Jiang Feng felt like he was about to explode. He had never thought that the energy of the fairy fruit was so pure.

At this moment, he was like a volcano, about to erupt.

Jiang Feng hurriedly sat cross-legged, calmed his mind and breath, and practiced his skills like an old monk in meditation, refining it frantically.

The skills he practiced were low-level skills for the general public issued by the Heavenly Court, the Heavenly Immortal Skill.

After a lot of effort, Jiang Feng finally absorbed the energy of the fairy fruit and completely refined it.


Standing up, Jiang Feng exhaled a long breath of turbid air, as if relieved.

The Heavenly Immortal Skill was too low-level. As the name suggests, this is a skill that can only be practiced to the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Jiang Feng exhausted all his strength and barely absorbed the fairy fruit.

If the energy of this fairy fruit was purer, I am afraid the consequences would be disastrous. It was not something he could refine at all.

But soon, Jiang Feng's mouth raised a curve and smiled.

He suddenly realized that after refining the immortal fruit, his cultivation had made great progress, and he had actually entered the middle stage from the early stage of the celestial immortal. His magic power was even more powerful and tyrannical, and it was incomparable.

Although this immortal fruit was not as good as the legendary innate spiritual root peach of the Queen Mother, or the ginseng fruit of the ancestor of earthly immortals, Zhenyuan Daxian, it was also extraordinary.

After a slight pause, Jiang Feng struck while the iron was hot and immediately refined the middle-grade innate spiritual treasure purple electric hammer and took it for himself.


Jiang Feng slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, then stood up, and a cold light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

""Jiushen, you wait for me!"

Previously, he just looked at Fairy Zixia twice more, and was made difficult by Juling God, making him look bad in public. It can be imagined how domineering Juling God is.

Although he was promoted to a celestial being, he was still far behind the celestial generals like Juling God.

In this world, the realm of cultivation is divided into earthly immortals, celestial immortals, mysterious immortals, golden immortals, Taiyi golden immortals, Daluo golden immortals, quasi-sages, and saints from low to high! The celestial general Juling God is a golden immortal, two realms higher than Jiang Feng, and he can be killed with just one finger.

However, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and Jiang Feng believes that this day will not be too far away.

""Okay, it's time to go to the Personnel Hall!"

Jiang Feng already has a plan for the next step.

Now, he has reached the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal, and his cultivation has greatly improved.

He has the qualifications to be registered as an immortal and become a real member of the Heavenly Court. Not to mention high positions and generous salaries, at least he can be a heavenly soldier, which is much better than his contractor.

A heavenly soldier is a formal organization that has been registered and protected by the Heavenly Court. He has face when he goes out, and others need to think twice before touching him.

""Haha, with the system in hand, I have the world!"

Walking on the road, Jiang Feng's face was flushed, and he was more vigorous than ever before.

Just now, he used the system function to obtain a silver-level treasure chest, and instantly crossed a major realm and reached the level of a celestial being.

This made him feel like a salted fish turning over a new leaf. Perhaps, unifying the Journey to the West and dominating the world is no longer a dream.

Not long after, Jiang Feng came to the Personnel Hall.

This is responsible for the personnel transfer of the Heavenly Court, and all officials below the Golden Immortal are responsible for it. There are many departments like this in the Heavenly Court, such as the Salary Hall, the Patrol Hall, the Law Enforcement Hall, and so on.

After the Conferred God Calamity, the Heavenly Court conferred 365 gods, in addition to many other positions, which made the originally weak Heavenly Court instantly grow stronger and slowly get on the right track.

Today's Heavenly Court is a force that cannot be underestimated. It is a huge behemoth with millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, strict heavenly rules and strict hierarchy.

However, although it is far better than before, it is not as powerful as it seems.

The 365 canonized gods all come from the saints' sects and have strong backgrounds. In many cases, they only obey orders and not announcements from the Jade Emperor.

Although they are on the list of gods and are under the control of the Heavenly Court, they still obey the saint master behind them.

The Jade Emperor can do nothing about this.

Although he is nominally the Supreme of the Three Realms, how dare he go against the saints.

Those below the saints are all ants. The gap is not enough to be counted by reason, and it is not enough to be described in heaven and on earth.

Therefore, the Heavenly Court attaches great importance to talent training. As long as you have the ability, you are not afraid of not getting status.

This also gave Jiang Feng the opportunity and space to rise.

""Stop, who are you coming?"

Suddenly, a sonorous and powerful voice sounded.

It turned out that Jiang Feng had arrived at his destination.

In front of him, there was a palace that looked like a lying blue dragon, magnificent and imposing, towering.

On the plaque in front of the hall, three large characters"Human Resources Hall" were engraved. The handwriting was vigorous and powerful, with dragons flying and phoenixes dancing.

In front of the hall, there were six heavenly soldiers guarding it. Each of them was wearing silver armor, holding a spear in his hand, and his body stood upright like a javelin.

The leading heavenly soldier stood out from the crowd with a solemn look on his face, and stopped Jiang Feng from coming down.

Jiang Feng immediately said:"Little Immortal Jiang Feng, I was just promoted to a celestial being a few days ago, so I came here to seek a position. Please be flexible."

At the same time, Jiang Feng's mind moved, releasing the aura of the middle stage of the celestial being.

The leading celestial soldier felt a surge of aura like a tidal wave, surging and overwhelming, making him unbearable. He instinctively took three steps back, and then he felt better. Immediately, the six celestial soldiers showed respect to Jiang Feng. Jiang Feng was not surprised, like this celestial soldier who was responsible for guarding and standing guard, that is, the cultivation level of the early stage of the celestial being, was just a younger brother in front of him.

""Jiang Feng! It's you, come in and have a chat!"

At this moment, a fair, peaceful and familiar voice came from the hall.

Jiang Feng was stunned. There was actually an immortal who knew him in the Personnel Hall. He hurried in and saw a kind-looking immortal official sitting on a table in the corner of the hall, staring at Jiang Feng with a smile.

"Li Hong, is that you? Why are you here?"

Jiang Feng's eyes widened.

This man was called Li Hong. Thousands of years ago, he was the previous contractor, but later he disappeared for unknown reasons, and Jiang Feng took over the position.

Jiang Feng once thought that Li Hong had died, but he didn't expect to appear here.

"Not long ago, I was assigned to work in the Personnel Hall."Li Hong smiled, without the kind of arrogance of being superior to others, but as usual humble and approachable.

At this time, Jiang Feng noticed that there was a jade tablet on his table with the word"supervisor" written on it.

This is a fairy tablet symbolizing identity and status.

In other words, Li Hong is now a supervisor of the Personnel Hall.

Obviously, in the past thousands of years, Li Hong has had his own opportunities and has been promoted to this level.

""Jiang Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time. You have actually been promoted to the middle stage of the celestial being. Congratulations! What kind of position do you want to seek?"

Li Hong smiled.

Jiang Feng was suddenly delighted. It was easier to get things done with acquaintances. This Li Hong obviously had the power to assign him a position. With him around, he would definitely be able to find a good position.

"Of course, the higher the official rank, the better!"

Jiang Feng smiled awkwardly.

This is also human nature. After all, who doesn't want to be a high-ranking official?

"Okay, let me take a look."Li Hong nodded, then took out a book of immortals and flipped through it page by page.

After a moment, Li Hong frowned and said,"Jiang Feng, there is a vacant position for the captain of the law enforcement team, but this position is a bit eye-catching and is watched by many people. If you take it, I'm afraid you will get into trouble.""

""Captain of law enforcement!"

Jiang Feng suspected that he had heard it wrong.

He originally thought that being a patrolling heavenly soldier or a guard heavenly soldier would be good enough, but he didn't expect to be able to get the position of captain.

A captain can lead a hundred heavenly soldiers, and a captain of law enforcement is in charge of the power of criminal law, so he is not afraid of anything.

As for trouble, Jiang Feng didn't care at all.

With the system in hand, he could make rapid progress and was not afraid of any trouble.

"Yes, this position is good. I, Jiang Feng, am not afraid of trouble."

Jiang Feng said with a grin.

"Okay, then this position belongs to you."

Li Hong nodded very readily.

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