Under the night, the lights of the basketball court gradually dimmed, and a fierce basketball game had just ended. Bai Ye stood on the empty field, his sweat soaked his sportswear, but his eyes flashed with determination. He stared at the laboratory in the distance, where they would face the next challenge - opening the portal and delivering the antidote to the zombie virus to the target location.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and turned to signal the workers who were still cleaning up the venue and cleaning up the sweat. He waved his hand and motioned them to leave. The workers stopped their work and looked up at the serious and majestic leader. Although they didn't understand what happened specifically, they felt unprecedented tension and solemnity from Bai Ye's expression.

"Okay, everyone, today's work ends here." Bai Ye's voice was low and powerful, "Please leave this area immediately, and we will do the next thing."

The workers looked at each other, but no one dared to object. They quickly packed up their tools and left the basketball court in an orderly manner. Bai Ye watched them leave until the figure of the last worker disappeared into the night.

At this time, Bai Ye turned and walked towards the rest area. There, a group of soldiers had recovered their strength after a short rest. They stood in a neat line, waiting for Bai Ye's order. Bai Ye walked up to them and swept his eyes across everyone's face. He saw a firm look and a belief in victory.

"Soldiers!" Bai Ye's voice echoed in the night sky, "We are about to face a severe test. Our goal is to go to the laboratory, open the portal, and deliver the antidote to the zombie virus to the target location."

The soldiers straightened their backs and responded in unison: "Yes! We will complete the task!"

Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction and continued: "I know you are ready, but please allow me to emphasize again-we must be careful. The antidote to the zombie virus is our only hope, and we cannot make any mistakes."

The soldiers responded in unison again: "Understood!"

Bai Ye nodded and waved for them to follow him. The soldiers quickly formed two teams and followed Bai Ye closely. They crossed the basketball court and came to the entrance of the laboratory.

The door of the laboratory was closed, and it was inlaid with a complex password lock. Bai Ye walked forward, stretched out his hand and tapped quickly on the combination lock. A series of keystrokes echoed in the night sky, as if playing a prelude to the upcoming action.

"Beep--" As the last key was pressed, the combination lock issued a crisp prompt sound. The door slowly opened, revealing a passage leading deep into the laboratory. Bai Ye walked in first, followed by the soldiers.

The interior of the laboratory was dim and gloomy, with only a few emergency lights flashing faintly. Bai Ye turned on the flashlight and illuminated the road ahead. They moved forward cautiously, always alert to possible dangers around them.

Finally, they came to the laboratory where the antidote for the zombie virus was stored. Bai Ye quickly found the storage location of the antidote and picked up a box full of antidote. He carefully checked the labels and logos on the box, and after confirming that they were correct, he handed the box to the soldier behind him.

"Take this box." Bai Ye instructed, "This is our hope and our responsibility."

The soldier took the box and held it tightly in his arms. His eyes flashed with determination, as if he was ready to face all difficulties.

Next, they came to the control room of the portal. Bai Ye walked to the console and began to operate the complex instruments and buttons. His fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard, and lines of code and data flashed on the screen.

"We need to start the energy system of the portal first." Bai Ye explained, "This process may take some time."

The soldiers stood silently by, watching Bai Ye's operation. They knew that they could not disturb him at this time, so they could only wait quietly.

Finally, with a low roar, the energy system of the portal was successfully started. Bai Ye quickly switched to the position control interface of the portal and began to adjust the target coordinates of the portal.

"Now we need to determine the coordinates of the target location." Bai Ye said, and entered a string of numbers on the screen, "This is our target-the source of the zombie virus outbreak."

As Bai Ye entered, the position coordinates of the portal were gradually locked. The indicator light on the console began to flash and emit bursts of buzzing sounds. Bai Ye took a deep breath and pressed the last start button.

"Beep--" With a crisp prompt sound, the portal slowly opened. A dazzling light shot out from the portal, illuminating the entire control room. Bai Ye and the soldiers stretched out their arms to shield their eyes to avoid being hurt by the strong light.

As the light gradually faded, they saw the other side of the portal - a strange and desolate world. It was the source of the zombie virus outbreak and the destination of their trip.

Bai Ye took a deep breath and turned to look at the soldiers. Their faces were full of tension and expectation, but more of it was firm determination and courage.

"Okay, soldiers." Bai Ye's voice echoed in the empty control room, "It's time for us to set off."

The soldiers responded in unison: "Yes! We follow you!"

Bai Ye nodded and walked into the portal first. The soldiers followed closely behind, crossing the threshold of light one by one. They were about to embark on an unknown journey, but their hearts were full of hope and faith. Because they knew that as long as they were united, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

The light of the portal shone in an instant, as if tearing the barriers of space. Bai Ye and the soldiers were pulled by an invisible force and crossed the endless void. When they stepped on the ground again, the scene in front of them stunned everyone.

They were on a vast expanse of wasteland, surrounded by desolation, with only occasional protruding rocks and broken trees telling of the vitality of this land. On the distant horizon, a steel city stood tall, forming a sharp contrast with the surrounding ruins. The outline of the city was particularly clear in the afterglow of the setting sun. The towering buildings seemed to pierce the sky, and various lights shone from them, showing the prosperity and vitality of the city.

The soldiers were shocked by the scene before them. They looked around with surprise and curiosity on their faces. However, Bai Ye seemed unusually calm, his eyes were deep and firm, as if he had expected all this.

"Is this the destination of our trip?" A soldier couldn't help asking.

Bai Ye nodded and said in a deep voice: "Yes, this is the steel city we are going to protect. Although it is built on ruins, it is full of vitality and hope."

Just as everyone was talking, there was a sound of breaking through the air. Then, a figure fell from the sky and landed steadily in front of everyone. It was a cloaked man wearing a purple cloak. His figure was tall and mighty, and his sharp eyes flashed with a firm light under the cloak.

"Magneto!" Bai Ye recognized this old friend at a glance, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

Magneto raised his head and looked at Bai Ye. A smile appeared on his face, and his voice was low and powerful: "Bai Ye, long time no see."

Bai Ye walked forward and hugged Magneto tightly. The two had a deep friendship and had experienced countless life and death tests together. Now meeting again, both of them felt particularly excited and emotional.

"Magneto, thank you for coming." Bai Ye said sincerely, "This steel city is the result of our joint efforts and our hope for the future. Your joining makes our strength stronger."

Magneto nodded, smiled with a firm look, and then said loudly: "Yes, Bai Ye. I have been paying attention to your actions. When I learned that you needed help, I came here without hesitation. This steel city is our common hard work, and I will do my best to protect it."

Bai Ye looked at Magneto gratefully, his heart full of respect and gratitude. He knew that Magneto was a powerful ally, and his joining would bring endless strength and courage to their actions.

"So, what should we do next?" Magneto asked.

Bai Ye pondered for a moment, then said: "First, we need to ensure the safety of this steel city. Although we have established a defense system, the threat of the zombie virus still exists. We need to strengthen patrols and vigilance to prevent any potential threats."

"No problem." Magneto nodded, "I will use my ability to help you strengthen the defense system and ensure the safety of this city."

Bai Ye nodded, then turned to the soldiers: "Soldiers, we are going to face a difficult battle next. We need to unite as one and move forward courageously to defeat the threat of the zombie virus. I believe you are ready."

The soldiers responded in unison: "Yes! We are ready!"

Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand: "Okay, let's go. Let's go and protect this steel city together!"

The soldiers heard this and quickly followed suit. They lined up neatly and marched towards the direction of the steel city. Magneto followed closely behind, his purple cloak fluttering in the breeze, showing his majesty and power.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, Bai Ye, Magneto and the soldiers walked side by side, and their figures cast long shadows on the wasteland. They were full of determination and faith, because they knew that as long as they united as one and moved forward courageously, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges.

As they approached the Steel City, the outline of the city became clearer and clearer. The prosperity and vitality of the city shocked and amazed everyone. The soldiers quickened their pace, and they couldn't wait to see the true face of the city with their own eyes.

When they finally stepped into the Steel City, they were shocked by the scene before them.

There are no smooth metal facades reflecting the sunset, no silent high-tech vehicles, and no robot waiters shuttling between them. On the contrary, this city is a miracle created by Magneto's extraordinary magnetic ability, and is built with the wreckage and abandoned metal of the wasteland world.

On both sides of the street, the abandoned car shells are cleverly welded together to form a unique architectural structure, and the rusty surface records the traces of time. The windows are made of broken glass bottles and metal mesh, which let in dim and warm light, showing a different breath of life. Although the materials are simple, every detail reflects the indomitable spirit and creativity of Magneto and his followers.

Residents wear clothes made of old fabrics and recycled materials, with tenacity and optimism on their faces. Children play on amusement facilities made of scrap iron, and their laughter echoes among the ruins, injecting infinite vitality into this seemingly desolate city.

On this wasteland once shrouded in despair, the Steel City is like a tenaciously growing metal heart, emitting an unyielding light. Magneto's will and talent are most intuitively reflected here, and every inch of land and every piece of metal seems to be endowed with a story of life.

Walking in this city, you can see a patchwork of buildings, which are composed of old car frames, broken mechanical parts, and even abandoned household appliances. These fragments, which seem worthless to the outside world, have become solid city walls, winding alleys and warm family cabins in the hands of Magneto. The texture of the metal presents colorful colors in the sunset, rusty red, oxidized blue, and each color is a mark of time, telling the past and rebirth.

Bai Ye looked around, and his heart was filled with indescribable emotion. Every brick and tile of this city tells the wisdom of survival and the desire for the future. It is no longer an isolated island in the wasteland, but a symbol of the immortal human spirit.

"Magneto, you created a miracle." Bai Ye said to the cloaked man beside him, full of admiration, "Although there is no high-tech brilliance here, it is more real and more hopeful than any advanced city."

Magneto smiled slightly, with both pride and expectations for the future in his eyes. "This is not just my creation, but every person and every family, with their hands and determination, built this home together. Here, we have proved that even in the worst environment, humans can find a way to survive and live with dignity."

The soldiers were also deeply touched by this scene, and they began to understand the significance of this battle more. Protecting this steel city is not only to fight against the threat of zombie virus, but also to protect the unyielding spirit of mankind and the pursuit of a better life.

As night fell, lights were lit in every corner of the city. Although these lights were weak, they were connected in the darkness, like stars, illuminating the way forward.

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