At the same time.

Somewhere in West Niuhezhou.

Three figures soared through the clouds and stood in the air.

It is the three great spirits of Shan Jun, Horned Immortal, and Hu Hu Jun!

Just now, they heard the majestic voice of the master sister announcing the establishment of the Life Forbidden Zone.

I also knew the deeds of the master sister who single-handedly shook the two quasi-saints!

This made them very excited in their hearts, with excitement on their faces!

"It's worthy of being a master sister!"

"With your own strength, you can smash two quasi-saint powers!"

"Such a method really makes me wait!"

Jiao Xian had a look of envy and admiration on his face, and he sighed with such emotion.

He is a mountain deer attained the Dao, his talent is average, and now he is only the cultivation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

For the master sister who has advanced cultivation realm and excellent understanding, he admires it in his heart.

Master sister is mighty!

"Master sister stands on her own life forbidden area and always guards the teacher's side. "

"Although my skills are not as good as that of Master Sister, I can't be left behind!"

Shan Jun smiled and spoke up like this.

In my heart, I made up my mind that I should also make efforts to promote the Taoism for the teacher!

Hearing Shanjun's voice, both Jiaoxian and Hu Xiangjun nodded slightly, agreeing with what Shanjun said.

Then, the three great spirits set out together, and just for a moment, they saw a human realm.

From a distance, Sanjun sensed something strange!

I saw this place, the earth was full of cracks, like a drought!

Thousands of miles around, you can't see a drop of water!

"It's a bit weird here, and I'll do it later!"

Shan Jun frowned slightly, feeling that this place was not right, so he began to deduce.

Although his cultivation realm is not as advanced as that of the master sister, he can still deduce such a terran land!

I saw that the mountain monarch urged the exercises, and immediately there was a mysterious path rhyme!

In just a few moments, Shan Jun already knew the general situation of this place.

"Fourth Senior Brother, how is it?"

Kakusen saw that Yamajun opened his eyes again, and asked aloud.

Shanjun shook his head slightly and said

"I learned that the Terran country in front of me is called Che Chi Country. "

"It has been a drought for more than ten years, and it can be said that the water does not fall!"

"The king of this Che Chi Kingdom loved the people so much that he raised a group of monks and worshipped the Buddhism day and night. "

"It has also been enshrined for more than ten years, but there is still no shadow of rain!"

As soon as these words came out, both Jiao Xian and Hu Hu Jun showed resentment.

That Buddhism again!

This Buddhism asked people to worship it, but it didn't rain


Isn't this typical to just take money and do not do things?!

Of the three realms, only Buddhism is so dark-hearted!

"Fourth Senior Brother, why don't I wait and help the king to ask for that rain!"

In this way, it not only helps the teacher's family, but also takes this opportunity to promote the teacher's morality. "

"But kill two birds with one stone!"

At this time, the Horned Immortal had an idea and said out loud like this.

After all, the Terrans are the same race of the teacher, and if they encounter trouble with the Terrans, as disciples, they naturally cannot sit idly by.

What's more, isn't it just asking for rain?

It's as simple as moving a finger for them!

In this way, not only did he ask for rain and save a country, but he could also preach the Taoism for the teacher by the way.

Isn't that a good thing to kill two birds with one stone?

After hearing this, Shan Jun nodded slightly and agreed with the opinion of the Horned Immortal.

"In that case, I'll go to the king later." "

"At that time, a heavy rain can also save many Terrans!"

Just do what they say, the three of them even hid their figures and entered the country of the car Chi.


In the palace of Che Chi Kingdom.

On the throne of the royal palace, the king slumped on the throne with a decadent face, looking dull.

Just now, he threw out all the maids and guards, wanting to be alone and quiet.

"After more than ten years of great drought, do you really want to kill my country?"

"God, why do you do this to me, to the people of my Che Chi Country?!"

The king's face was miserable, but he was helpless.

The drought of more than ten years has almost wiped out the country of Che Chi!

As a king, he also thought of many ways.

He even raised a lot of monks for this, just to get a heavy rain and bring some life to the Che Chi Kingdom!

Those monks asked him to offer incense every day, and if he came to the Buddha, he would bless the country and the people with peace and good weather.

And the result!

Almost ten years!

But there is still not even a hint of rain!

This made the king of Che Chi Kingdom completely desperate!

"Your Majesty, why is this worrisome?"

At this moment, a voice sounded in the palace, which immediately startled the king!

He looked left and right, but he didn't see half a figure!

"Could it be that my time is running out and I've started to hallucinate?"

At this time, the king had even begun to wonder if this was a harbinger of his imminent arrival.

After all, the maids and guards in the palace had just been driven out by him!

Where there are still people left in the palace.

"Your Majesty, I'm waiting here!"

Just as the king was doubting himself, the voice sounded again.

Then, he saw a flash of immortal light, and three figures appeared in front of the king.

Isn't it the three great spirits such as the Mountain Lord!

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