Magneto stood on the top of the tower, his eyes penetrating through the crowds, and fell directly on the bustling onlookers below the tower. Their faces were full of expectation and anxiety, as if the wait for this moment had lasted for countless days and nights. He smiled slightly, and that smile contained both confidence in the upcoming victory and deep sympathy for the city and these people.

He turned slowly and walked towards the huge antidote release machine. Every step seemed steady and powerful, as if every step was paving the way for the future of the city. He came to the control console and gently stroked the cold metal surface with his hands, as if he was having some kind of deep communication with the machine.

"Are you ready?" he asked softly, his voice full of concern and expectation.

The soldiers in front of the control console nodded one after another, their eyes firm and bright, as if they had seen the hope of victory. Magneto took a deep breath, he knew that this moment was not only about the fate of the city, but also about the future of all mankind.

He raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance. There, the golden sunlight filled the earth, as if praying for the city. He closed his eyes, feeling the warmth of the sun and the heartbeat of the city. He knew that at this moment, he could not hesitate or retreat.

"Let's start." He said softly, his voice full of determination.

He reached out and gently pressed the button on the console. Suddenly, the whole machine began to roar, the sound was low and powerful, as if it was the vibration of the earth, and it seemed to be the call of hope.

The people under the tower held their breath, they stared at the top of the tower with wide eyes. Their hearts were full of expectations and tension, as if the wait at this moment had made them forget the passage of time.

Bai Ye also stood aside, his eyes fixed on Magneto. He knew that this moment was the most critical moment for Magneto and the most critical moment for the city. He took a deep breath and tried to keep himself calm and composed.

"Let's start." Magneto said softly, his voice full of confidence and determination.

As his voice fell, the nozzle on the machine began to spray out fine water mist. The mist shone with golden light under the sunlight, like a ray of hope, illuminating the city.

"Look! The antidote is starting to be released!" someone shouted loudly.

Suddenly, cheers broke out in the crowd. People waved small flags in their hands, shouted slogans, and cheered for this historic moment. Their faces were full of excitement and joy, as if they had seen the dawn of victory.

On the top of the tower, the huge antidote release machine stood between heaven and earth like a solemn guardian. The design of this machine is exquisite and complex, and every part shines with the unique luster of metal, showing the pinnacle of human technology.

In the center of the machine is a huge medicine storage tank, which is like a silver mountain, towering and solid. The tank body is engraved with fine lines, which are not only decorative, but also to enhance the structural strength of the tank body. The top of the medicine storage tank is connected to a series of slender pipes, which are intertwined like vines, leading the antidote out of the tank and sending it to each nozzle.

Around the medicine storage tank, there are rows of uniform nozzles. These nozzles are small and delicate, arranged in a semicircle, like a huge wreath. Each nozzle is embedded in the shell of the machine and is integrated with the machine. The special material of the nozzle can withstand the test of high temperature and high pressure to ensure the smooth release of the antidote.

As Magneto pressed the button on the console, the whole machine began to roar. The sound was low and powerful, as if it was the vibration of the earth, and it seemed to be the call of hope. Every part of the machine began to operate, and the cooperation between them was tacit and precise, like a well-trained army.

The bottom of the medicine storage tank began to rotate slowly, driving the antidote in the tank to flow. The antidote formed a series of vortices in the tank, as if silver rivers were rushing in the tank. As the tank rotated, the antidote was evenly sent to each pipe, ready to be released into the atmosphere.

Then, the antidote in the pipe began to flow. They shuttled through the pipe like silver streams. The antidote flows very fast, but maintains a steady rhythm. They seem to be given life, jumping happily in the pipe and heading towards the nozzle.

When the antidote reaches the nozzle, it is ejected by strong pressure. There is a sophisticated control system inside the nozzle, which can adjust according to the flow and pressure of the antidote to ensure the uniform spraying of the antidote. When the antidote is sprayed out of the nozzle, it forms a fine mist, which flashes golden light under the sunlight, like a dawn of hope.

As the nozzle continues to spray, the antidote gradually fills the air. They dance in the air like a group of light elves. The aroma of the antidote is refreshing, making people feel a fresh breath. This aroma seems to have magic, which can dispel the fear and anxiety in people's hearts and bring a sense of tranquility and serenity.

The spraying process of the machine lasts for a long time. During this time, the machine has always maintained a stable operating state. Each of its components is working precisely to ensure the smooth release of the antidote. The spraying range of the nozzle continued to expand, and the antidote gradually covered the entire city.

As time went by, the antidote began to spread in the atmosphere. They were like invisible nets, tightly wrapping the city. The aroma of the antidote spread in the air, making people feel an unprecedented freshness and comfort. People walked out of their homes, breathing the long-lost fresh air, and a long-lost smile appeared on their faces.

At the top of the machine, a huge fan began to rotate. The function of this fan is to spread the antidote into the atmosphere more quickly. It is like a huge propeller, spinning rapidly in the air, driving the antidote to spread in all directions. The fan rotates very fast, but maintains a steady rhythm to ensure the uniform distribution of the antidote.

The spraying process of the machine is finally over. It stands quietly on the top of the tower, as if a brave warrior has completed his mission. Every part of the machine has returned to calm, but the traces they left behind will be forever engraved in people's hearts. The spraying of the antidote not only saved the city, but also made people see the greatness and power of human technology.

At this moment, only the machine stands alone on the top of the tower. But around it, there is a breath of hope and rebirth. The city has regained its vitality and vigor, and people have begun to replan their future. And all this is thanks to this great antidote release machine.

Magneto stared at the nozzles, his eyes flashing. He knew that the success of this moment was not only because of his efforts, but also because of the people of this city's persistent pursuit of hope. He took a deep breath, feeling the breath of antidote in the air, as if he had seen the day when the city would be revitalized again.

Bai Ye also stared at the nozzles closely, his heart full of emotion and admiration. He knew that Magneto had put in too much effort and sweat for this moment. He walked to Magneto, patted him on the shoulder, and whispered, "You did a good job."

Magneto turned his head and looked at Bai Ye, with a flash of gratitude and relief in his eyes. He nodded and didn't speak, but his eyes had conveyed his inner joy and pride.

As the antidote continued to be released, the virus in the air was gradually neutralized. People felt the fresh air, and a long-lost smile appeared on their faces. They knew that the success at this moment was not only due to the release of the antidote, but also due to the efforts and persistence of everyone in this city.

Magneto and Bai Ye stood on the top of the tower, overlooking the city. They knew that the victory at this moment was just the beginning, and the road ahead was still long. But they also believed that as long as the people of this city united and worked together, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges.

With the complete release of the antidote, the whole city seemed to be shrouded in a layer of golden light. People walked out of their homes and came to the streets to celebrate this moment of victory. They waved small flags in their hands, shouted slogans, and cheered for the future of the city.

Magneto and Bai Ye also joined the crowd of celebrations. They cheered and danced with people, as if all the troubles and pains had disappeared. They knew that the joy at this moment was not only due to the release of the antidote, but also because of the common expectations and pursuit of a better future by the people of this city.

Under the golden sunshine, the city seemed to be glowing with new vitality. People took to the streets to share the joy of victory with their relatives and friends. They knew that the victory at this moment was not only because of the release of the antidote, but also because the people of this city respected and cherished life.

Magneto and Bai Ye stood in the crowd, their faces filled with happy smiles. They knew that the success at this moment was just the beginning, and there was still a long way to go in the future. But they also believed that as long as the people of this city united and worked together, they would be able to create a better future.

Under the golden sunshine, the city seemed to have become a place full of hope and dreams. People were looking forward to the arrival of the future and looking forward to the city shining brighter.

As the antidote was sprayed, a fresh breath filled the air, which quickly spread to every corner of the city and even penetrated into the wilderness outside the city. On this vast wilderness, a creature that was once a human but now a zombie was wandering aimlessly. Its green tights had long been torn and it was impossible to tell its former identity and past.

The zombie's face was hideous and terrifying, its skin was a grayish green, and its eyes were hollow and deep, like two soulless abysses. There was dried blood on the corners of its mouth, and its teeth were sharp and sharp, each of which was like a blade forged with blood and hatred. Its steps were staggering and heavy, and every step would leave deep marks on the ground, as if every step was fighting against death.

At this moment, a breeze blew, bringing the aroma of the antidote to the nose of the zombie. The zombie's nose twitched slightly, as if it had some reaction to the aroma. It stopped, raised its head, and looked into the distance blankly. There was the source of the release of the antidote and the turning point of its fate.

A low roar came from the zombie's throat, a sound full of pain and struggle. It seemed to feel the changes happening inside its body, and that change made it feel fear and uneasiness. It began to speed up its pace, wanting to escape from this unknown place, but its body seemed to be bound by an invisible force and could not move.

Just then, a mist of antidote came and gently covered the zombie. The zombie's body began to tremble, a tremor from the depths of its soul. Its skin began to change, the grayish green gradually faded, replaced by a healthy paleness. Those sharp teeth also began to loosen, falling one by one, making a crisp banging sound.

The zombie let out a shrill scream, the sound full of despair and pain. Its body began to disintegrate, pieces of flesh and blood fell off its body, as if torn apart by an invisible force. Its limbs began to twist and deform, and finally turned into a pool of blood, flowing on the ground.

In these short minutes, this zombie went through the process from life to death, and then from death to dissipation. Its screams and struggles became the most tragic footnotes of the antidote spraying process. However, behind this tragedy, there is also a kind of relief and relief.

This scene was clearly captured by the drone and transmitted to the control center on the ground in real time. When the operators saw this scene, they couldn't help but cheer. Their faces were filled with joy and excitement, as if they had seen the dawn of victory.

"Success! The antidote is effective!" an operator shouted excitedly.

"Great! This means we will soon be able to eliminate all the zombies!" another operator added excitedly.

The control center was filled with cheers and applause, and people hugged and shook hands to celebrate this historic moment. They knew that the victory at this moment was not only due to the spraying of the antidote, but also due to the efforts and persistence of countless people.

As the drone's camera continued to move, more zombies began to come into contact with the antidote and disintegrate. These zombies used to be human, but now they have become the nightmare of this world. However, under the effect of the antidote, they began to disappear one by one, as if they were completely forgotten by this world.

The drones continued to transmit these scenes to the ground, allowing people to see hope and the future. They knew that the world would soon return to its former tranquility and beauty.

At this moment, the drones are not only watchers in the air, but also messengers of hope. They spread the news that the antidote is effective throughout the world, rekindling people's confidence in the future. The disintegration of the zombie that once wore a green tights also became a witness to this historic moment. Its disappearance announced to the world the arrival of a new era.

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