In the center of the City of Steel, a majestic tower stands in the sky. Its outline is particularly clear in the twilight, as if it is an eternal watcher, guarding this city that has risen from the ruins. Magneto led Bai Ye and a group of soldiers through the streets made of layers of metal, and finally arrived under the tower.

The entrance to the tower is a huge metal door engraved with complex runes and patterns, which seems to tell the tower's extraordinary history. Magneto walked to the door, waved his hand gently, and an invisible magnetic force slowly opened the metal door. As the door opens, a cold breeze blows out from inside, bringing with it a moist earthy smell that contrasts sharply with the dry air outside.

Everyone followed Magneto into the tower. The space inside the tower was much more spacious than it looked on the outside. The stairs spiral up to the top of the tower. The walls are inlaid with various metal ornaments, shimmering with faint light, adding a sense of mystery to the tower. Magneto led Bai Ye and the soldiers all the way up to a spacious command room at the top of the tower.

There is a huge metal table in the center of the command room, covered with various drawings, reports and electronic equipment. A huge display screen hangs on the wall, showing real-time surveillance footage of the city. Magneto walked to the table and motioned for Bai Ye and the soldiers to sit down.

"Bai Ye, why are you here?" Magneto's voice was low and powerful, as if it could penetrate people's hearts. His gaze was like a torch, looking directly into Bai Ye's eyes, as if he was searching for something.

Bai Ye smiled slightly and took out a small transparent bottle from his arms, which contained a light blue liquid that emitted a faint light. "This is the purpose of my visit this time." He placed the bottle gently on the table, his tone full of confidence, "I have developed an antidote to the zombie virus that can spread through the air, as long as it is released into the atmosphere , can kill all the zombies.”

Magneto's eyes couldn't help but light up when he heard this. He picked up the bottle and carefully observed the liquid inside, with a surprised expression on his face. " this really the antidote?" He raised his head and looked at Bai Ye, with a hint of disbelief in his tone.

"That's right." Bai Ye nodded, "After many experiments and improvements, I finally developed this antidote. It can spread quickly in the air and penetrate into the bodies of zombies, destroying the structure of the virus, thereby achieving The purpose of destroying zombies.”

Magneto put the bottle back on the table and took a deep breath, seeming to calm down his excitement. "This is great!" He stood up, walked to the screen, pointed at the picture above and said, "You know? Since the outbreak of the zombie virus, we have been looking for a solution. This antidote of yours , is undoubtedly a huge hope for us.”

Bai Ye also stood up, walked to Magneto, and looked at the picture on the display screen. In the picture, there are soldiers patrolling and guarding in every corner of the city, and zombies appear from time to time in the ruins in the distance. These zombies were once fellow humans, but now they have become formidable enemies.

"Yes." Bai Ye said in a deep voice, "We can't let the zombie virus continue to rage. It not only threatens human survival, but also destroys our once beautiful home. We must take action as soon as possible to release the antidote to In the atmosphere, completely destroy these zombies.”

Magneto nodded and turned to look at the soldiers. "Did you hear it?" he said loudly, "The white night has brought us hope! Now, what we have to do is to release the antidote into the atmosphere as soon as possible, so that the city can return to peace and tranquility!"

The soldiers responded in unison: "Yes! We heard it!" Their voices were sonorous and powerful, full of determination and courage.

Magneto nodded with satisfaction and then turned to Bai Ye. "So, what should we do next?" he asked.

Bai Ye thought for a moment and then said: "First, we need to find a suitable place to release the antidote. This place must be able to cover the entire city to ensure that the antidote can spread evenly to every corner."

Magneto nodded in agreement. "Yes." He said, "At the same time, we also need to strengthen the city's defense system to prevent zombie attacks during the release of the antidote."

"I can help with this." Magneto said, walking to the console nearby and starting to adjust the data and parameters on the screen. "I will use my ability to strengthen the city's defense system to ensure that nothing goes wrong during the release of the antidote. ”

Bai Ye looked at Magneto gratefully, his heart filled with respect and gratitude. He knew that Magneto was not only a powerful ally, but also a trustworthy partner. At this critical moment, he was able to stand up and help him without hesitation. This friendship made Bai Ye feel extremely precious.

As Magneto operated, the atmosphere in the command room became tense. The soldiers took action one after another, and they made various preparations according to the instructions. Bai Ye stood aside, observing the data and images on the screen, silently praying in his heart that this operation would succeed.

Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, the preparations for releasing the antidote were ready.

Magneto stood in front of the window of the command room, staring at the darkening sky outside the window, his eyes deep and firm. He knows that the upcoming operation will completely change the fate of the city and give countless people struggling in the shadow of the zombie virus a new lease of life.

He turned around and faced the nervous and expectant soldiers, his face showing unprecedented seriousness and determination. He took a deep breath and said in a loud and powerful voice: "Our city, this once prosperous and beautiful city, has been tortured by the zombie virus for too long. But, today, we will usher in a historic crisis. time."

The soldiers were infected by Magneto's words, and their eyes shone with anticipation and excitement. Magneto nodded slightly and continued: "Mr. Bai Ye, this outstanding scientist, has brought us hope - an antidote to the zombie virus that can spread through the air. As long as it is released into the atmosphere, we can Completely eliminate these zombies and let our city regain its life!"

The soldiers burst into warm applause and cheers, their emotions ignited by Magneto's words, as if they had seen the dawn of the city's recovery. Magneto signaled them to be quiet, and then continued: "But before we act, we need to tell every defender of the city this good news, so that they can also share this joy and expectation."

He turned around and said to a soldier: "Go, call all the guards and ask them to come here immediately. We want to witness this historic moment together." The soldiers followed the order and soon, there was a sound outside the command room. Rushing footsteps and noisy chatter.

After a while, a group of guards poured into the command room. They come from all corners of the city. Some are soldiers responsible for patrolling, some are police responsible for maintaining public security, and some are workers responsible for ensuring the operation of urban infrastructure. Their faces were full of exhaustion and worry, but after hearing Magneto's words, their eyes shone with hope.

Magneto walked up to them and said in a firm and powerful voice: "Friends, today, we are gathered here for a common goal - to eliminate the zombie virus and bring our city back to life. Mr. Bai Ye has already done this for us. We have brought hope that he has developed an antidote that can be transmitted through the air. As long as we work together and release the antidote into the atmosphere, we can completely eliminate these zombies!"

The guardians were affected by Magneto's words, and their faces showed excitement. They expressed their support and vowed to go all out to ensure the smooth release of the antidote. Magneto looked at them, his heart filled with gratitude and relief. He knew that with the support and help of these guardians, their operation would be successful.

Next, Magneto and Bai Ye began to deploy the antidote release plan in detail. They arranged a dedicated team to be responsible for the transportation and release of the antidote, and developed detailed emergency plans to deal with possible unexpected situations. At the same time, they also strengthened the city's defense system to ensure that it can resist zombie attacks during the release of the antidote.

As night falls, every corner of the city is filled with an atmosphere of tension and anticipation. In the command room of this tower, Magneto, Bai Ye and all the guards were nervously and orderly preparing for the upcoming action. They know that as long as they work together and move forward bravely, they will be able to defeat the zombie virus and bring the city back to life.

As night falls, the city lights gradually come on, and the streets and alleys are filled with an unprecedented joy and expectation. Citizens came out of their homes and gathered in the streets, excitedly exchanging the exciting news - the antidote to the zombie virus was about to be released, and their city would be reborn.

In the square in the city center, there were crowds of people and it was very lively. An elderly woman held her neighbor's hand tightly, with tears of excitement in her eyes: "Did you hear that? That scientist developed the antidote, and our city is saved!" The neighbor nodded in agreement: "Yes, it's really great. Well! We don’t have to worry anymore.”

Not far away, a group of young people gathered together, their faces filled with youthful vitality, talking about the magic of the antidote. One boy said excitedly: "I heard that this antidote can spread through the air and cover the entire city. It's amazing!" Another girl also added: "Yes, in this way, we can completely get rid of those terrible diseases." Zombie!"

In a narrow alley, several old people were sitting in front of the door, drinking tea and chatting. An old man stroked his beard and said with emotion: "Thanks to those scientists and soldiers, they have paid so much for our safety." Another old man also nodded in agreement: "Yes, we should thank them, It is they who give us hope.”

As the news spread, citizens became increasingly emotional. They all expressed their support for the release of the antidote and were willing to make their own efforts for this purpose. Some people began to organize spontaneously to help the soldiers transport the antidote and ensure that it could be released into the atmosphere smoothly.

On the fringes of the city, some poor citizens also heard the good news. Although their lives are difficult, their hearts are also full of hope and expectations. A ragged woman hugged her child tightly, with a determined light in her eyes: "Child, we are saved. That scientist has developed an antidote, and we will soon be able to live a normal life." Child Although he was young, he could still feel his mother's joy and expectation, and he nodded vigorously.

In every corner of the city, citizens' conversations are full of longing and expectations for the future. They talk about life after the antidote is released, and imagine the city's renewed vitality. One citizen said excitedly: "When the antidote is released, I will go out of the house as soon as possible to breathe the long-lost fresh air." Another citizen added: "Yes, we still have to rebuild our homes to make this city better."

As time goes by, more and more citizens join in this festive atmosphere. They encourage and support each other, and look forward to the moment when the antidote is released. At this special moment, the whole city seems to be condensed by an invisible force, forming a powerful force that pushes the city towards a better future.

As night falls, everything is silent. But in the streets and alleys of this city, there is an unprecedented bustle and joy.

Magneto flies over the city, his figure looming in the moonlight, as if a guardian god is silently watching this land. He looked down and saw that people were walking out of their homes and gathering in the streets and alleys. Their faces were filled with joy and expectation, as if they had seen the hope for the future.

Magneto waved his hands gently, and an invisible magnetic force surrounded him, as if it was his wings, allowing him to fly freely in the air. He flew through the clouds and over every corner of the city, looking at those once familiar and unfamiliar faces. Their smiles bloomed like spring flowers, full of vitality and vigor.

The crowd was the densest in the central square of the city. Magneto saw that people were holding hands and shoulder to shoulder, hugging and encouraging each other, as if they were a family. Their faces were filled with happy smiles, and their eyes were shining with hope. That joy and expectation seemed to be able to infect the entire city.

A warm current surged in Magneto's heart. He knew that this was the joy of the city and his own joy. He has been working hard for the peace and tranquility of the city. Now seeing people's smiles, he feels that all his efforts are worth it.

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