At the side, Princess Longji turned around shyly, a few blushes rose on her fair face, full of shyness.

She looked like this, obviously agreeing.

Princess Longji is the daughter of the Jade Emperor, but she is not as delicate, artificial, and willful as other rich girls.

Since she was sensible, she often went to the human world to fight monsters and hone her own strength, hoping that one day she can help her father get rid of her puppet status and become the real ruler of the three realms.

She has always been a generous and heroic woman who dares to love and hate.

Originally, she had a crush on Jiang Feng, and Jiang Feng had expressed his feelings to her in front of his mother. This time, if she took this opportunity to dedicate herself and could recall Jiang Feng to heaven, it would be killing two birds with one stone.

"What!" Jiang Feng was stunned, his eyes widened.

Back in Yaochi, he was just angry and said such nonsense in order to get the system reward, but he didn't expect that the Jade Emperor believed it and wanted to use Princess Longji as a bargaining chip to recall him.

"What do you think, Lord Jiang? You can rest assured that I am the Jade Emperor, and my words are golden. I will never lie."

"If you follow me back to heaven, your wedding with Longji……"

""Well, Your Majesty, I agree to go back to Heaven with you."

Before the Jade Emperor could finish his words, Jiang Feng hurriedly agreed.

Because, at this time, Nuwa was watching them with interest, and he and Nuwa were attracted by the marriage talisman.

Perhaps due to some mysterious power, Nuwa has already had feelings for him.

If Nuwa knew that he was going to marry Princess Longji, it would not be good. Jiang Feng did not dare to think about it.

Besides, the Jade Emperor has shown such sincerity, and Jiang Feng had already decided to return to Heaven.

He had ignored the Jade Emperor for hundreds of years, so even if he was angry, he should calm down.

Moreover, Jiang Feng was not used to the Nuwa Palace. After all, the gap between him and Nuwa was too big, and their relationship was not that close. It was inevitable that he was a little restrained on weekdays. In addition

, In addition, think about it from the perspective of the Jade Emperor, he had to plan like this and set up a trap for Jiang Feng.

After all, to disrupt the Journey to the West, they were fighting against the Western Buddhist sect, and even went against the way of heaven. How could the Jade Emperor rely on Jiang Feng alone, and how could he trust him?

One wrong move can lead to a complete loss. If you take the wrong path, the consequences will be disastrous. Putting yourself in Jiang Feng's shoes, it is understandable.

And for him at the moment, the Heavenly Palace is the best destination.

Men, after all, must make their own careers and accumulate enough strength and background to have enough confidence to face any woman and deal with any storms.

Such men are the most attractive. Perhaps then, the fate of Jiang Feng and Nuwa will usher in the ultimate outbreak.

"Agreed! My dear minister, you have agreed to go back to heaven with me. That's great. My dear minister, you are really broad-minded and generous!"

The Jade Emperor was overjoyed. Recalling Jiang Feng back to heaven was equivalent to tying Nuwa to the chariot of heaven, which undoubtedly strengthened the prestige of heaven.

"Madam," Jiang Feng turned his gaze to Madam Nuwa,"You promised me three requests before. My first request is that you can let me return to heaven."

"You were originally the God of Justice in Heaven, so it is natural for you to return to Heaven, and I will not stop you."Nuwa smiled.

Jiang Feng nodded, and then said,"The second request is that I have recently practiced alchemy, and I hope to pick some innate spiritual roots in the Wa Palace for alchemy."

Hearing this, Nuwa couldn't help but smile bitterly. Jiang Feng was too polite to her. Two requests were equivalent to saying nothing.

"Of course there is no problem with this. I let you pick whatever you want before, and it still works now."

"By the way, you know how to make pills. Do you want me to ask my senior brother to help you get a few recipes?"

""Go to the Taoist Master of Dao and Morality for the recipe!" The Jade Emperor was extremely shocked. The Goddess Nuwa was too doting on Jiang Feng!

You know, the Taoist Master of Dao and Morality's alchemy skills are second to none and unrivaled in the world. His recipe is priceless and has never been passed on to others.

"That's not necessary, I have the recipe." Jiang Feng didn't want to trouble Nuwa, and he had the Chaos Pill Book, so he didn't need Laozi's recipe at all.

Nuwa frowned slightly, but didn't force him,"What about the third request? You must seize the opportunity."

She reminded him specially.

Jiang Feng didn't have too many ideas. Nuwa had given him enough. Just saving his life before was enough for Jiang Feng to be grateful for his whole life.

But Nuwa kept asking, and Jiang Feng couldn't refuse, so he could only obey.

"By the way, I have a purple-green gourd here, and I hope the Queen can help me to refine it."

Jiang Feng stretched out his right hand, and a gourd with a bright green light appeared on it.

Jiang Feng had obtained this innate gourd from the system a long time ago, but he was unable to refine it because of his own insufficient cultivation. This was the perfect opportunity to refine it into a mature, top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

"Xiantian Gourd! You have this kind of treasure too!"

Princess Jiuhuang was full of surprise. This Jiang Feng was really a weirdo. He had an endless supply of treasures in his hands, including the Flame Flag, the Sun-shooting Bow, the Immortal-killing Sword, and the Nine-sky Breathing Soil. Now he casually took out a Xiantian Gourd. He was even richer than her, a princess of the Phoenix clan.

"Sure, what effect do you want to achieve?" Nuwa took the Xiantian Gourd.

Jiang Feng thought for a moment and said,"Just like the purple-gold-red gourd of Taishang Laojun, when fighting with others, turn it upside down with its mouth facing the ground, and call out the name of the person. If the other party agrees, you can swallow it into the gourd, and it will turn into pus in a moment."


Nuwa nodded and immediately cast a spell to refine it for Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng has now achieved the Golden Immortal Realm. With his cultivation, he can also refine this Xiantian Gourd, but it will take a lot of time.

In the hands of Nuwa, in just a moment, a mature and top-grade Xiantian spiritual treasure with the ability to swallow people was refined.

Jiang Feng was overjoyed when he took it in his hand. In this way, he had another top-grade Xiantian spiritual treasure.

"Jiuhuang, there is a medicinal garden in the backyard of the Temple of Time. It was planted by my elder brother Fuxi, but it has not been taken care of for a long time. I don’t know how it is growing. Take Jiang Feng to have a look!"

Nuwa Niangniang suddenly ordered.


Princess Jiuhuang nodded, and then took Jiang Feng to the backyard of the Temple of Time.

Jiang Feng had practiced in the Temple of Time for a long time, but he had never been to the backyard.

After arriving at this time, Jiang Feng could not help but be astonished and dumbfounded. Originally, he thought that the innate spiritual roots placed in the many corridors and hallways of the Nuwa Palace were enough, but now after seeing this medicine garden, he realized that those were just decorative landscapes and insignificant.

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