Bai Ye continued to lead the soldiers forward on the vast grassland, the end of which seemed to be connected to the sky, boundless. The sun shone on the grassland, creating layers of golden waves, but under this tranquility, unknown dangers were hidden.

Although the soldiers' steps were a little heavy, their eyes were firm and full of fighting spirit. They followed Bai Ye closely, ready to deal with any emergency at any time. Bai Ye walked at the front of the team, his eyes were like torches, always scanning the grassland in front of him, looking for possible threats.

Suddenly, a heavy sound of footsteps broke the tranquility of the grassland. The soldiers looked up and saw a group of huge figures approaching rapidly in the grass in front. Those figures became clearer and clearer, and they turned out to be a group of giant radioactive elephants. They were larger than ordinary elephants, with a strange green skin and fierce light in their eyes.

"Prepare for battle!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, his voice echoing on the grassland. The soldiers immediately grasped their weapons tightly and prepared for the battle. They knew that these radioactive elephants were not ordinary creatures. Their strength and defense were far beyond that of ordinary elephants.

The giant radioactive elephants roared and rushed towards the soldiers. Their bodies were like hills, and every step shook the ground slightly. The soldiers were not afraid. They faced the elephants' charge and waved their weapons to attack.

"Aim at their eyes and noses!" Bai Ye commanded loudly. Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately adjusted the direction of attack. Their arrows and spears shot at the elephants' eyes and noses like raindrops. However, the skin of these radioactive elephants was extremely tough, and the arrows and spears could only leave shallow marks on it.

Seeing this, Bai Ye knew that he couldn't fight hard like this. He took a deep breath and rushed towards an elephant with a long sword. He nimbly dodged the elephant's huge nose and stabbed the elephant's eye with a sword. The long sword rubbed against the elephant's skin and made a harsh sound, but Bai Ye did not retreat. He picked it up hard and the long sword finally pierced the elephant's eye.

The elephant roared in pain and shook its head to try to throw Bai Ye off. But Bai Ye held the hilt tightly and jumped onto the elephant's back with the help of the elephant's power. He swung his long sword and attacked the elephant's vital parts frantically. The elephant roared in pain, but Bai Ye was merciless, and each of his swords was full of power.

Seeing this, other soldiers followed Bai Ye's example, climbing onto the elephant's back or besieging the elephant's legs, trying to bring down these huge creatures. Shouts and roars of elephants rang out on the grassland, and the battle entered a white-hot stage.

In the battle, Bai Ye showed amazing fighting skills and courage. He kept jumping and attacking on the elephant's back, and every swing of the sword could accurately hit the elephant's vital parts. His long sword drew silver arcs in the air, as if it had become a flash of lightning on the grassland.

The soldiers also fought bravely under the leadership of Bai Ye. Some of them swung their long swords to fight the elephants, while others used bows and arrows to attack remotely. They cooperated tacitly and fought in an orderly manner, forming a powerful force.

After a fierce battle, an elephant finally fell under the siege of Bai Ye and the soldiers. Its body hit the ground heavily, making a loud noise. Seeing this, the other elephants retreated a few steps in fear, but then launched a more fierce charge.

Bai Ye knew that he could not give these elephants a chance to breathe. He rushed towards the elephants again with his sword, and the soldiers followed closely and launched a new round of attacks. They kept attacking the vital parts of the elephants, trying to defeat them as soon as possible.

The battle lasted for a whole afternoon. With the joint efforts of Bai Ye and the soldiers, these giant radioactive elephants were finally defeated one by one. The grassland was scattered with the bodies of elephants and the traces of the soldiers' battle, as if telling the story of this fierce battle.

The soldiers sat on the ground and panted exhaustedly, with a smile of victory on their faces. Bai Ye also breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the victory of this battle was inseparable from the heroic performance of every soldier. He walked among the soldiers and expressed his gratitude and praise to them.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Bai Ye said loudly, "Without your courage and unity, there would be no victory today!" Upon hearing this, the soldiers stood up and saluted Bai Ye to express their gratitude. They knew that without Bai Ye's command and leadership, they would not have been able to achieve this victory.

"We still need to move forward." Bai Ye continued, "This grassland is full of unknowns and dangers, but as long as we unite as one, nothing can stop us from moving forward!" The soldiers nodded in agreement. They knew that there was still a long way to go and more challenges to face, but they were ready to meet the challenges of the future.

As night fell, the soldiers began to build a simple camp to rest. Bai Ye also sat by the fire and pondered the future. He knew that this grassland was only a small part of their adventure and there was a wider world waiting for them to explore. But he also believed that as long as they united as one, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

As the night deepened, the soldiers fell asleep. Bai Ye also lay in the tent and closed his eyes, but his thoughts were still wandering, thinking about the future and possible challenges. He knew that this would be an adventure full of unknowns and dangers, but they were ready to meet the challenges of the future.

As night fell, the wind on the grassland gradually subsided, with only the occasional chirping of insects and the crackling of flames in the distance. Bai Ye lay in the tent, his eyes closed, but his mind kept replaying today's battle scenes. He thought about the weaknesses of the giant radioactive elephant, how to better command the soldiers to fight, and the challenges he might encounter next.

He knew that the creatures on this land contaminated by radiation had mutated, and their strength and speed were far superior to ordinary creatures. Although their team was brave, their number and resources were limited, and they had to go all out in every battle.

It was late at night, but Bai Ye couldn't fall asleep. He got up and walked out of the tent, and saw that the soldiers were all asleep, and only a few soldiers were still keeping watch by the fire. He walked to the fire and sat down, the firelight reflected on his resolute face, and his eyes flashed with determination and determination for the future.

"Bai Ye, why aren't you asleep yet?" A soldier who was on night watch saw Bai Ye coming and asked.

"I can't sleep, thinking about how to go tomorrow." Bai Ye replied, his voice low and powerful.

"Don't worry, we will definitely find a new place to live." The soldier on night watch comforted.

Bai Ye nodded, but he knew that finding a new place to live was only the first step. What was more important was how to survive in this polluted land. He looked up at the starry sky, his heart full of expectations and worries about the future.

Early the next morning, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to move forward. They passed through a forest eroded by radiation. The branches and leaves of the trees showed a strange color, and the air was filled with a pungent smell. The soldiers all held their weapons tightly and observed the surrounding situation vigilantly.

Suddenly, a low roar came from the depths of the forest, making their eardrums buzz. Then, a group of hideous radiation wolves rushed out of the woods, their eyes flashing with green light, and sharp fangs in their mouths.

"Prepare for battle!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, and his voice echoed in the forest. The soldiers immediately took a fighting stance, ready to meet these ferocious radiation wolves.

The radiation wolves roared and rushed towards the soldiers. They were extremely fast and came to the soldiers in the blink of an eye. The soldiers waved their weapons and fought fiercely with the radiation wolves. However, the strength and speed of these radiation wolves far exceeded those of ordinary wolves, and the soldiers soon fell into a bitter battle.

Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately rushed into the wolf pack. His long sword drew silver tracks in the air, and every swing of the sword could accurately hit the vital parts of the radiation wolf. His movements were swift and sharp, like a tiger shuttling through the wolf pack.

Inspired by Bai Ye, the soldiers also fought hard with the radiation wolves. They used the weapons and tactics in their hands to fight a desperate battle with the radiation wolves. The battle was extremely fierce, and both sides paid a huge price.

After a hard battle, all the radiation wolves were finally defeated. The soldiers sat on the ground and panted exhaustedly, and their clothes and weapons were stained with blood. Bai Ye was also covered in sweat, but his eyes were extremely firm.

"We won!" A soldier shouted excitedly.

"Yes, we won!" The other soldiers cheered. They knew that this victory was hard-won, but they were also proud of their victory over these ferocious radiation wolves.

Bai Ye walked among the soldiers and expressed his gratitude and praise to them. He knew that this victory was not only his own credit but also the result of the joint efforts of all soldiers. He encouraged the soldiers to continue to be vigilant and courageous in facing the challenges that might be encountered next.

In the following journey, Bai Ye and the soldiers encountered various challenges and dangers. They encountered huge radiation giant bears, extremely fast radiation cheetahs, and radiation vipers that could spray venom. Every battle was a life-and-death battle, but they defeated these powerful enemies with firm beliefs and courage.

During the battle, Bai Ye constantly summed up experience and lessons to improve tactics and strategies. He taught the soldiers how to better use the terrain and weapons and how to better cooperate and coordinate. Under his leadership, the soldiers' combat capabilities have been greatly improved.

After several days of hard trekking, Bai Ye and the soldiers finally came to a relatively safe area. Although it is still affected by radiation, it is much better than the places they encountered before. They found a clear river and a fertile land and decided to temporarily camp here to rest for a while.

In the following days, Bai Ye and the soldiers began to build a new home. They used the surrounding resources to build simple houses and fences, and built wells and vegetable gardens. They also captured some wild animals for domestication and breeding to store food for future life.

Although life is still hard, Bai Ye and the soldiers are full of hope and vision for the future. They know that as long as they are united, nothing can stop them from moving forward. They look forward to building their own homes on this new land and creating a better future.

In this land eroded by radiation, Bai Ye and the soldiers have gone through untold hardships and finally found a relatively safe area. Here, the river is clear and the land is fertile. Although it is still affected by radiation, it is a paradise compared to the harsh environment they encountered before. On this land, they began to build their own camp.

The camp was located beside a winding stream, with gurgling water and clear bottom. Dense bushes grew beside the stream, providing a natural barrier for the camp. Bai Ye and the soldiers used these bushes to cleverly build a fence, which not only protected the safety of the camp but also added a touch of greenery.

In the center of the camp was an open space, where the soldiers built simple wooden houses with wood and ropes. Although these wooden houses were simple, they had a solid structure and could withstand wind and rain. The roofs of the wooden houses were covered with thick leaves and turf, which were both warm and insulated. Simple beds and lockers were placed inside each wooden house for soldiers to rest and store items.

Around the wooden houses, the soldiers opened up vegetable gardens. They used river water to irrigate the land and planted various vegetables and herbs. The vegetables in the vegetable garden grew well, and the green leaves sparkled in the sun. The soldiers took turns to take care of these vegetables every day, looking forward to them providing them with fresh ingredients.

On the other side of the camp, Bai Ye and the soldiers built a well. They dug a deep well and built the well wall with stones and soil. The well water is clear and sweet, providing a valuable source of drinking water for the camp. Soldiers take turns to fetch water and carry water every day to ensure that the camp has sufficient water.

In addition to basic living facilities, Bai Ye also set up a training ground in a corner of the camp. Various weapons and equipment are placed on the training ground for soldiers to conduct daily training and physical exercise. Bai Ye knows that in this dangerous land, only by maintaining a strong combat effectiveness can they survive. Therefore, he personally guides the soldiers to train every day to continuously improve their combat capabilities.

There are also some sentry towers and watchtowers around the camp. These sentry towers and watchtowers are guarded by soldiers in turn, always alert to the surrounding movements. Once an abnormal situation is found, they will immediately sound the alarm and notify other soldiers to prepare for battle. The existence of these sentry towers and watchtowers makes the camp safer and more stable.

In the center of the camp, Bai Ye set up a simple command post. The command post was converted from a slightly larger wooden house, with a simple map and some necessary command tools placed inside. Bai Ye would make combat plans and strategic deployments in the command post every day to ensure that the camp could cope with various emergencies.

As time went on, the size of the camp gradually expanded. The soldiers also built some new wooden houses and facilities, such as kitchens, bathhouses and warehouses.

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