Bai Ye led the soldiers forward on the grassland again. The grassland was vast and boundless, the sky was blue, and the sun shone on the green grass, shining with golden light. The soldiers were in high spirits and followed Bai Ye's footsteps with firm steps.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the grass ahead, and then dozens of giant radioactive giraffes rushed out suddenly, their tall bodies looked extremely powerful in the sun. The necks of these giraffes were thicker than ordinary ones, and they exuded a faint radioactive light, obviously mutated by the influence of nuclear radiation.

"Prepare for battle!" Bai Ye ordered loudly, and at the same time quickly drew out his long sword and prepared for the battle.

The soldiers reacted quickly and immediately entered the combat state. They held their weapons tightly, their eyes were firm and sharp, and they stared at the rushing giraffes.

"Shoot!" Following Bai Ye's order, some soldiers quickly drew their bows and shot arrows, and the arrows shot at the giraffes like raindrops. However, the skin of these giant radioactive giraffes is extremely tough, and the arrows can only leave shallow marks on them.

"Melee troops, go!" Bai Ye ordered again, and another part of the soldiers rushed towards the giraffes waving swords and spears, and started a fierce melee with them. The necks and long legs of giraffes have become their natural weapons. Soldiers must be vigilant at all times to avoid being hit by the long necks or thick legs that suddenly swing over.

The battle entered a white-hot stage, and the sound of weapons hitting the bodies of giraffes echoed on the grassland. Bai Ye led the way, his long sword drew silver arcs in the air, and every swing of the sword could accurately cut the vital parts of the giraffes. However, the vitality of these radioactive giraffes is extremely tenacious. Even if they are severely injured, they still resist frantically.

"Be careful to avoid their radiation attacks!" Bai Ye reminded the soldiers loudly. Sure enough, some giraffes began to spray radioactive energy balls from their mouths. These energy balls drew arcs in the air and hit the soldiers. The soldiers dodged flexibly while continuing to launch fierce attacks on the giraffes.

The battle lasted for a whole afternoon, and the sound of fighting on the grassland gradually weakened. With the joint efforts of Bai Ye and the soldiers, these giant radioactive giraffes were finally defeated one by one. Although the soldiers were exhausted, their faces were filled with the joy of victory.

"Check the battlefield and collect useful materials!" Bai Ye ordered. The soldiers began to get busy. They carefully searched the bodies of each giraffe and collected useful materials and resources. These materials and resources are essential for their subsequent exploration and survival.

Bai Ye stood on the grassland and looked at the distant sky. He knew that this barren land was full of unknown dangers and challenges, but they had to move forward bravely and find a new place to survive. He took a deep breath, then turned to the soldiers and said, "Keep going!"

The soldiers cheered up and marched forward again. Although their steps were a little tired, their eyes were full of determination and faith. Under the leadership of Bai Ye, they will continue to explore and survive in this barren land.

At this moment, the sun was still shining on the grassland, but the air was filled with a solemn and tense atmosphere. Bai Ye and the soldiers knew that the next journey would be more difficult and dangerous. However, they were fully prepared. No matter how many difficulties and challenges there were ahead, they would face them bravely until they found a new place to survive.

As the team moved forward, the scenery on the grassland gradually changed. The originally green grass gradually became sparse, and the color of the land began to dim. A desolate and dilapidated atmosphere gradually spread, as if foreshadowing the upcoming difficult challenges.

Bai Ye frowned and scanned the front with a torch-like gaze. He knew that every corner of this land might hide unknown dangers. Therefore, he must always be vigilant to ensure the safety of the soldiers.

"Everyone be careful, there may be danger ahead." Bai Ye reminded in a deep voice. Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately clenched their weapons in their hands and were ready to fight at any time. Although their faces were tired, their eyes were full of determination and courage.

The team moved forward slowly, taking every step carefully. Suddenly, a strange sound came, as if it was the roar of some kind of beast. Bai Ye and the soldiers immediately became alert. They looked around and tried to find the source of the sound.

At this moment, a huge figure suddenly jumped out of the grass and pounced on the team. It was a beast that was mutated by radiation, with a huge body, exposed fangs, and fierce eyes. The soldiers were startled by the sudden appearance of the beast, but they quickly regained their composure and quickly formed a battle formation according to their previous training.

"Don't panic, keep the formation!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, and rushed towards the beast with a sword. The soldiers followed closely and fought fiercely with the beast. Although the beast was extremely ferocious, it gradually showed signs of fatigue under the siege of Bai Ye and the soldiers. After a fierce battle, they finally defeated the beast to the ground.

After the battle, the soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. They looked at the beast lying on the ground with a victorious smile on their faces. Bai Ye also breathed a sigh of relief, but he knew that this was only the first of countless challenges to come. They must keep moving forward to find a new place to survive and uncover more secrets of this desolate land.

After defeating the radiation-mutated beast, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to move forward. The wind on the grassland gradually became biting, and the air was filled with a faint smell of scorched earth, indicating that the upcoming challenge would be more severe.

Bai Ye held the long sword tightly and scanned the front with a torch-like gaze. He knew that this land was full of unknowns and dangers, and every corner might hide a deadly threat. Therefore, he always reminded the soldiers to stay vigilant, and at the same time silently planned the next action in his heart.

The team carefully crossed the grassland, with withered grass and hard soil under their feet. Suddenly, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the front, and then a group of strange-shaped creatures rushed out. They were covered with hard shells, their limbs were strong and powerful, and their eyes were fierce and greedy. Bai Ye recognized at a glance that this was a swarm of beetles mutated by radiation.

"Get ready for battle!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, while waving his long sword and rushing towards the beetle swarm. The soldiers followed closely behind, drawing their weapons and fighting fiercely with the beetle swarm. Although these beetles are huge in size, they are extremely flexible. They constantly attack the soldiers and try to break through the defense line.

In the battle, Bai Ye showed amazing fighting skills and courage. His long sword flew in the air like a dragon, and every swing of the sword could accurately hit the vital parts of the beetle. At the same time, he kept an eye on the changes on the battlefield and commanded the soldiers to launch an effective counterattack.

However, the number of beetle swarms was too large, and the soldiers were under increasing pressure. Some beetles began to break through the defense line and launched a fierce attack on the soldiers. Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately shouted loudly: "Don't panic, keep the formation! Use fire attack!"

The soldiers immediately acted according to Bai Ye's instructions. They lit torches and kerosene and threw them at the beetle swarm. The flames spread rapidly among the beetle swarms, burning them black. The beetle swarms began to disintegrate under the fire attack, and the soldiers took the opportunity to launch a counterattack and defeated them one by one.

After the battle, the soldiers sat on the ground exhausted and panted. They looked at the dead beetles and the scorched grass, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. Bai Ye also knew the difficulty of this battle, but he did not show any signs of fatigue, just standing aside silently and observing the situation on the battlefield.

After a short rest, Bai Ye and the soldiers continued to move forward. They passed through a scorched grassland and came to a barren mountain. The land here was dry and barren, with almost no signs of life. However, just as they were about to give up, a huge mountain appeared in front of them.

The mountain stood tall and straight into the sky. Its peaks were covered with thick white snow, shining brightly under the sunlight. Bai Ye and the soldiers were shocked by the spectacular sight of the mountain, and they seemed to see new hope.

"We may find a new place to live if we cross this mountain." Bai Ye pointed to the mountain and said. The soldiers nodded in agreement, and they cheered up and prepared to meet new challenges.

However, just as they were about to cross the mountain, a huge tremor came. The ground beneath their feet began to tremble violently, as if something was waking up underground. Bai Ye and the soldiers looked around in horror, only to see the mountain peaks in the distance begin to collapse, boulders and snow blocks rolling down, forming a huge mudslide.

"Run!" Bai Ye shouted loudly, and at the same time ran away. Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately followed his footsteps and fled the scene. They ran as fast as they could, trying to escape this sudden disaster.

However, the speed of the mudslide was too fast, and they were soon caught up. The soldiers were scattered by the mudslide, and Bai Ye was knocked to the ground by a huge stone. He struggled to stand up, but his body was extremely heavy, as if he was bound by an invisible force.

Just when Bai Ye was about to despair, a powerful force suddenly surged into his body. He felt as if his body was wrapped in a warm current, and the pain and fatigue disappeared instantly. He struggled to stand up and found that he was already standing outside the mudslide.

He looked around and saw other soldiers also breaking free from the mudslide, their faces showing the joy of surviving the disaster. Bai Ye knew that this mysterious power must be the protection of some mysterious power, allowing them to survive this disaster.

"We have to leave here quickly." Bai Ye said, pointing to the mountains in the distance and signaling the soldiers to follow. The soldiers nodded in agreement, and they cheered up and continued to move towards the mountains.

In the following journey, Bai Ye and the soldiers experienced countless hardships and dangers. They climbed over steep mountains, crossed dangerous swamps, and avoided ferocious radioactive creatures. However, they always maintained firm beliefs and courage, and moved step by step towards a new place to live.

Finally, after several days of arduous journey, they came to the other side of the mountains. Here is a vast plain with fertile land and abundant water. They saw a place where smoke rose in the distance, and there seemed to be traces of human habitation.

Bai Ye and the soldiers cheered excitedly, knowing that they had finally found a new place to live. They immediately headed in that direction, hoping to build a new home and start a new world here.

Bai Ye and the soldiers crossed the mountains excitedly, filled with longing for their new home. The vastness of the plain made them temporarily forget their previous fatigue. Everyone quickened their pace, hoping to reach the place where the smoke rose as soon as possible.

However, when they got closer, they discovered that the so-called smoke was just an illusion. There are no traces of human habitation there, just a desolate plain with an occasional few stubborn weeds swaying in the wind. The soldiers had disappointed looks on their faces. They stood silently, looking at the empty plain, and the hope in their hearts was instantly shattered.

Bai Ye looked at the soldiers' disappointed expressions and felt heavy in his heart. He knew that they had put in too much effort to get here, but he didn't expect this result. But he also understands that as a leader, he cannot show any weakness at this time.

"Don't be discouraged." Bai Ye took a deep breath and tried to make his voice sound firm and powerful. "Although we have not found a suitable place to live for the time being, at least we have crossed the mountains and arrived at a brand new place. Here. Although there is no human habitation, there may be other resources waiting for us to discover. All we need is time and patience.”

When the soldiers heard this, they all raised their heads and looked at Bai Ye. They saw the firm belief and courage in his eyes, and they couldn't help but feel a surge of strength in their hearts. They know that as long as the white night is there, they have hope.

"Yes, General!" the soldiers replied in unison, their voices full of determination and courage.

Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Now let's find a safe place to rest. Everyone is very tired and need to replenish their physical strength and energy. After we have rested, we will continue to look for a new place to live."

The soldiers all agreed and began to look for a suitable place to rest. Finally, they found a small hill that was sheltered from the wind and decided to camp there temporarily.

The soldiers quickly set up simple tents and fences, and then lit fires to keep warm. Although the conditions were simple, they all felt a long-lost peace and comfort. Bai Ye also sat down by the fire and began to think about the next action plan.

As night fell, the soldiers entered the tents to rest. Bai Ye also lay in the tent, but his thoughts could not calm down. He knew that they still faced many unknown challenges and dangers. But he also believes that as long as they unite as one and strengthen their beliefs, they will be able to find a new place to live and build their own home.

Under the cover of night, Bai Ye and the soldiers gradually fell asleep. They look forward to tomorrow, to new hopes and opportunities.

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