Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 467: This is the siege

In the city of Chang'an.

Like Ping Xin strolling in the garden, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a little smile.

She had been waiting for this little guy to call out for someone, but she didn't know which old friend this little guy was calling for.

After all, people who were also in the prehistoric world back then can still be regarded as fellow villagers.

Folks meet fellows!

After a long time, Rong, who still hadn't seen the slightest change, suddenly dimmed the divine light on his face.

For the first time, there was a sense of death in Rong's eyes, not only because Rong himself was about to die, but also because he had harmed his majesty at the last moment before his death.

This is what Rong regrets the most.

Behind Pingxin, the phantom of the Six Paths of Reincarnation appeared, and the six realms of reincarnation between birth and death enveloped the entire Conferred God Realm.

Rong, this cultivator who was born in the realm of Daluojinxian, who was born in the five-color human race, suddenly lost control of his own Dao at this moment, as if no one had ever controlled it.

Rong Zhenshen's self began to be stripped, and then he was sent to the six realms of reincarnation, and the flames of the avenue gradually faded.

In the area of ​​the original Chang'an City, apart from the aftermath of the Great War, it can be proved that there was a human imperial capital here before, and there is nothing else to prove that the former human imperial capital Chang'an City is here.

Pingxin looked at the bright palace lantern in his hand, and said: "Hills of millions of years of cultivation have turned into such a congenital treasure in one day, and I don't know when I will be able to re-enter the realm of Daluo."

Then Ping Xin put the lamp away, after all, she also met once, if the little one really stood in front of her again, maybe she would return the lamp to the little one.

It's just that under the siege and interception of many big Luo Xianjia, can that little one really stand in front of her again?

at the same time.

Outside the realm of the gods.

A certain majesty of the five-color human race, an old friend of the former Empress Pingxin, got into the sword formation of Master Tongtian.

A sword qi can destroy a whole world, even though this majesty of the five-colored human race, with a wave of his hand, a whole world can be destroyed.

But in the end, this His Majesty, who was born in a five-color human race, opened up the speed of the world. Still can't keep up with the speed at which the Zhuxian Sword Formation shattered the world.

In the void thousands of miles away.

Su Quan stood on the deck of the flying boat, looking at the evil spirit of Zhuxian Sword Formation, his face was filled with helplessness, he said: "This is clearly the siege of the heavens and ten thousand worlds version, Nanhua is just a bait, used to catch Rong Rong This small fish, but the fish that was actually caught in the end was only His Majesty who was born in the five-colored human race."

Surrounded by Rong, and beaten by His Majesty.

This is very reasonable, and it can be regarded as an aboveboard conspiracy.

Just revisiting this readily available strategy, Su Xuan couldn't help but feel a little funny. Sure enough, the simplest method is the most effective.

Mo Shanshan said: "It's just that I didn't expect that His Majesty of the five-colored human race would be so unlucky. As soon as he came out, he encountered Uncle Tongtian's Zhuxian Sword Formation."

She has never seen such an unlucky fairy family. It is not an easy thing to get out after entering the Zhuxian Sword Formation that cannot be broken by the Four Saints.

"Unlucky is really unlucky, but it's just that His Majesty the Red Emperor, although it is unlikely to become an innate spiritual treasure, there is still a possibility that he will be seriously injured and cannot be recovered for hundreds of millions of years." Su Xuan said: "After all, back then, This lord has already attained the position of five emperors of the five-color human race, and no one knows if His Majesty the Scarlet Emperor has any hidden means."

In the era when Taoism still relied on the help of ancient gods, the Red Emperor among the five-colored human race had already reached a certain mysterious realm that was comparable to the realm of Daluo and did not give way.

This is also the reason why His Majesty the Red Emperor of the five-color human race was able to persist in the Zhuxian Sword Formation for so long. Of course, his Uncle Tongtian Master released the water, but this His Majesty the Red Emperor of the five-color human race himself The realm of cultivation should not be underestimated.

"This His Majesty the Red Emperor of the five-color human race occupies the position of the Red Emperor, and he was not found before. Now that the His Majesty the Red Emperor of the five-color human race has come here, he must be defeated by Da Luo who intends to compete for the position of the Red Emperor." Immortals in the Golden Immortal Realm stopped him."

Mo Shanshan said calmly.

The Immortal Jade Formation is just a siege. She doesn't believe that a cultivator in the Hunyuan realm, who can easily make the Immortal Executioner Sword Formation to stain his clothes with blood, will not be able to take down the former Red Emperor of the five-color human race.

Su Xuan suddenly turned his head and looked into the depths of the void in the distance. He saw several rainbow lights coming from outside the realm of the Conferred Gods, heading straight for the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"It seems that these fellow Taoists are still afraid of capsizing in the gutter, so they actually invited Uncle Tongtian to hold the line."

"That's right, using the Immortal Execution Sword Formation to send back His Majesty the Red Emperor of the five-colored human race back home does not disgrace the identity of this Majesty."

Su Xuan just stood with his family and watched from afar.

But even so, judging from the law of the great way overflowing in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and the ups and downs of life and death in one side of the world, it is not difficult to see the brutality of the battle.

This is the first time, after His Majesty the Scarlet Emperor of the five-color human race handed over the position of the Human Red Emperor.

The fairy who want to compete for the position of the Red Emperor needs to fight another game, or many more.

On the coast of the East China Sea, proudly come to the country.

Flying down the mountain, Huaguo Mountain.

The battle that took place outside the realm of conferred gods also alarmed Zhuang Zhou who had been asleep on Feilai Mountain for an unknown number of years.

"The big dream is thousands of years old, what year is it now?"

Suddenly, Zhuang Zhou woke up.

And a certain Great Thousand World also shattered like a dream bubble.

On Huaguo Mountain, a monkey appeared.

A monkey who had a big dream is still a monkey with the cultivation of the Golden Immortal Realm.

Sun Wukong looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar world and whistled happily: "My children, my grandson is back."

At the same time, Feilaishan also disappeared.

Under the congenital laurel tree!

Patriarch Bodhi said excitedly: "It's finally over, now we're going to see His Majesty in the Thirty-Third Heaven, I just hope this monkey won't go too far."

But then Bodhi put this idea behind him, and wanted to let Monkey King live a stable life, it was simply whimsical.

Zhao Gongming looked at Patriarch Bodhi, who seemed to be relieved from a heavy burden, and said with a smile: "Senior Bodhi, this monkey's cultivation level is not bad! It's only a few years behind my old Zhao."

Patriarch Bodhi's face darkened, and he said, "Zhao Daoyou is joking, you were born with the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal realm, if you can't compare with my incompetent apprentice, that would be a strange thing."

Now that his ineffective disciple has come out, it can only be regarded as a trivial matter.

Compared with this trivial matter, Bodhi is more concerned about who can get the title of Chidi.

In the past, the five-color human race occupied five positions!



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