The old man was very happy, but he was very happy.


[Task 25 completed, reward 100 Chaos Dao Rice seeds.]

[Host completes a task, get one chance to draw experience points.]

"Chaos Dao Rice, what the hell is it?"

There is an extra rice seed in Li Yue's hand, no, the word "grain" can no longer be used to describe it.

Have you ever seen rice the size of an egg?

At this moment, the system introduced: [Chaos Dao Rice Seed, each seed, after 1 million years of growth, will produce 3,000 Chaos Dao Rice. 】

【Each rice seedling produces 3,000 grains of rice, each with a Dao attribute. Eating one grain of rice can increase the law comprehension of the corresponding Dao attribute by 1%. 】

Li Yue was shocked.

This is not rice, it is clearly a saint processing plant.

One seed produces 3,000 grains of rice. If all the 3,000 grains of rice are eaten, the law comprehension of each of the three thousand Daos will increase by 1%.

Now he has 100 seeds, which means that the laws of the three thousand Daos can all be increased to 100%, all reaching the saint level.

The law is proved 3,000 times, and all the laws of the Dao are comprehended. This is no longer a "saint", right?

What kind of innate treasure Tai Chi diagram is compared with this, it is like heaven and earth.

"The trouble is that it takes 1 million years to mature..."

1 million years is too long, there is no hope.

[Hint: Chaos Dao rice needs to be planted in Jiutian Xiran, watered with Zhiyin Ruo water every day, and fertilized with Chaos Qi, so that it can grow healthily. ]

Li Yue: "..."

Well, this thing is probably useless.

It takes a long time to mature, but there are so many requirements. It takes 1 million years, and they do nothing every day, just serving rice seedlings?

The donkeys in the production team are not used like this.

Putting away the seeds, Li Yue has lost his patience and interest.

"Fortunately, there is an experience point lottery opportunity. Now, the super lottery has been collected twice, and the only thing missing is luck."

The eighth turn of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art is almost done.

He continued to refine pills in the hidden world. Although he didn't need it, he still had three apprentices and 100,000 human geniuses.

If you want to quickly obtain the luck of the human race, the easiest way is to let these 100,000 human races quickly improve their cultivation, so that the overall strength of the human race will increase by hundreds or thousands of times in a short period of time.

And if you want to quickly improve their strength, pills are undoubtedly the best choice.

As for the side effect of difficulty in improving cultivation after taking too many pills, Li Yue doesn't care so much.

With his Hunyuan-level alchemy, the minimum he can refine is Taiyi Xuanhuang Pill.

What three-turn immortal pills, six-turn Xuandan, and nine-turn golden pills are not worth his time to refine.

In other words, among these 100,000 people, anyone who takes pills to improve their cultivation will at least achieve Taiyi Jinxian.

They are all Taiyi Jinxian, so what side effects are there to consider?

Even if it is more difficult to improve cultivation, what's the big deal?

From that day on, the flames in the Bagua furnace continued, and one furnace of Taiyi Xuanhuang Pill was made every three days. One furnace made 9 pills, and with the bonus of double casting talent, it was 18 pills.

In other words, he could refine 6 Taiyi Xuanhuang Pills on average every day.

"Six pills a day, 600 pills a hundred days, about 2,000 pills a year. If I want to supply 100,000 people, I have to refine pills for about 45 years without sleep."

45 years in the hidden world, 20 times the time difference, more than two years in the outside world.

In just two years, the human race will have 100,000 Taiyi Golden Immortals.

100,000 Taiyi Golden Immortals... Nowadays, there are not so many Taiyi Golden Immortals in the entire Three Realms combined...

"It's not enough to have Taiyi Golden Immortals alone, high-end combat power is still needed. Among the 100,000 people, 10,000 can become Daluo Golden Immortals, and 10 Quasi-Saints."

Li Yue entered a sleepless state.

On the way to obtain scriptures, it was dawn before he knew it.

Tang Sanzang opened his eyes and woke up, but found that the surrounding environment had changed drastically. There were no houses and pavilions, white walls and green tiles, but clearly wild pine forests, withered vines and rocks.

"Wujing! Wujing! We have encountered a ghost." Tang Sanzang hurriedly called his disciples.

Looking around, Bajie's two children were also missing, and Tang Seng became even more anxious. He didn't care whether they were human or demon, but he was kind-hearted.

Sha Seng had practiced the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art and had a better sense than ordinary people. He naturally noticed that the mother and daughter were carrying Buddha's light last night. He also knew that the two children were taken away, but he didn't say anything.

"Master, you also have the cultivation of the middle stage of the Golden Immortal. Even if there are ghosts, why are you afraid?"

"Those are not ghosts, they are Bodhisattvas who have come down to earth to test our faith in Buddha.

The heart came. Second Senior Brother couldn't resist the temptation last night, I'm afraid he suffered a great sin. "

"As for the two children, they are probably taken away by the Bodhisattva to be raised."

Tang Sanzang thought that's the case, turned around and saw a note hanging on a pine tree.

He stretched out his hand and the note flew into his hand. It read: "The Mother of Mount Li does not want to be a mortal, please go down the mountain from the Bodhisattva of the South Sea. Samantabhadra and Manjusri are all guests, transformed into beautiful women in the forest. The holy monk has virtue and is not worldly, Bajie has no Zen and is more worldly. From now on, you must calm down and correct your mistakes. If you are lazy, the road will be difficult!"

Sanzang said: "Amitabha, if it is true, the four Bodhisattvas have good intentions, good intentions!"

At this time, a sickly voice in the forest shouted: "It hurts me, Master, Junior Brother Sha, save me quickly! "

Sanzang and Sha Seng went to see, only to see Bajie tied up with ropes and hanging on a tree.

His eye sockets were sunken, his face was pale, and his whole body looked a little dry, as if he had been gang-raped by dozens of fierce women.

That was not a big deal, the most important thing was that his lower body was covered in blood, which was horrible to look at.

Sha Seng couldn't help laughing and said, "Second Brother, where is your mother? Who of the three sisters invited you to be their son-in-law?"

The fool had already suffered a lot, and when he heard Sha Seng's ridicule, he was even more furious and cursed, "Old Sha, my brother is like this, and you are still sarcastic. You don't talk about friendship, are you still a brother?"

Sha Seng laughed so hard that his mouth couldn't close.


Seeing this, Tang Seng felt reluctant, thinking that these Bodhisattvas were too cruel. Bajie was just tempted by worldly desires, so why did they cut off his life?

"Bajie, what happened? Who made you like this? "

Bajie cried, "I don't know either. I was hung on the tree, then I was knocked unconscious, and when I woke up, I became like this."

Sanzang said, "Wujing, let him down quickly!"

Sha Seng climbed up the tree to untie the rope, but something strange happened. The rope couldn't be untied. A closer look showed that the noose was clearly stuck by water.

Sha Seng could only use the crescent shovel at one end of the magic staff to cut the rope directly.

But he cut it several times and the rope was intact.

"Master, this rope is so tough, I can't cut it."

Sanzang said, "Cut off the branches first and let Bajie down first."

Sha Seng cut off the branches as he said, and Bajie came down from the tree.

"Bajie, you are also a golden immortal, and it's no problem to regenerate a broken limb. Although your life is broken, why not cast a spell to grow a new one to avoid bleeding and pain. "Tang Seng saw that Bajie was in so much pain that his face turned pale, and he felt sorry for him.

Bajie said: "Master, it's not that I don't want to, it's really that this rope has sealed my magic power and I can't use it."

Sha Seng didn't say much and began to untie the rope, but all the knots were glued tightly by water, forming a dead knot.

In addition, the rope was extremely tough, and it was difficult to damage it by cutting with a knife, sawing, or even calcining with fire. After a long time, he still couldn't untie the fool.

"Master, this rope can't be untied, what should I do?"

Tang Seng said: "This rope must be a powerful magic weapon, and it needs a formula to untie it. So, you go to Guanyin Bodhisattva and ask for a formula to untie it, and untie Bajie. ”

Sha Seng followed the instructions and went to Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea to ask Guanyin for the formula.

He arrived at the Purple Bamboo Forest and asked to see Guanyin. The boy told him that the Bodhisattva was bathing.

So Sha Seng waited outside the Purple Bamboo Forest, but he waited until dark and the Bodhisattva did not come out. The boy only said that the Bodhisattva was still bathing.

It was not until late at night that Sha Seng finally saw Guanyin.

"Wu Jing, what do you want to see me for?"

Sha Seng said: "Bodhisattva, my second brother has realized his mistakes. Please be merciful and give me the formula to untie him, so that I can go back and untie him."

"Know what he did wrong? What did he know wrong?" Guanyin suddenly asked in a stern voice.

Sha Seng was completely confused. He didn't know what was wrong with the Bodhisattva today and why he was so strange.

He said: "My second brother has changed his ways and dared not to be tempted by worldly desires anymore. I just ask the Bodhisattva to give him a chance. "

Guanyin was silent for a moment, and said: "That rope is just a pirated immortal rope, which only has the function of sealing magic power. It can be easily untied. Why do you need to ask me for a secret formula?"

Sha Seng hurriedly said: "No, the knot is glued by some kind of glue, and it can't be untied at all. Moreover, knives and saws don't work, and fire can't damage it at all."

"What, there is such a thing?" Guanyin was shocked. Why didn't she notice it last night.

"Could it be that someone tampered with the rope?"

She thought about it, handed Sha Seng a hair, and said: "This is a gift from the Buddha. This hair can change everything. You use it to turn it into a saw. No matter how tough the rope is, you can cut it. "

After Sha Seng left, Guanyin frowned deeply.

"Who is it? First put drugs in the incense burner, and then... tampered with the rope. "

"Contact the previous incident on Baihu Ridge, this

A person in the dark, whose purpose seems to be to postpone the journey to the West, and his way of doing things is similar to Li Yue. "

"Could it be that Li Yue is really not dead?"

Sha Seng returned and turned the hair into a saw, but after sawing dozens of times, the rope did not move at all, but the saw teeth were seriously worn.

"This... the things given by the Bodhisattva don't work?" Sanzang was disappointed.

Poor Bajie, he was tied up tightly, his hands and feet could not move, and there was bleeding below. If he was not a golden immortal, he would have bled to death long ago.

Bajie said pitifully: "Master, Junior Brother Sha, don't worry about the rope."

"Let's find some herbs to apply to me first. I'm covered in pig blood and it's almost dry!"

Sha Seng asked: "Master, I don't know much about herbs. What medicine should I use for that part of the injury?"

Tang Seng replied: "This, I don't know much either. Probably, use plantain. I heard it's a diuretic. He was injured so badly that the blood had formed scabs, and it was probably blocked, so it needed to be cleared. ”

Sha Seng said, “Well, I’ll go and pull it out.”

Zhu Bajie listened from the side, his face turning green.

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