Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 272: Montenegro's Mountain God Feast

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A month ago, after Guobei County was bloodbathed by the imperial cavalry, the blood food for hundreds of people would naturally be cut off once a month on weekdays.

Without the new blood food, the blood food raised in the Black Mountain Realm will naturally suffer disaster. The other monsters don't know what happened in Guobei County.

However, the black mountain old demon who dominates more than 20 counties and nearly 2,000 miles in the northern part of Guo, did rely on the seal of the mountain god. After the peach blossoms fell in the sky, more than half of the 30,000 cavalry of the imperial court and the demons who secretly caused chaos were killed or injured.

And that Taoist Heavenly Immortal seemed to have only said one sentence from the beginning to the end. But what exactly was that sentence, before the old Heishan demon could hear it clearly, countless cracks appeared in the seal of the Heishan mountain god.

On the seal of the Black Mountain God, the biggest crack is about to divide the core talisman of the Seal of the Black Mountain God into two halves.

As the saying goes, one can only be rich for three generations, but since the heavens were shattered and the underworld disappeared, their Black Mountain Demon has been rich for three generations since the millennium.

The old demon of Montenegro knew very well that he was able to command so many demons in Montenegro and the surrounding lands. Apart from his status as a great demon and his strange methods, the main reason was that this side could mobilize the divine power of the heavens and the earth. The seal of the mountain god.

One side of water and soil supports one side of people, and the old demon of Montenegro knows very well that the seal of the mountain **** in the 800-mile Montenegro mountain range is the foundation of his life here.

If it weren't for the great changes in the world, it would be impossible for the Black Mountain lineage to occupy the seal of the mountain god, so if a practitioner or a demon fights against him in the Black Mountain area, it is equivalent to fighting against the power of the world.

But now that the seal of the mountain **** was broken, the old demon of Montenegro had no choice but to reopen the banquet of the mountain god, inviting monsters from all corners of the world, and people with dignity in the world to come to Montenegro to discuss the purchase of blood food.

In a sense, the Montenegrin old demon who has occupied the seal of the mountain **** can also be regarded as a god.

The Black Mountain old demon is going to hold a mountain **** banquet, and the little demons in the Black Mountain realm are extremely busy, especially the kitchen is full of blood, making the demon who goes to help the cook, it is so mouthwatering.

The little demons in the Montenegro realm don't have the guts to go out to find blood food by themselves, but they have the guts to use it to dissect the blood food for the King of Montenegro on weekdays.

But this time, these monsters who were helping the kitchen did not dare to be greedy for ink at all. If they were really greedy for ink and delayed the feast of the mountain god, the King of Montenegro would have to eat them alive!

As the days passed, many invitations from the old Heishan demon were sent out, and the demons in the eight hundred miles of Heishan mountain range continued to gather. For a while, Guobei County, which is the closest to Heishan, was full of demons dancing wildly.

The drowsy blue sky became so gray that it looked like a long-used rag.

The people in Guobei County also get lost from time to time. Yan Chixia, who took over Zhishou Academy, also put Zhishou Academy on the right track by virtue of her huge name. With the three words Yan Chixia, Zhishou Academy A little bit of human habitation has resumed.

But for today's chaos, Zhishou Academy is also helpless, and can only slay demons and demons to a limited extent.

At this time, under the sky above Su Xuan's house, several demonic winds flew over the Su residence. In the courtyard, Su Xuan looked at the demons flying past, and said calmly: "Has anyone ever told you to drive like this?" Yaofeng, you don’t know how to be polite? Let Su Mou teach you what is morality today.”

There was a burst of sword energy in the pool, initially only three inches long, but after flying out of the pool, it was three feet long. When the three-foot long sword energy flew under the sky, it was already three thousand feet long.

But all the monsters on that flight path were cut off by the sword energy, not even a decent scum was left behind.

Not far away, Mo Shanshan came out of the house. She looked at the remaining demonic aura under the sky, and said sullenly: "Counting this time today, the demons passed over our house, not a hundred times, but there must be It's been eighty times, it seems that in this world, except for a few, no one really dares to resist demons."

At least in the absence of benefits, the unmanned sects dared to resist the big monsters, but just let the monsters swagger past the place where the mountain gates were located. Perhaps she could understand that those sects were for inheritance, but such behavior made her feel Shameless.

Su Xuan went on to say: "The old demon of Heishan is a monster who used the method of blood sacrifice to occupy the seal of the mountain god. The old demon of Heishan thought that he could go on like this forever by watering the seal of the mountain **** with the blood of living beings, but what is this old demon of Heishan doing?" Not good, you dared to peep at me, so the seal of the mountain **** of the old black mountain demon is naturally broken, so this mountain **** banquet is a place of death, but these stupid monsters still want to take millet out of the fire."

Stealing the position of heaven and earth is actually a **** thing to do, but any creature will not be able to stand it, let alone the way of nature in the dark.

If you get something, you have to bear it. A whoring behavior like the old demon of Montenegro has only one end no matter where it is in the world, and that is to destroy the mountain and destroy the temple.

It is true that with the help of the seal of the mountain god, the old demon of Montenegro can gain divine power even under the premise of great changes in the world and the wild dance of demons, but he is a fairy!

The existence of being able to cross the void alone and resist the turbulence of the void without the help of a spirit Only a third-rank **** can sit on an equal footing with him. A Montenegro mountain god, without the Montenegro mountain range, would there still be a Montenegro mountain god?

Mo Shanshan grabbed the fish food and sprinkled it in the pool water. She looked at the peony fish in the pool water, and she was full of thoughts. She said: "What if there are gods in this world again? I sensed it in the dark. , if I want to pick the Celestial Immortal Dao Fruit, it will have a lot to do with this world, and it will also be extremely difficult."

When her cultivation base reached her level, she naturally had some vague premonitions about the future. She knew very well that her current cultivation base had a lot to do with her family Su Xuan.

Her family, Su Xuan, entered the realm of celestial immortals before, if she wanted to pick the celestial celestial dao fruit. , I'm afraid it will be a lot more troublesome than when Su Xuan picked the Celestial Immortal Dao Fruit.

"Tao and Fuqu, you will be blamed instead!" Su Xuan stood shoulder to shoulder with his family's mountain, and he said: "Since the opportunity has come, don't hesitate, there is only one time in a lifetime to touch the immortal Tao fruit." Opportunity, besides, Shanshan, you are my way, even if the demon king comes in person, I will use my sword to block the three disasters for you."

This is also expected, after all, this world is completely regarded as the stronghold of monsters, monsters are the right way, and practitioners are heretics.

In such a world, picking the Celestial Immortal Dao Fruit will inevitably attract countless monsters, but even if there are tens of thousands of monsters in front of him, he will kill them with one sword.

Mo Shanshan leaned on Su Xuan's shoulder, and said with firm eyes: "The road ahead is long, I have to walk with you!"

With the faint fragrance lingering by Su Xuan's side, he said: "I have to accompany you on the journey. If I want to add a time limit to this time, I hope it will be an immeasurable calamity."



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