Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 271: I have 2 volumes of Daoist Books, which can cultivate a 0-year body

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Outside the Su residence!

Yan Chixia walked up the steps outside the door, looked at Su Xuan not far from the door, who was fishing by the pond with a fishing rod in his hand, and said apologetically, "Yan Chixia has seen senior!"

Although this Master Su looks very young, the age of the practitioner is a mystery in itself. Who stipulates that a practitioner who is hundreds of years old cannot be young?

Therefore, calling out senior is also the right thing, after all, this person is very likely to be a fairy from the sky.

Ning Caichen also walked in panting, and respectfully saluted: "Ning Caichen has seen Master Su."

After Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen saluted respectively, they entered the Su residence and came not far from Su Xuan.

Facing this suspected immortal Master Su, Yan Chixia remained cautious enough, and did not have the slightest intention of probing Su Xuan's cultivation.

Su Xuan put down the fishing rod in his hand, spread his hands and said, "Sit first!"

Yan Chixia couldn't see her sitting on the stone bench. Ning Caichen sat down after saluting again and again. Although the guy who released the loan sharks had already seen the King of Hades, Ning Caichen didn't want to come back after seeing such a miserable situation. Once upon a time.

Yan Chixia, who sat down, looked at the somewhat ordinary Mr. Su, and said, "I don't know Mr. Su, but do you know the old demon of Montenegro?"

Yan Chixia, who didn't know how to speak, finally chose to ask the immortal if he knew the old black mountain demon.

After listening to this nonsense question, Su Xuan replied: "Of course I know, isn't it just covering the Heishan old demon with a radius of nearly two thousand miles and more than 20 counties! The Heishan old demon has been relying on blood food and devouring cultivation all these years Those who have already stood at the level below the fairyland, and the old Heishan demon is hiding in the Heishan boundary, so some people have killed the old Heishan demon many times but failed to do their best. Is it possible that Fellow Daoist Yan also wants to kill the old Heishan demon? ?”

The Black Mountain old demon is indeed not a big role, but behind the old black mountain demon are those old demons of the evil way, and behind the old old demon is the demon ancestor Luohu, so practitioners in this world think that killing the old black mountain demon can break the situation, But in his opinion, only by cutting off the lurking monster together can he break through the clouds and see the sun.

Yan Chixia said with high spirits: "To tell the truth, Master Su, Yan has exactly this intention. The old black mountain demon has been entrenched in more than 20 counties near Guobei for more than 20 years, and has caused endless murder. Such a demon should not use it to cause trouble in the world. .”

Su Xuan looked at Yan Chixia, looked at this heroic bearded man, and said calmly: "For those monsters who like to eat blood, they can be used as a means of killing and stopping killing, but those who take advantage of the situation because of taking refuge in monsters How should we deal with the people who are in trouble? For example, the old emperor who is sitting on the throne of the emperor, and the national teacher with the body of a hundred-legged centipede, how does Yan Dao think to deal with it?"

The court that controls the post station is also the court that controls the mansion. Killing some monsters can gain a lot of fame, but killing the people of the court, Yan Chixia can only become a vicious villain

He is very aware of the filth in these worldly courts. Once people's hearts are darkened, they are indeed much more terrifying than demons. This is not the power of one person to turn things around, even if he is a fairy.

Practitioners have great supernatural powers, and the ones who can be killed with boundless mana are physical gods. How can they cut off their sex? Human nature is inherently evil!

If he could chop off this thing, he would no longer be a practitioner of the little fairy realm.

Yan Chixia didn't know the evil things that he did to those people. Yan Chixia could do it, but if he was really asked to kill those unarmed people, he really couldn't do it. But since Master Su asked , he could only bite the bullet and answer.

I saw Yan Chixia, who was full of worry, and said: "The imperial court has the king's law, although today: His Majesty favors monsters, but I heard that His Royal Highness is honest and honest, and he has been taught by several elders in the court. When the crown prince ascends the throne in the future, those people He will definitely be punished as he should, Master Su's murder of the chief villain is alright, but if he takes action against those unarmed people, Yan thinks he is not insane."

"Wang Fa? Ha ha!" Su Xuan sneered and said, "It seems that I am a little mad, but since they chose to deceive people to the old demon of Montenegro, they should think about what consequences they will bear in the future, but after so many years , those people did not see the consequences.

But the retribution of the heavenly cycle is not good, and now the demons have opened all the shops that buy and sell blood food to the territory of the human race, and this retribution is due. I don't advocate sitting together, but those people eat other people's blood and flesh in their homes. If you have a heart like a monster, you are a monster, and if you have a heart like a human, you are a human. Fellow Daoist Yan, killing demons and eliminating demons is not a dinner treat! "

For those who buy and sell blood food for the Montenegrin old demon, not to mention sitting down, even implicating the nine clans, it is not an exaggeration to execute Ling Chi.

Even if the bodies and spirits of those people were to be wiped out, it would still be too cheap. For the people who died at the hands of the old Black Mountain demon, the justice of being late is far from being fair.

Hearing Su Xuan's words, Yan Chixia seemed to have been drained of energy, he said: "Listening to Master Su's words is better than reading ten years of books, but when that time comes, no one is sure what will happen. What. I only hope that I can kill a few more monsters in the rest of my life, and I still hope that Master Su can go with me to kill the old black mountain demon."

The old Heishan demon is a banner of demons. If the old Heishan demon does not die, the demons in Daliang will not stop. As long as the demons in Daliang stop first, the people in Daliang will have a chance to breathe.

Su Xuan took out three or two volumes of Taoist from his bosom and threw them to Yan Chixia, he said: "I have three or two volumes of Taoist scriptures, which can cultivate a thousand-year longevity body, but I want to kill demons and eliminate demons!" Then you have to live longer, or else you will be boiled to death, the Black Mountain old demon will trouble Yan Daoyou to take Ning Caichen to kill, and as for the people behind the Black Mountain old demon, leave it to me."

After receiving three or two volumes of Daoist scriptures, Yan Chixia didn't pay much attention to the law of longevity. Instead, it was the volume "Su Zhenren on the Haoran Sword!" that caught Yan Chixia's attention. He practiced the way of sword immortality. Naturally, I like this volume of Taoism very much.

Yan Chixia asked: "What exactly does Master Su want me to do?"

Everyone knows the truth of not being rewarded for meritorious deeds, let alone the secret book of longevity that can be established.

Su Xuan got up and looked at the peony fish in the pool, sprinkled a handful of fish food, and said: "My wife thinks that I open an academy and go out early and return late. I have an academy called Zhishou Academy. I hope Fellow Daoist Yan can take up the post." The post of dean."

This is also what he originally meant. Yan Chixia became the dean, other academies taught moral articles in the Four Books and Five Classics, and Zhishou Academy taught killing demons and demons. One day, this world will come to Nirvana.

After hearing this, Yan Chixia stuffed the Taoist book into her bosom. He was really afraid that Master Su would ask something embarrassing, but he didn't expect this request to be so simple. Yan Chixia said: "As long as Yan lives a day , will not let Zhishou Academy disappear."

Su Xuan nodded and said, "Good!"

"My wife cooked for me, so I won't keep two of them. Ning Caichen knows the location of Zhishou Academy, so let Ning Caichen lead Fellow Daoist Yan there!"



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