As the drone images continued to be transmitted, more zombies began to disintegrate and collapse under the effect of the antidote. These creatures that once made people fear and despair, now fell one by one under the invasion of the antidote, and their screams and struggles became clearer under the drone's lens.

The streets in the city were originally empty, but now they seemed to have become a cemetery for zombies. The once bustling streets are now covered with the remains of zombies, and those once lively lives have become twisted and terrifying under the erosion of the virus. But now, these zombies began to dissolve rapidly under the power of the antidote, and their bodies turned into pools of blood, flowing on the streets, mixing with rainwater, forming strange red rivers.

In the wilderness outside the suburbs, the remains of zombies can be seen everywhere. They once ran rampant on this land and ruthlessly slaughtered humans. But now, these zombies have not escaped the fate of the antidote. They struggled and screamed in the wilderness, and finally turned into pools of blood and seeped into the soil, as if to atone for the land.

As the number of zombies decreased, people's mood began to relax gradually. They walked out of their homes and onto the streets to celebrate this historic moment. Their faces were filled with joy and excitement, as if they had seen hope for the future.

"It's finally over! We won!" a young man shouted excitedly. Tears flashed in his eyes, which was the release of past fears and the expectation of the future.

"Yes, we won!" Another old man also said with emotion. His face was full of wrinkles, but at this moment he burst into a bright smile. He had experienced countless hardships and pains, but at this moment he felt extremely relieved and proud.

People hugged and shook hands with each other to celebrate this victory. They knew that all this was inseparable from those brave people and their efforts. They thanked those who gave their lives to save the world, and thanked the scientists who developed the antidote.

While celebrating, people also began to reflect on past experiences. They realized that this disaster was not just an invasion of a virus, but also a test of human nature. In this disaster, some people chose to escape and give up, but some chose to persist and struggle. It was these people who persisted and struggled that made the world rejuvenated.

People began to rebuild their homes and repair the buildings and facilities destroyed by zombies. They cleaned up the zombie debris on the streets and replanted flowers, plants and trees to make the city green and vibrant again. They also began to pay attention to those who lost their homes and loved ones in the disaster, giving them care and help.

In this process, the relationship between people became closer and more united. They were no longer indifferent and alienated as in the past, but supported each other and moved forward together. They knew that only by unity can they overcome the challenges and difficulties in the future.

In the square of the city, people gathered together and held a grand celebration. They sang and danced, laughed and celebrated this moment of victory. In this celebration, people not only celebrated the elimination of zombies, but also celebrated the victory of humanity and the power of unity.

However, while people were immersed in joy and celebration, some people shed tears silently. Perhaps they remembered the lives and loved ones who were lost in this disaster, or perhaps they remembered those who gave their lives to save the world. Their tears are a remembrance and mourning of the past, as well as expectations and blessings for the future.

These tears sparkle in the sun, as if pearls are sprinkled in people's hearts. They make people cherish the happiness and peace in front of them more, and make people more determined to move towards the future.

After this disaster, people have become stronger and braver. They know that the road ahead is still long, and there are still many challenges and difficulties waiting for them. But they also believe that as long as they unite as one and work together, they will be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges.

As time goes by, people gradually walk out of the shadow of this disaster. They begin to replan their future and dreams, and fight and struggle for their lives. They know that there are still many beautiful things in this world waiting for them to discover and create.

And those zombies that were once terrifying and desperate have now become a distant and vague memory in people's hearts. They once brought endless pain and suffering to the world, but also made people cherish and appreciate the current happiness and peace more.

After this doomsday-like disaster, people cried with joy. Their tears are a farewell to the past and an expectation for the future. They know that the world has regained vitality and vitality, and they will continue to move forward and create a better future.

After the antidote was sprayed, the disintegration of the zombies became the most prominent sight in the city. With the disappearance of the last zombie, Magneto and Bai Ye stood on the top of the tower, overlooking the city that was once shrouded in fear but is now gradually returning to peace.

Magneto took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air, his eyes passed through the ruins, as if he could penetrate the boundaries of the city and see a more distant future. He turned around and faced Bai Ye, with a firm light in his eyes.

"Bai Ye, although the city has been saved, our mission is not over yet." Magneto's voice was low and powerful, as if there was a magic that could inspire courage in people's hearts.

Bai Ye nodded, his eyes were equally firm: "Yes, Magneto. This disaster is not only a test for our city, but also a challenge to the whole world."

"That's right." Magneto continued, "We must realize that the survivors in this city are definitely not the only survivors in the world. There must be other small groups of survivors on this wasteland. They may be waiting for rescue or fighting zombies."

Bai Ye nodded slightly, and a strong sense of mission surged in his heart: "We can't give up on them, we must find them and help them."

Magneto stretched out his palm, palm up, as if gathering an invisible force: "We need to form a team, a team that can cross the wasteland and search for survivors."

Bai Ye stretched out his hand without hesitation and hit Magneto's palm: "I agree. My soldiers are all strictly trained fighters. They have rich survival skills and combat experience. They will be the backbone of this team."

The two people's eyes met, as if there was a tacit understanding flowing between them. They knew that the next action would be full of danger and unknowns, but they also knew that this was their responsibility as leaders.

In the following days, Magneto and Bai Ye began to get busy. They called all the soldiers and conveyed to them the plan to form a search team. After hearing this, the soldiers expressed their support and were willing to work hard to save more survivors.

During the preparation process, Magneto and Bai Ye personally checked each search vehicle to ensure that they could drive smoothly on the wasteland. They also prepared enough food, water and medical supplies, as well as necessary weapons and equipment.

At the same time, they also developed a detailed search plan. They divided the wasteland into several areas based on the geographical location and the distribution of zombies, and decided to start the search from the nearest area.

The night before departure, Magneto and Bai Ye stood in the center of the camp, facing all the soldiers. Their eyes were firm and powerful, as if they could penetrate the darkness of the night.

"Soldiers!" Magneto shouted, "We are about to embark on a journey full of danger and unknowns. But remember, our goal is to save more survivors. We must unite and move forward!"

The soldiers responded in unison: "Unite! Move forward!" Their voices echoed in the night sky, full of determination and courage.

The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight shone on the earth, the search team was ready to go. They drove vehicles, carried bags, held weapons and equipment, and embarked on a journey to the wasteland.

In the following days, they crossed the ruins, crossed the mountains, waded through the rivers... They encountered all kinds of difficulties and challenges, but they never gave up on any possible survivors.

Bai Ye stood at the edge of the forest, his eyes firm and deep. He stared at the dense woods in front of him, his heart full of determination and hope. Behind him was a group of well-trained soldiers, who were silent and solemn, as if every nerve was tense, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

The branches and leaves of the forest covered the sky, and the sunlight could only cast mottled light and shadows through the gaps. Bai Ye took a deep breath and felt the fresh smell of soil and grass in the air, and also smelled a hint of unusual silence. He knew that this forest was once a battlefield where humans and zombies fought, but now it is more like a corner forgotten by time, waiting to be rediscovered.

Bai Ye raised his hand and signaled the soldiers to move forward. They quickly lined up in a row, marching in a steady and firm pace towards the depths of the forest. As they went deeper, the trees around them became denser and the soil under their feet became slippery. But the soldiers did not retreat. They remained highly vigilant and were always ready to deal with possible dangers.

Along the way, they encountered many ruins and debris, which were traces of past battles between humans and zombies. Bai Ye looked at these ruins and couldn't help feeling sad. He knew that this land was once the home of humans, but now it has become a paradise for zombies. But he did not give up because he believed that there must be survivors on this wasteland.

They continued to move forward until they came to an open area. There was a seemingly indestructible bunker here. Its appearance was mottled by the erosion of time, but it still stood. Bai Ye looked at the bunker and had a strong premonition in his heart-there must be survivors here.

He quickly ordered the soldiers to surround the bunker and went forward to check it out in person. He pushed the door of the bunker hard, and a musty smell came to his nose. He frowned, but did not back down. He walked into the bunker and found it was pitch black, with only a few weak beams of light coming through the cracks.

He took out a flashlight and illuminated the road ahead. As he went deeper, he gradually heard faint breathing and groaning. He was delighted, knowing that his premonition was correct - there were indeed survivors here.

He quickened his pace and came to a dim room. The room was full of people. They were ragged and haggard, and it was obvious that they had not eaten for many days. When they saw Bai Ye, they showed fear and confusion in their eyes. But Bai Ye did not back down. He walked forward and comforted them in a gentle tone.

"Don't be afraid, we are here to save you." Bai Ye said, "We have found the antidote to eliminate the zombies. You are safe."

"Is this true? Are there no zombies outside? Are we really safe? Is everything you said true!"

"Of course it is true, I won't lie to you."

"So that's what you said, then it must be true, and it can't be faked. We believe you. Let's leave here."

Hearing these words, the survivors began to believe Bai Ye's words. They gathered around and told Bai Ye about their experiences and difficulties. Bai Ye listened to their stories carefully, his heart full of sympathy and anger. He knew that these survivors had experienced countless hardships and tribulations, but they still survived strongly.

Bai Ye ordered the soldiers to distribute food and water to the survivors. The soldiers acted quickly and distributed the food and water they brought to every survivor. When the survivors received the food and water, their eyes flashed with gratitude and excitement. They thanked Bai Ye and the soldiers for saving their lives.

While distributing food and water, Bai Ye also asked the survivors about other survivors in the area. The survivors told Bai Ye that there were some other small groups of survivors in the area, most of whom were hiding in ruins or bunkers waiting for rescue.

Bai Ye was delighted when he heard the news, and he knew that his mission was not yet completed - he had to find these survivors and bring them back to a safe place. He assured the survivors that he would find them as soon as possible and bring them back to a safe place, and told them to stay alert and wait for rescue.

Then Bai Ye led the soldiers out of the bunker and continued to move towards the next goal. They knew that the road ahead was full of unknowns and dangers, but they also knew that they had the responsibility of saving the survivors. They will continue to move forward and move forward until they find all the survivors and bring them back to a safe place...

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