Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 198: Apprentice first, then kill brother-in-law

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On the river outside the wharf excavated by Shangyin Academy, a large boat without sails and masts floated. Some disciples who were close to Wu Yi climbed up the eaves to watch.

It made all the teachers feel quite annoyed, they couldn't make a good class, but fortunately they also walked out of the classroom, went outside to have a look together, and heard about the building boat for a long time.

Look at this!

It really opened their eyes, even the largest warship in the navy of the Liyang Dynasty was half smaller than the large ship in front of them.

Moreover, it was Wang Jijiu from Shangyin Academy who personally led him into the academy. It seems that there will be another gentleman in this academy, but I don't know what kind of knowledge this new gentleman will impart, and what kind of knowledge will he have? What kind of changes will it bring to Shangyin Academy?

Outside the palace somewhere on the cliff!

At this time, a servant wrapped in a black robe looked at Zhao Kai hanging on the eaves and said, "Your Highness, those two people on board are very powerful, at least they are above the celestial phenomena. , Think about the means of the person on the boat at this time."

Zhao Kai smiled and asked: "Master, those two people are really immortals? But why did immortals come to Shangyin Academy? Wouldn't it be better to go to the Imperial College or Tai'an City?"

Han Shengxuan looked at Lou Chuan who disappeared after being led in by Wang Jijiu, and said, "It's no exaggeration to say that such a method is the method of an immortal. Your chance has come. If you can get a little relationship with this immortal , then you have a chance to aspire to that seat."

It is very difficult for him as a disciple to win that seat. After all, his status is not recognized by the royal family. If he wants to win the championship, he must create some troubles. As long as the water is muddied, his disciple will have a chance!

Zhao Kai smiled again after hearing this, and he said: "It's very interesting to worship an immortal as a teacher, and then become an emperor. It's just that I have worshiped an immortal as a teacher, so my brother-in-law doesn't need to be killed."

He has no enmity with Xu Fengnian, not to mention that Xu Fengnian will most likely be his brother-in-law in the future, how can he kill his brother-in-law?

After Han Shengxuan glanced at the five red armored generals behind him, he said: "The mind of an immortal cannot be guessed, so you can't bet on the immortal. You still have to kill Xu Fengnian. If you kill Xu Fengnian, the world will be in chaos. The world is in chaos, and there is no adult in the court who dares to speak out and order this method, but in order to break the situation, you don't need to kill Xu Fengnian, otherwise you will die."

If people bully him for a while, he will bully others forever, if people respect him a foot, he will respect others ten feet, he deserves a meal, he naturally wants this disciple to find a future.

Zhao Kai's face changed accordingly, he said: "Master is not in a hurry, brother-in-law is not in a hurry to kill, wait for me to pay homage to the master first."

Han Shengxuan asked, "How can you be sure that the immortal will accept you as a disciple?"

Zhao Kai chuckled and replied, "Because I have a thick skin!"

In this world, only shameless people can live well. He has read the dossier about brother-in-law, brother-in-law is indeed difficult to kill, but no matter how difficult brother-in-law is, he still has to kill him.

Han Shengxuan said calmly: "You are really thick-skinned, but you have to be careful. Immortals' thoughts are not so easy to guess."

Immortals are also human beings. As long as they are individuals, their thoughts are naturally diverse and difficult to guess. Besides, there is an immortal before the word 人.

Then he threw the token of controlling the five Fujiang red armors to Zhao Kai, he said: "There are many dead men around Xu Fengnian, this Fujiang red armor will help you kill Xu Fengnian."

Zhao Kai, who took the token, looked at the five red armors who walked behind him after every step, and said with a smile: "You actually used the red armors, it seems that my brother-in-law is really hard to kill!"

Although he is an illegitimate child, he also knows the power of Fujiang's red armor. If five Fujiang's red armors gather together, even a martial artist at the diamond level will be hated on the spot, let alone a brother-in-law.

Han Shengxuan nodded and said: "It's really hard to kill, but you have to kill Xu Fengnian, and only after you kill Xu Fengnian can Xu Xiao rebel, and then you can ride the wind and rise."

Zhao Kai wanted to ask something, but found that Han Shengxuan had disappeared into the mist, and he controlled the five red armored generals and walked towards his dormitory.

And he used his strength to climb outside a certain room in the cliff. He pushed the window of the room and looked at the woman who was holding a book coldly.

When the woman saw Zhao Kai coming, she cursed angrily, "Get lost!"

Zhao Kai looked at the woman and said, "Xu Weixiong, you look so pretty when you're angry."

He really likes Xu Weixiong very much. If he didn't want to be the emperor, he would die, and he wouldn't kill his brother-in-law. After all, they might become a family, but it's not impossible!

Xu Weixiong looked at Zhao Kai coldly, and said with a sneer, "If I don't kill you with a sword, don't think that I don't know your identity, even if I kill you, no one will stand up and say something."

While speaking, Xu Weixiong pointed the red Chi on the table directly at the center of Zhao Kai's eyebrows.

Zhao Kai smiled and said: "Xu Weixiong, your swordsmanship is too A new gentleman has come to the academy, he may be teaching tomorrow, you should go and listen, after all, he is also an immortal."

But before Zhao Kai finished speaking, Xu Weixiong slashed at Zhao Kai, but she wanted to see what kind of reason the immortal would tell.

Zhao Kai directly let go of the window and fell into the corridor with the wind, he secretly said: "As expected, she is indeed my wife, it seems that only I can be worthy of Xu Weixiong."

Then Zhao Kai hummed a song and walked towards the distance with unrecognizable steps. Today he saw the immortal entering the Shangyin Academy, and he also met Xu Weixiong, and he was going to kill his brother-in-law, so he was very happy today.


At this moment in Beiliang, the central door of the Beiliang Prince's Mansion on Qingliang Mountain with tigers crouching and dragons was wide open.

Xu Fengnian, the prince's son of Beiliang, brought a beautiful woman to **** him, and started to travel the rivers and lakes again, but this time it was different from the last time when he was poor, this time it can be said that a beautiful woman accompanied him as a side guard.

Not long after, dozens of carriages drove towards the distant street. Xu Xiao, who was standing at the gate of Beiliang Palace, looked at the team going away, and said, "Feng Nian, walk on the road and have your own future!"

His son entered the rivers and lakes, he should also enter the court, and went to ask the court for a hereditary replacement.

After the team of dozens of carriages had gone away, Xu Xiao jumped onto the horse and said to the captain who was carrying the big flag, "Send the order, and travel through the night and day, to Tai'an City."

A pair of iron cavalry followed the big banner, left Qingliang Mountain, and went straight to Tai'an City, the capital of Liyang thousands of miles away.

Some of the spies who were left on purpose spread the news to all places in Liyang desperately, but they didn't know that all of this had already entered into Xu Xiaoweng's heart.



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