After traveling to the world of Journey to the West, Jiang Feng was full of passion and ambition, but the reality was too cruel.

He had mediocre talent and shallow background. After practicing for millions of years, he was just a terrestrial immortal and lived at the bottom of the heaven.

Even ants have their hearts set on the sky, not to mention Jiang Feng. He dreams of becoming stronger and even unifying Journey to the West.

And now, the system is bound, which is his chance to turn around.

With his current status, he may not be qualified to refuse others, but it is easy for him to be refused.

Immediately, Jiang Feng gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and rushed forward regardless of everything.

""Well, Fairy Baihua, please stay!"

Jiang Feng stopped in front of a group of beautiful girls.

Seeing this, Fairy Baihua frowned and showed a puzzled expression on her delicate face,"My lord, what do you want?"

Fairy Baihua's voice was as gentle as jade, soft and pleasant, like the sound of nature, which made people intoxicated.


Jiang Feng rolled his throat nervously, then made up his mind and went for it.

"Fairy Baihua, I want to marry you!"

Jiang Feng smiled sincerely.

Suddenly, there was silence, as quiet as death.

Fairy Baihua and the fairies around her were stunned on the spot, as if they were clay sculptures or wooden carvings.

Is this man crazy?

The Heavenly Law clearly stipulates that no immortals or gods in heaven can marry without special permission.

This person actually said such treasonous words in person, which would lead to him being thrown into the Heavenly Prison or even sent to the Immortal Execution Platform.

Most importantly, Fairy Baihua has such a status and position, how could she be coveted by ordinary immortals and gods?

This is a great humiliation for her.

"What did you say? You don't want to live anymore, right?"

"How could there be such a psychopath in heaven?"

"Toad wants to eat!"

"Don't you have any idea of your own weight? You are dreaming!"


Several fairies looked angry, and each of them looked like a hot pepper.

The Fairy of Flowers usually had a gentle temperament and was as quiet as water, but at this moment her pretty face froze, her beautiful eyes wide open, and she looked ashamed and angry.

"Go home and take a shower, really.……"

After a long while, Fairy Baihua uttered a word indifferently.

Then, she glanced at Jiang Feng and left on the cloud.

"Fairy, this lecher is so abominable, why don’t you go to the Jade Emperor and file a complaint against him?"

"It's just a clown, don't pay any attention to it."


Hearing the conversation between the Fairies of Flowers, Jiang Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, and the huge stone hanging in his heart fell down.

"The Fairy of Flowers is indeed gentle and well-mannered!"

It was because of this rumor that Jiang Feng dared to speak out.

Otherwise, if someone with a bad temper reported it to the Jade Emperor, he would definitely be in big trouble.

"" Congratulations to the host. You have been successfully rejected by the Fairy of Flowers. You are rewarded with a silver-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

Suddenly, the system's voice sounded in Jiang Feng's mind.

Jiang Feng was shocked at first, and then he was ecstatic."The system really didn't lie to me! Open it and take a look."

He was a little impatient.

The next moment, a silver-white treasure chest appeared out of thin air, and only Jiang Feng could see it.


A burst of treasure light flashed, and soon, several treasures came into view.

"Open the silver-level treasure chest, obtain the immortal-level cultivation, a set of Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills, a medium-grade innate spiritual treasure Purple Lightning Hammer, and an immortal fruit."


Just as the system finished speaking, suddenly, above Jiang Feng's head, a mysterious passage opened.

Then, a mysterious force of heaven and earth suddenly descended, wrapping Jiang Feng's whole body. For a moment, Jiang Feng felt a warm sensation in his body, and some amazing changes were happening all over his body.

It can be seen with the naked eye that a lot of black dirt was discharged from the surface of his skin, which was obviously removing impurities and undergoing transformation.

Not long after, all the mysteries disappeared.

Jiang Feng was transformed and was completely different from before.

""Immortal, I, I have actually been promoted to the realm of celestial immortals!"

Jiang Feng felt the changes all over his body, and his lips were trembling with excitement.

His pupils bulged, full of disbelief.

The realm of celestial immortals, this is the realm he has always dreamed of.

With his ordinary qualifications, he may never be able to reach it in this lifetime. According to common sense, he needs to go through three disasters and nine difficulties, and endure all kinds of baptisms of heavenly tribulations, before he can finally become a celestial immortal.

But now, with the system reward, he has arrived in the blink of an eye.

This feeling of soaring like a rocket makes Jiang Feng extremely refreshed.

Now, his magic power is more condensed and powerful, and his mind is spiritual, he can communicate with the world, his soul leaves his body, and his mind wanders in the void. He can also practice some powerful magical powers, which are incomparable with before.

It can be said that this promotion to the celestial immortal is almost like a step to heaven for Jiang Feng.

And this is just one of the rewards.

After a pause, Jiang Feng looked carefully at the next reward.

"Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, my goodness, isn't this the art practiced by the Monkey King who caused havoc in the Heavenly Palace?"

Jiang Feng was shocked, but then he sighed secretly.

It is said that the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art was derived from the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art created by the great god Pangu. It is a simplified and incomplete version of it. Even so, it is still unfathomable.

It is difficult to practice with ordinary talents, and with Jiang Feng's qualifications that are difficult to be promoted to a celestial being, it may be difficult to even get started.

Jiang Feng put it away for the time being, but he was not too depressed.

There is still a long way to go in the future. He has the system in his hand, so he is not afraid of not being able to practice in the future.

""A mid-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Purple Lightning Hammer!"

Jiang Feng suddenly exclaimed, ecstatic.

In this world of Journey to the West, magic weapons are divided into innate and acquired.

Innate is stronger than acquired, and innate spiritual treasures are divided into low-grade, mid-grade, high-grade and top-grade from weak to strong.

Before, Jiang Feng only had a war spear of the acquired spiritual treasure level, and it was still incomplete. Now

, the system actually directly rewarded a mid-grade innate spiritual treasure, which was upgraded by several levels.

It can be said that even some heavenly generals with status and position may not have it.

"What a broken spear, bah!"

Jiang Feng threw the spear away like garbage on the spot.

Then, he reached out and took the last reward.

This was a���The fruit was bright red, like a strawberry, fresh and tender, fragrant, and looked very appetizing.

Jiang Feng didn't recognize it very well, but he didn't care and swallowed it in one gulp.

The fairy fruit melted in his mouth, and instantly turned into a stream of cool juice that slid down his throat, like a stream, running through his internal organs, limbs, and even his whole body.

"Damn, this……"

Suddenly, Jiang Feng's face turned red, as if he had eaten a chili pepper and felt like it had exploded.

At this moment, he felt a surging force raging in his body, as vigorous as the sea, like a wild horse running free, roaring and trampling in his meridians.

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