Journey to the West, Heaven.

Here the air is filled with fairy spirits, colorful and gorgeous.

"Zhao Ding, you, move this over here!"

"Wang Wu, this should be placed here"

"You guys, this Tenglong pillar can be erected now!"


Loud shouts were heard from a delicate palace under construction.

They came from a young man with a handsome face, who was no less handsome than those young boys on Earth.

In addition, he was wearing a golden battle armor, which made him look more heroic and majestic.

The young man was called Jiang Feng, and he had traveled to the world of Journey to the West millions of years ago.

Although he was very familiar with Journey to the West, his own conditions were too poor and he was not doing well.

This world of the weak is full of dangers and you could die at any time.

A hundred years ago, Jiang Feng joined the Heavenly Court's massive recruitment plan by chance.

With the Heavenly Court as a big backer, Jiang Feng's life was safe.

At this time, he was commanding a group of Yellow Turban Warriors to build the palace.

Yellow Turban Warriors were the lowest and most humble position in the Heavenly Court. They were not even cannon fodder. They were responsible for all the dirty work and could be commanded by any immortal.

Jiang Feng was a golden armor warrior, slightly stronger than the yellow turban warriors. He was their leader, that is, the contractor.

That's right, Jiang Feng and his 100 brothers were mainly responsible for building the palace.

This job was quite respectable, better than some golden armor warriors who were responsible for handling garbage or cleaning.

"Dear generals, thank you for your hard work!"

Suddenly, a light and pleasant voice came out, like big and small pearls falling on a jade plate, crisp and beautiful, making people linger.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but look towards the source of the sound, and a graceful figure came into view.

She was wearing a purple gauze skirt, with a graceful figure, exquisite and well-proportioned, and had an exquisite fairy face, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

She smiled like a flower, and walked slowly with lotus steps, like a purple elf, lively and agile.

She was the owner of this palace, Fairy Zixia.

Fairy Zixia was a fairy beside the Queen Mother, responsible for the Queen Mother's food and daily life, serving her day and night.

Originally, Fairy Zixia's status was not much higher than Jiang Feng, but she was deeply favored by the Queen Mother, so she was awarded a palace as an exception.

In the heavenly court, the immortals who can live in the palace are all respected and extraordinary.

Generally speaking, they are all well-known golden immortals who hold great power.

""What a beautiful fairy!"

Jiang Feng murmured, and he was speaking from the bottom of his heart.

This was the first time he had come into such close contact with a fairy, and Fairy Zixia was already outstanding in temperament. More importantly, Fairy Zixia was very polite to the Yellow Turban Warriors, and did not look down on them at all.

This made Jiang Feng's liking for Fairy Zixia greatly increase, so he couldn't help but blurt out his feelings.

Just as Jiang Feng was enjoying the view, suddenly, a huge force came over him, instantly making his feet leave the ground and fly into the air

""Asshole, what are you doing?"

At the same time, a deep, rich and majestic voice sounded, like thunder in his ears.

Jiang Feng was shocked and dumbfounded.

In front of him was a burly, strong-backed giant, who was more than three times bigger than him. The aura of his whole body was as powerful as a prison, making Jiang Feng almost suffocate.

""Giant Spirit God!"

Jiang Feng's heart was shocked. The giant in front of him was the famous Giant Spirit God in the Heavenly Court, the Golden Immortal Heavenly General.

Whether in terms of status or cultivation, he was much stronger than him, a golden-armored warrior who was just a small earthly immortal. The comparison between the two was like heaven and earth.

He had heard that the Giant Spirit God had a crush on Fairy Zixia and regarded her as a forbidden delicacy that no one could touch.

Obviously, his behavior just now had offended the Giant Spirit God.

At this moment, he was grabbed by the collar by the Giant Spirit God and lifted up like a chicken, with his feet hanging in the air.

For a moment, Jiang Feng's face turned pale, and he felt that a disaster was coming.

He was just a golden-armored warrior who had not even entered the immortal register and could be replaced at any time. If the Giant Spirit God killed him, no one would care, and it would be no different than stepping on an ant.

At this critical moment, a voice as gentle as jade was heard again,"Lord Heavenly General, Zixia has prepared some fairy fruits, please taste them!"

It turned out that it was Fairy Zixia who came forward to rescue.

The giant spirit immediately put Jiang Feng down, turned around and greeted him with a smile,"Thank you, Fairy Zixia!"


Jiang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, a huge stone in his heart fell, and he felt like he had survived a disaster.

Not long after, the construction of Zixia Palace was completed. It was full of purple air, exquisite and beautiful.

Jiang Feng did not dare to stay for long. He said hello and took his men to leave this dangerous place quickly.

"Ding, activating the God-level rejection system, binding in progress……"

Suddenly, a clear and sonorous mechanical sound rang in Jiang Feng's mind.

Jiang Feng's heart was shocked, and he immediately said hello to his brothers, asked them to go back first, and then hid in an empty corner.

""Damn system, you are finally here!"

Jiang Feng almost cried for joy. As a time traveler, he was naturally familiar with the system.

Over the past million years, he had endured countless sufferings and hardships, and his heart had been waiting for this standard configuration for time travelers.

Hard work pays off, and now it is finally here.

After calming down, Jiang Feng couldn't help but ask,"What functions does your system have?"

"This system has multiple functions, but only one is currently unlocked. If you are rejected, you will receive a treasure chest reward!"

"In simple terms, if the host makes a request to someone and is rejected, he or she will receive treasure chests of different levels depending on the intensity of the other party's emotional fluctuations. From low to high, they are bronze, silver, gold, diamond, black gold, and supreme!"

The system immediately replied

"Each subject has three chances to refuse the host's power, status, and cultivation three times in his life. The higher the subject's power, status, and cultivation, the richer the reward from the treasure chest opened by the host. I hope the host will seize it!"

"Being rejected makes me stronger!" Jiang Feng couldn't help but frowned, and then he cursed,"What kind of shit system is this? My status is already very humble, and you want to make me more humble. Does it feel good to be rejected? Damn it!"……"

At this moment, suddenly, a refreshing fragrance wafted over.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath. The fragrance was so wonderful that it penetrated into his bones.

For a moment, Jiang Feng felt as if he was in the clouds, floating in the air, and extremely comfortable.

After a long while, Jiang Feng came back to his senses and couldn't help but look forward.

He saw a group of beautiful women stepping on auspicious clouds, passing by Jiang Feng gracefully.

This was a group of fairies, each of them was graceful and gorgeous, especially the one in the lead, who was the most beautiful among all the stars.

She had bright eyes and white teeth, a slender figure, crystal skin like jade, an angelic face, a gentle and noble temperament, and was the most beautiful in the world.

At the moment she appeared, the sun and the moon dimmed, and the sky and the earth lost their color, as if everything had lost its luster

"Fairy of Flowers!"

Jiang Feng recognized it. The unique floral scent was its unique symbol.

"System binding successful!"

At the same time, Jiang Feng suddenly had a bold idea.

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