Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 197: Before entering Shangyin Academy

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The building boat started again and headed straight for Shangyin Academy.

On the deck Zhang Fuyao looked at the simple but extremely expensive building boat, and asked, "If you dare to ask Mr.'s name, what knowledge is he good at!"

He didn't ask the Banished Immortal in front of him, why he didn't go to the Imperial College, but went to Shangyin Academy, because he knew that it was useless to ask, why waste his tongue?

Su Xuan unscrewed the lid of the gourd, and the ancient sword with the inscription of morality appeared in front of Zhang Fuyao, Zhang Fuyao frowned tightly looking at the ancient sword for a while.

"Mr. is good at swordsmanship, and also good at killing people. You can teach swordsmanship at Shangyin Academy."

After hearing this, Su Xuan touched the ancient sword lightly with his right hand, and said: "I, Su Xuan, are really good at swordsmanship, and it's all right to teach me swordsmanship, but I also have a lot of knowledge about Confucianism and Taoism. Naturally, it's also good."

He came to this world, firstly to send a letter to Chunyang, secondly to prove his own practice, and thirdly to visit mountains and rivers with his family, and travel the world of mortals.

In Shangyin teaching, everything is the same, but there must be Confucianism, Taoism, classics and righteousness. The Confucian scholars in this world seem to be useless, which makes him feel annoyed.

The building boat rides the wind to go to the Shangyin Academy. On the deck, Zhang Fuyao listens to Su Xuan's rather strange request. He looks at Su Xuan's sword of morality again, and he says: "Mr. Su is wearing a Taoist robe." If you think about it, you can be regarded as a Taoist, if you want to talk about Confucian classics, I still need to test and teach."

Su Xuan waved his hand and said: "Master Zhang's exam is very interesting, I would like to ask Master Zhang to come up with a question!"

Zhang Fuyao laughed out loud, and asked a question that even a child could explain clearly, only to see Zhang Fuyao said: "Dare to ask Mr. Su, it's such a pleasure to have friends from afar!"


This question is very simple, anyone can answer it, anyone can solve it, but no one can come up with a satisfactory result for Zhang Fuyao, not even Zhang Fuyao himself can come up with a satisfactory result.

After tidying up the table, Mo Shanshan already had an answer in her heart when she heard this simple question, but she instinctively believed that it shouldn't be so easy for such a practitioner to ask such a question.

Listening to this question, Su Xuan thought of what he had seen in his previous life, and he explained it very interestingly. He said very seriously: "It's such a joy to have friends coming from afar. This sentence means that the enemy also It can be a friend, if I go to the enemy's house, if the enemy doesn't welcome me, then I will fight until the enemy welcomes me."

Listening to his husband's explanation, Mo Shanshan forcibly held back his smile, because the explanation seemed to be very inconsistent with the question raised by the practitioner.

But Zhang Fuyao, who had been waiting for Su Xuan's answer, laughed out loud. This kind of explanation is really interesting. He has guarded the world for eight hundred years, and he is used to seeing the warmth and coldness of people, and he is also used to seeing rebellious people, but it seems that there is no such thing. Who dares to break his rules and give another explanation for what he said and what he didn't say.

Then Zhang Fuyao said: "This kind of explanation is very interesting. Maybe only the Confucian sages know what the Confucian sages said, but now many people hold onto the interpretation of what the Confucian sages said, not to mention that I haven't said that much!"

He stayed in the world for eight hundred years. When he took his disciples to travel around the world at the very beginning, he did say a lot, but he can be sure that he didn't say that much, but now there are many "Zi Yue" in the world. !"

He has never said so many words!

Su Xuan walked to the table and said, "Shan Shan grinds ink for me!"

Mo Shanshan nodded, and walked over, holding a piece of fine ink in his slender hand, and grinding it on the inkstone.

Su Xuan spread out a piece of rice paper on the table, and after he wrote eight worm and bird seal characters with a pen in his hand, he stopped writing. He picked up the paper and handed it to Zhang Fuyao.

Zhang Fuyao, who took the piece of paper, looked at the eight big characters on the paper, and said: "The way is inaction, let nature take its course! At this time, you are using it to teach me the principles of Taoism, but I don't know which one you are learning from. "

Do nothing, let nature take its course!

As long as you have read a few Taoist books, you can see this sentence. In the complicated Taoist books, the same sentence, when the emperor Laozi uttered it, it was a golden mouth, and when the trafficker said it, it was not even a fart. Put it here is also like this.

Su Xuan just said that there is no way to do anything, and let Zhang Fuyao fall into silence by letting nature take its course.

After a long time, Su Xuan continued: "I come from Zhishouguan. I know the whiteness and keep the blackness, which is the style of the world. It is the style of the world. Changde is not indifferent, and I have returned to Zhishou of Wuji. I will not add it for this. Jie Zhi Shouguan Guanzhu, Master Zhang can also call me Su!"

The heavens and worlds are not peaceful, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there is danger, so it is particularly important to release a name.

His surname is Su, and he is an ordinary practitioner, so he can naturally be called Su!

Hearing this playful name, Mo Shanshan was a little annoyed, because the owner of Zhishou Temple in his hometown was named Chen, and he came to this world to reopen Zhishou Temple, but he continued the tradition of Zhishou Temple , It's just that she doesn't like this kind of tradition.

Mo Shanshan said: "I think it's good to be called Su Zhenren, why call him Su."

Zhang Fuyao smiled without saying a word, watching Su Xuan's answer calmly.

After Su Xuan looked at Mo Shanshan, he said to Zhang Fuyao not far in front of him: "Then call him Master Su, I will listen to my wife."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Fuyao chuckled and said: "It turns out that no matter which world you are in, fear of guilt is a common principle."

He thought of the disciple who left him when he was traveling in various countries because he was afraid of himself.

The building boat speeded up, and two waves of water were pushed out of the river!

And the Confucian sage who guarded the world for 800 years, after talking with Su Xuan, walked away on the river.


Shangyin Academy!

Standing on the roof of the cliff palaces on the bank of the river, the sailless boat can already be seen vaguely.

Shangyin Academy King Jijiu has arrived at the excavated pier, anxiously waiting for the coming ship.

As for the building boat that didn't know where it belonged but had a clear purpose, Wang Jijiu, who was from the Shangyin Academy, didn't know what to do.

At this time, a disciple of Shangyin School came from a distance. The disciple came to the front and back of Dajijiu, and respectfully handed a letter to Wang Jijiu.

Shangyin School Palace King Jijiu, took the letter, looked very familiar, but he didn't know where he had seen the characters, and said, "It's strange, have I seen this character somewhere?"

Then he opened the letter, and when he saw the letter, the Wang Jijiu from Shangyin Academy widened his glasses, afraid that he might have read it wrong, but he read it over and over many times, and over and over again. After reading it many times, after being sure, I thought to myself: "Master Patriarch, you haven't left yet!"

Then he tore the letter into pieces and threw it into the Taotao River. He hadn't read any letters today, and he let a certain immortal give lectures in the Shangyin Academy just because the immortal gave lectures at a high level.



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