Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 466: 1 piece of innate spirit treasure

The flames in Chang'an City are still on.

This Great Luo battle that took place in the human world not only attracted the attention of a large number of immortal families, but even the older generation of Da Luo immortal families who had not been walking around in the human world for a long time also came out of the cave one after another.

watch a play.

Let's see which Hunyuan fairy family, who was born in the Da Luo family of five-color humans, will turn into an innate spiritual treasure.

Ever since that shocking battle that shattered the prehistoric world into the heavens and myriad worlds, there has never been any immortal family who dared to make such an arrogance with all its strength.

They are also Da Luo Jinxian, Nanhua may not be really weak. The Da Luo Jinxian who was born in the five-color human race, if he had no worries, why has he been on the defensive since the war, except for the time and space against the river.

Fortunately, the Da Luo Immortals who came with their disciples enthusiastically used their supernatural powers to isolate Chang'an City from the long river of time and space, so no other casualties were caused.

It would be bad luck for a practitioner of Daluo Jinxian realm who didn't follow the rules to shoot with all his strength and was accidentally injured.

Time and space, yin and yang, five elements and many other avenue rules wander outside the city of Chang'an. If there are practitioners in the golden fairy realm who realize the Tao here, they will inevitably end up losing their Taoism and going mad.

But it is a different matter to become a practitioner in the realm of celestial immortals to realize Taoism. Maybe you can enter the realm of golden immortals in just a hundred years.

In the city of Chang'an.

Nan Hua looked at Rong who was still arrogant, and said, "Fellow Daoist, do you think you can still go? After all, Da Luo is still an ant in front of Hunyuan. At best, he can only be regarded as a bigger and stronger ant."

After the Lich War, Nan Hua couldn't help but feel a little bit sad when he saw a practitioner with the Daluo Jinxian realm turn into a congenital spiritual treasure.

The five-color human race wanted to return to the heavens and the world, so they chose the Great Han Xian Dynasty in the name of the son of the Red Emperor, but the five-color human race had the Red Emperor, so did the human race not have the Red Emperor?

Rong Dan said: "Since I came back, although I have been walking cautiously, I have also found out a lot of news, but I never thought that with these little tricks, I can severely injure fellow daoists. It turns out that fellow daoists are waiting for foreign aid. , or the foreign aid of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian Realm."

Then Rong laughed wildly and said: "Since you are dead today, let the Dao of the five-color human race bloom in the heavens and worlds again!"

In an instant.

Outside Chang'an City, dozens of formations arranged by enthusiastic Da Luo Jinxian Realm practitioners were broken. If it weren't for the older generation of Da Luo Xianjia's cautious and cautious attitude, I am afraid that outside Chang'an City, those Jinxian Realm practitioners will be destroyed. Practitioners, at least half of them will be killed or injured at this moment.

Since the Lich War, no fairy family has seen it again. A practitioner in the realm of Daluo Jinxian has desperately revealed what it is like to be in the realm of cultivation.

However, they met again today.

There are no fancy magical powers, no dazzling laws of the avenue, and some are just unimaginable destruction.

The Golden Immortal Realm has already achieved the same level as the Great Thousand World, and the practitioners of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm have already achieved the replacement of one side of the Great Thousand World Law.

Practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm can create a vast world anytime, anywhere.

When a practitioner in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian created an unknown number of directions in an instant, the Great Thousand World that was about to be destroyed as soon as it appeared, and the chaos caused by the laws of the Dao, a practitioner in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian could not even understand I can't even understand it, but if it sticks a little bit, it will turn into ashes.

"This Da Luo Jinxian of the five-color human race seems to have no intention of living. Are all the five-color human races so rich now? Is the Da Luo Jinxian worthless?"

A Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioner who was born in a sect asked with some doubts.

Enthusiastic Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners explained: "It's not that the five-color human race is too rich, but that this Da Luo of the five-color human race can't go away. Da Luo Jinxian is not allowed to use more than the limit in the world. If you still refuse to admit your mistake, then there is only one consequence, and that is to be labeled as an innate spiritual treasure, or to put it another way, the true spirit loses its self and replaces it with a new self."

But for practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian realm, the loss of the true spirit is not the most painful thing. The most painful thing is that the self is stripped, and everything that was originally turned into an innate spiritual treasure.

In the city of Chang'an!

Faced with Rong's strong attack, Nan Hua retreated again and again, but there was a faint smile on his face, because the Lady Pingxin from the underworld had already arrived.

Then, amidst the flames that could burn through time and space, Nanhua bowed towards the distance and said: "Xuanmen Nanhua, I have seen Lady Pingxin, and welcome Madam Pingxin to the mortal world."

at this time.

A figure walked from far to near into the city of Chang'an, it was Ping Xin who came from the underworld.

When Pingxin set foot in Chang'an City, the burning avenue flames suddenly stopped, no matter how much Rong Rong burned himself, it would be of no avail.

Ping Xin looked at Nan Hua who was bowing in salute, and said, "Junior Brother, you don't need to be too polite."

"I want to see who dares to violate the prohibition set by Zixiao Palace."

It is also fortunate that Nanhua has already moved hundreds of millions of people in Chang'an City to other places, otherwise the business volume of the Underworld would have surged today.

But even so, there are still many unlucky people who died under the aftermath.

"I didn't expect that billions of years have passed, and I can still see the five-color human race in the past, but I didn't expect that the little follower in the past has become a practitioner of the Daluo Jinxian realm today, but why don't you hide it? Very If you want to come out and stir up the wind and rain, in this case, I have no choice but to send you back home."

This Daluo Jinxian, who was born in the five-color human race, was indeed somewhat familiar to her. She had seen it when she followed her teacher Hongjun Patriarch to worship the emperor of the five-color human race. At that time, this little guy didn't even have the golden fairy realm.

Speaking of it, there is also a chance, but after such a long time, no matter how close it is, it will not help.

Rong sneered and said: "It turns out that you competed with Nuwa for the Queen's Land. I didn't expect you to do something that even the clan elders never did. But Houtu, you really think that if I really want to leave, you will be killed." Can you stop it?"

Although he came here to Chang'an with the determination to die, to replace the dragon veins of the Han Dynasty and the luck of the doves to occupy the magpie's nest, and to reintegrate the five-color human race with the current human race, there will naturally be a way to escape.

"Your Majesty, save me!"

next moment.

Rong shouted hoarsely towards the distance.

Outside the city of Chang'an, the immortals who watched the battle were shocked. They thought that he was another hero in the realm of the Daluo Jinxian, but they turned out to be such an immortal.

Although it was a big surprise, none of the immortals laughed at it. After all, in the face of this peaceful lady, calling for help is not something worthy of contempt.



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