and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers cheered. They knew that as long as they defeated the biggest monkey, the other monkeys would no longer be a threat. So they attacked the remaining monkeys and soon defeated them all.

After the battle, the soldiers gathered around Bai Ye. Their faces were filled with the joy of victory. Bai Ye also showed a satisfied smile. He knew that the victory of this battle was not only due to their bravery and unity, but also to their wisdom and tactics.

"We succeeded!" Bai Ye said loudly, "This battle has made us better understand the characteristics of these radiation monkeys and also let us find a way to deal with them. As long as we remain vigilant and united, nothing can stop us from moving forward!"

The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew that the road ahead might be more difficult, but they also believed that as long as they were united, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

After a short rest, Bai Ye led the soldiers to continue moving forward.

In the forest, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to move forward, each step on the thick fallen leaves, making a rustling sound. The sun shines through the dense leaves, casting mottled light and shadows, as if guiding them in the direction. However, as they go deeper into the forest, they find that the surrounding environment becomes more and more weird, as if they are in an unknown area.

The trees in the forest are getting taller and taller, and the treetops cover the sky, making the light dim. There is a strange smell in the air, which is neither the fragrance of flowers nor the smell of soil, but a strange smell that makes people feel uneasy. Bai Ye and the soldiers are vigilantly observing everything around them, their nerves are tense, and they dare not relax at all.

Suddenly, a low roar came from the depths of the forest, shaking the leaves. The soldiers clenched their weapons and looked at Bai Ye nervously. Bai Ye frowned slightly, knowing that the enemy he encountered this time would be more powerful than the previous radiation monkey. He took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and then whispered to the soldiers: "Don't panic, keep the formation, let's slowly approach and see."

The soldiers nodded their heads to show that they understood. They kept a tight formation and moved forward cautiously. As the roar got closer, they finally saw the monster that made the sound - a huge radiation bear. This bear was several times larger than an ordinary bear, and its body was emitting a faint blue light, which looked very scary.

Bai Ye immediately ordered the soldiers to disperse and find the best attack position. He himself faced the radiation bear, ready to confront it head-on. He waved his sword and started a fierce battle with the radiation bear. Every collision made a deafening sound and sparks flew. However, the radiation bear was extremely powerful. Although Bai Ye was extremely brave, he gradually felt a little tired.

Seeing this, the soldiers attacked the radiation bear one after another. Their arrows and bullets shot at the radiation bear like raindrops, but they also couldn't cause much damage to it. The radiation bear roared again and again, shaking the entire forest. It waved its huge claws and continued to attack the soldiers. Although the soldiers were extremely brave, they seemed powerless under the attack of the radiation bear.

Bai Ye saw this and knew that this was not a solution. He had to find the weakness of the radiation bear to defeat it. He carefully observed the attack method of the radiation bear and found that although its movements were fierce, they seemed a little slow. He immediately thought of a plan.

He shouted loudly: "Everyone concentrate firepower to attack its eyes!" Upon hearing this, the soldiers adjusted the direction of attack and concentrated their firepower to attack the eyes of the radiation bear. Under continuous attacks, the eyes of the radiation bear were finally severely damaged. It screamed and fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers cheered. They knew that as long as they defeated the radiation bear, they would be able to move forward. Bai Ye also showed a satisfied smile. He knew that the victory of this battle was inseparable from the bravery and unity of the soldiers.

However, the joy of victory did not last long. Just as they were about to move forward, something suddenly happened in the forest. A powerful energy wave came from the depths of the forest, shaking the entire forest. Bai Ye and the soldiers looked at everything in front of them in amazement, not knowing what was about to happen.

At this moment, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the depths of the forest. A strong light and energy fluctuations emanated from the crack, as if something was about to rush out of the crack. Bai Ye and the soldiers immediately tightened their weapons alertly, ready to deal with the impending danger.

As the crack widened, a huge figure slowly walked out of the crack. It was huge, covered with hard shells, with a pair of huge horns on its head, and a fierce light flashing in its eyes - it was a prehistoric behemoth!

The appearance of this prehistoric behemoth shocked and frightened everyone. They knew that the enemy they encountered this time would be the most powerful enemy they had ever encountered. However, Bai Ye did not retreat. He took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and then said loudly to the soldiers: "Don't panic! Although this behemoth is powerful, we are not without a chance to defeat it! As long as we stay calm and unite as one, we will definitely be able to defeat it!"

With Bai Ye's encouragement, the soldiers gradually regained their confidence. They followed Bai Ye closely and prepared to start a thrilling battle with this prehistoric behemoth. The next battle will be an unprecedented challenge, but Bai Ye and the soldiers are ready. They will use their courage and wisdom to face all difficulties and challenge the unknown future...

In the depths of the forest, as the prehistoric giant slowly walked out of the crack, the powerful energy fluctuations became more and more obvious, as if even the surrounding air was shaking. Every step of the giant was like an earthquake, and its eyes flashed with fierce light, staring at Bai Ye and the soldiers, as if it had regarded them as prey.

Bai Ye held the long sword tightly, with a firm light flashing in his eyes. He knew that this battle would be the greatest test of their will and courage. He took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and then said loudly to the soldiers: "We are a well-trained team. No matter what kind of enemy we face, we must not lose confidence and courage. Now, we are united and fight to the death with this giant beast for survival and for our homeland!"

The soldiers were inspired by Bai Ye's words, and their eyes were also ignited with fighting spirit. They held their weapons tightly, ready for the upcoming battle.

The giant beast roared deafeningly and attacked Bai Ye and the soldiers. It waved its huge claws and slashed at Bai Ye. Bai Ye dodged the beast's attack and quickly counterattacked. He swung his sword at the beast's head, but the beast's shell was extremely hard, and the long sword only left a shallow scratch on it.

Seeing this, the soldiers attacked the beast one after another. Their arrows and bullets rained down on the beast, but they also couldn't cause much damage to it. The beast roared, shaking the entire forest. It waved its claws and continued to attack the soldiers. Although the soldiers were extremely brave, they seemed powerless under the attack of the beast.

Bai Ye knew that this was not a solution. He had to find the beast's weakness to defeat it. He carefully observed the beast's attack method and found that although its attack was fierce, it didn't seem to be flexible. He immediately thought of a plan.

He shouted loudly: "Don't panic! The behemoth's carapace is extremely hard, and our attacks cannot cause fatal damage to it. However, its abdomen seems to be relatively weak. Let's concentrate our firepower on its abdomen!" Upon hearing this, the soldiers adjusted their attack direction and concentrated their firepower on the abdomen of the behemoth.

Under continuous attacks, the abdomen of the behemoth was finally severely damaged. It roared in pain and fell to the ground. Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately took the opportunity to rush towards the behemoth. He waved his long sword and launched a final attack on the behemoth's head.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the long sword finally pierced the behemoth's head. The behemoth let out a deafening roar, and then completely lost its breath of life. Its body slowly fell down, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers cheered. They knew that they had finally defeated this powerful prehistoric behemoth. Bai Ye also showed a tired but satisfied smile. He knew that the victory of this battle was inseparable from the bravery and unity of the soldiers.

However, the joy of victory did not last long. Bai Ye and the soldiers knew that this battle was just a small step on their way forward. They still need to move forward and face more challenges and dangers. However, they have proved their courage and strength, and they are confident that they can overcome all difficulties.

Bai Ye walked to the body of the giant beast and carefully observed its body. He found that the giant beast's shell was covered with strange patterns and symbols, which seemed to contain some unknown power. He decided to record these symbols, perhaps they would come in handy at some point in the future.

The soldiers also began to get busy. They collected useful items from the giant beast and were alert to possible dangers around them. Bai Ye knew that they could not stay here for long and had to leave this dangerous place as soon as possible.

He stood up and said to the soldiers: "We have defeated this giant beast, but our journey is not over yet. Now, we must move on and find a way out of this forest." The soldiers nodded in agreement, knowing that Bai Ye was right.

So Bai Ye led the soldiers forward. They passed through the depths of the forest and passed through dense woods and swamps. Although they encountered many dangers and challenges along the way, they all successfully overcame them under Bai Ye's leadership.

Finally, they found a path leading to the outside of the forest. When they walked out of the forest, they were greeted by an open grassland and warm sunshine.

Bai Ye also smiled with relief. He looked back in the direction of the forest, his heart full of emotion.

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