"The Nine Heavens Xirang is the origin of the earth, and it contains the mother energy of all things. Sure enough, only it can give birth to this Chaos Blue Lotus seed and cultivate it." Nuwa Niangniang said happily.

Before this, she had thought of this method, but when she made people out of clay, the Nine Heavens Xirang had been exhausted. Nuwa Niangniang had also visited the Three Realms and Six Paths, trying to find the second piece of Nine Heavens Xirang, but it was always fruitless.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng would have Nine Heavens Xirang in his hands.

Looking at the Chaos Blue Lotus seedlings blooming with radiant light, Nuwa Niangniang couldn't help but smile, ecstatic.

She hadn't had such a brilliant smile for a long time.

As a saint, standing at the top of the prehistoric pyramid, she had no worries about survival, and her own personality liked quietness and did not participate in any struggles. She was almost at the highest level of desirelessness.

Therefore, there were few things in the entire prehistoric world that could cause her mood to fluctuate violently, and the Chaos Blue Lotus seed in front of her was one of them.

If it can be cultivated, fully formed, and grown into a true Chaos Blue Lotus, then it is very likely that Nuwa will take this a step further and be comparable to the great god Pangu, or even jump out of the prehistoric world, transcend heaven and earth, and create unprecedented feats.

"Jiang Feng, I didn't expect you to help me so much. Tell me what you want. I can unconditionally agree to your three requests."Nuwa stared at Jiang Feng with burning eyes.

It can be seen that she was really excited to the extreme.

"Unconditionally agree to three requests!" Upon hearing this, Jiang Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and his mind immediately became active.

After a moment, he couldn't help asking:"Can it be some unreasonable requests?"

Jiang Feng's eyes were full of expectations.

That's right, he wanted to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at this moment to use the system to make trouble, in order to obtain unprecedented generous rewards.

You know, Nuwa is a saint. If he can be successfully rejected by her, what kind of reward he will get, Jiang Feng simply can't imagine.

The supreme treasure chest has reached the end. If it is rejected by a saint, whether he will get a higher reward, or whether the system will change and develop new functions, Jiang Feng is full of expectations.

However, the risk is too great. It will cause a saint's mood to fluctuate violently. How big a death is this!

If you are not careful, you will fall into a place of no return.

Therefore, for the sake of insurance, Jiang Feng tried it in advance.

""Jiang Feng, don't go too far! It's a great blessing for you that the Queen Mother agreed to your three requests, don't push your luck!"

Princess Jiuhuang reminded coldly. The

Queen Mother Nuwa was still smiling, and said,"It's okay, tell me."

Jiang Feng couldn't help but frown, a little unsure of the Queen Mother Nuwa's attitude.

In the end, after thinking it over again and again, Jiang Feng felt that it was better not to commit suicide.

He had not been in contact with the Queen Mother Nuwa for a long time, and he didn't know her very well. If he made a fool of himself, the price he paid would not be something Jiang Feng could afford.

Besides, the Queen Mother Nuwa had treated him well, how could he bear to make the Queen Mother Nuwa angry, that would be too bad.

Jiang Feng was not an ungrateful person, and after thinking about it, he felt that it was better to make a normal request.

At this moment, a hearty laugh suddenly came out.

""Lord Jiang, you are out of confinement! I have been waiting for you for a long time. I hope you are well."

As the voice sounded, a middle-aged man wearing an emperor's crown and a nine-dragon robe came quickly, with a smile on his square face. Who else could it be but the Jade Emperor?

He had been waiting outside the palace for an unknown period of time. Just now, he suddenly heard Jiang Feng's voice, so he rushed over without stopping.

Behind him, there was a curvy, lively and lively young woman who looked like a purple elf. It was Princess Longji.

""Jiang Feng, you are out of retreat. I am glad to see you!"

Princess Longji smiled and greeted Jiang Feng.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng frowned at first, then smiled and nodded to Princess Longji.

Then, he turned his eyes to the Jade Emperor, and his expression turned cold.


Hey, isn't this the Jade Emperor? Why don't you stay in seclusion in Heaven and have the leisure to come to the Wa Palace?"

Jiang Feng had a smile on his face, but it was full of ridicule.

The Jade Emperor was not angry at all. Instead, he greeted him with a smile that became even brighter and brighter,"My dear minister, you are joking. No matter how long you stay in seclusion, you will have to come out eventually. Besides, I have more important things to do than seclusion. I have to come to the Wa Palace!"

"Oh? What's the matter? Jiang Feng asked curiously.

"Of course, I am taking you back to Heaven. You are an important official and a pillar of our Heaven. Without you, Heaven cannot function smoothly."

"These days, without you in the Heavenly Palace, I have no appetite for tea or food.……"

The Jade Emperor was talking nonstop, praising Jiang Feng to the heavens.

Jiang Feng was stunned. This Jade Emperor was really like an old sow wearing a bra, one set after another.

However, Jiang Feng would not compromise so easily. He could still remember the hard days of hiding in the lower world. All this was thanks to the Jade Emperor.

"Return to Heaven?" Jiang Feng smiled coldly, and then angrily said:"Your Majesty, you are mistaken, right? I am a criminal in Heaven, and the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing led 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals to capture me. If it weren't for my good luck, I'm afraid the grass on my grave would be three feet high now."

"My dear, you are too polite," said the Jade Emperor with a smile on his face, his mouth almost reaching his ears. He completely let go of his airs as the Supreme of the Three Realms and played the role of the good old man Taibai Jinxing."Yao Chi was wrong in this matter. My dear, as the god of justice, you have always enforced the law impartially and distinguished right from wrong. How could you possibly violate the laws of heaven?"

"I have already severely reprimanded Yao Chi, and I have also dismissed the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing from his position as the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall. If you do not mind, you can ascend to the throne at any time."

"Hmm?" Jiang Feng's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that the Jade Emperor would spend so much blood to invite him back to heaven. It was considered very sincere.

Seeing Jiang Feng's expression, he was obviously a little softened. The Jade Emperor quickly struck while the iron was hot and said,"Of course, I was also wrong. Why did I go into seclusion at that time? But fortunately, there was no danger and no disaster."

"I hope you can be magnanimous and let these things go."

As the Jade Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Three Realms, he can lower his posture and save face to this extent. It is not easy for him to bend and stretch.

"Oh, dear, I heard from Yao Chi that you are interested in my daughter. If you don’t mind, I can make the decision and agree to the conditions you mentioned at the beginning!"

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