After the king of Che Chi Kingdom saw this three figures that suddenly appeared, everyone froze!

After reacting, he immediately showed excitement.


"Meet Daisen!"

"Did Daxian come to rescue Chi Guo?"

"Ask Daxian to save the ambulance Chi Guo!"

For a time, the king actually cried with a handful of snot and tears.

There really is nothing he can do!

Che Chi Guo's drought for more than ten years, he can think of all the methods he can think of, but he just can't ask for half a drop of rain!

Today's Che Chi Country really needs a heavy rain to save his life!

If this continues, I am afraid that the whole country will starve to death!

How can this make the king not rush?

Seeing that the king actually knelt directly in front of him, Shan Jun was suddenly taken aback.

Quickly stepped forward and helped him up.

This villain is also a king of the Terran race, but he has luck in his body!

If you accept this kneeling from him, you will be designated to bear cause and effect in the future!

"No hurry!"

"Since I'm already here, I'll settle the matter." "

"However, why hasn't this car rained down for more than ten years?"

At this time, Shan Jun spoke up and raised his doubts.

Hearing the Great Immortal in front of him ask, the king's emotions instantly became tense, and he sighed slightly, and said:

"Since he succeeded to the throne as the king of Che Chi Kingdom, Che Chi Kingdom has suffered a great drought. "

"At that time, a group of monks happened to come!"

"They told me that as long as I offer incense every day, my Buddha can bless the people of Guotai and the wind and rain


"But more than ten years have passed, but our Chechi country is still suffering from drought and the land is extinct. "

As he spoke, the king was about to cry.

As the king of the Chechi Kingdom, he can only watch his people starve to death and cannot do anything.

This made him feel very painful inside.

As long as you can ask for heavy rain, save the people from misery, and let yourself do anything!


The monks said that if they wanted to ask for rain, they had to ask the people to donate their wealth and make sincere offerings.

The king did not hesitate in this regard, and ordered on the spot, regardless of the monarch Li Shu, every family bathed and burned incense, and every household prayed to heaven and asked for rain!

But this has been enshrined for more than ten years, and as a result, I still can't even see a raindrop!

"It's Nalingshan Buddhism again!"

"After ten years of enshrinement by Che Chi Guo, but it refused to rain!"

"That Lingshan Buddhism is probably too much!"

When the Kakusen heard what the king said, he spoke out indignantly!

Isn't this typical of just taking money and not doing anything?!

If Buddhism did not ask Che Chi to worship him, then this matter really has nothing to do with that Buddhism.

But now they want Che Chi Guo to worship, and they don't even want to rain after it!


This is simply taking you and eating you, and I will give you a big mouth after everything!


"Then Buddhism is not such a virtue for a day or two!"

"If one day they really showed mercy, I would think it would be strange!"

Hu Hujun smiled, with mockery between his words.

During this time, they have been traveling to Xiniu Hezhou, and they have encountered similar things I don't know how much!

I've already seen this already!

At this time, Shan Jun smiled slightly and said, "

"Your Majesty is in no hurry, but there will be some means to pray for rain!"

"As for those monks, Your Majesty still doesn't want to worship them!"

"It's really too laborious and cost-effective to continue to worship like this!"

Before coming here, Shan Jun also saw the situation of the people of this country.

All their money was used to worship that Buddhism, which caused their lives to be difficult!

This made the mountain king a little unbearable, so he spoke out to dissuade the king from continuing to worship like this.

What is that kind of Buddhism dedicated to him?!

When the king heard this, his heart was overjoyed, and he immediately praised him one after another!

As the king of the Che Chi Kingdom, how could he not understand how worshiping Buddhism was laborious and costly?

But there's no way around it!

If this drought continues, the people of this country are afraid that they will starve to death!

"Ask the three great immortals to use their means to get a heavy rain for my Che Chi Kingdom!"

"If I can ask the rain to save the people of my Che Chi country, I am willing to let the people of the whole country worship the three great immortals day and night!"

At that moment, the king spoke up respectfully and asked the three great immortals to quickly use their means.

Shan Jun nodded slightly, and then moved.

For him, it was too easy to ask for a rain!

With a little finger movement, you can ensure that the wind and rain of Che Chi Country are smooth.

"After all, these are all the same people of the teacher!"

"If he can save the people of this country, he will be gratified!"

Thinking like this, Shan Jun had already moved.

I saw that he was casting an immortal spell, and in an instant, he came outside the Che Chi Kingdom.

When people saw a figure flying above Che Chi Guo, they were immediately stunned!

Before they could react, the mountain sovereign waved his big hand, and mana poured out!

In an instant, the majestic mana caused the sky to darken.

After a while, there were already dark clouds above the sky, and there was thunder roaring continuously!

In just a few breaths, the sky was completely gloomy.

The clouds kept falling, and then a downpour fell directly!

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