"I'm pregnant,……"

Sitting on the Heavenly Emperor's Chair, even the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, who were always serious in formal occasions in the Lingxiao Palace, couldn't help but laugh.

A man was pregnant and gave birth to a baby, and it was Li Jing, the commander of the three armies in the heavenly court. This was simply an anecdote that has been passed down through the ages, and it was too outrageous!

Who could believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes!

""Jinzha, Muzha, help Li Tianwang back to rest."

The Jade Emperor immediately said.

Jinzha and Muzha hurried forward, supporting Li Jing on the left and right, wailing all the way away.

The Four Heavenly Kings were shocked and couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene. They never thought that the magic water of good fortune given to them by the leader would have such an effect.

"My dear ministers, please leave the court!"

After finishing today's work, the Jade Emperor waved his hand, but at the end he said:"Palace Master Jiang and Nezha, please stay. I have something important to discuss with you."

Not long after, all the civil and military officials withdrew, and only the Queen Mother, the Jade Emperor, Princess Longji, Jiang Feng and Nezha were left in the Lingxiao Palace.

"Jiang Feng, you are the one who did this to Li Tianwang, right?" The Jade Emperor stared at Jiang Feng and asked. He knew with his nose that it must have been Jiang Feng who did it.

"A little trick." Jiang Feng chuckled.

""Haha, you are such a mean boy." The Jade Emperor pointed at Jiang Feng, but he was very pleased and laughed happily.

On the side, Nezha couldn't help but give Jiang Feng a thumbs up.

He had severed his relationship with Li Jing a long time ago, and he only hated Li Jing in his heart, but he was unable to retaliate. Now seeing Li Jing in such an embarrassing state, he was naturally very happy.

""My dear Jiang," the Jade Emperor suddenly stopped laughing and became serious,"Now that the stone monkey Sun Wukong has gone to heaven, there is not much time left before the Journey to the West officially begins. It is time to make plans. What do you think?"

Jiang Feng spent most of the night thinking about this issue. He already had a plan in his mind.

"Your Majesty, it is indeed time to make plans.

However, the Western Buddhism is powerful, and what’s more, Heaven has decreed that Western Buddhism will flourish.

Our actions are against Heaven’s will, so we cannot do it blatantly and with fanfare.

We must be careful and make plans in secret.

" Jiang Feng spoke slowly and eloquently.

The Jade Emperor nodded in agreement,"That makes sense.

My dear minister, you have insight into all directions and control the overall situation.

I’m sure you have some plans in your mind.

I’m all ears.


Jiang Feng continued,"It’s actually simple. Your Majesty just follows the plan made by the Western Buddhism. This way, you can give an explanation to the Tathagata Buddha, and it won’t be against Heaven’s will. As for how to make plans and how to disrupt the Journey to the West, I will secretly manipulate it and make sure that this Journey to the West catastrophe will be turned upside down."

"One plays the good cop, the other plays the bad cop, what a good plan."The Queen Mother praised

""Master Jiang, what good plan do you have? How to implement it? You may as well tell us, and we can all work together to make a perfect layout." Nezha suddenly said.

Jiang Feng shook his head,"It's not appropriate. This matter involves too many people and the risk is too high. It must be kept secret. The fewer people who know, the better, so as not to leak the secret."

He also did this to protect Nezha, the Jade Emperor and others. After all, he has the means to conceal the secret, and if it is left to Nezha and others, the consequences will be disastrous.

""My dear minister, you are truly a pillar of the heavenly court, but remember, you must think twice before you act, and be extremely careful." The Jade Emperor solemnly reminded.

Jiang Feng, however, looked calm and said,"Your Majesty, rest assured, I know what to do.""

""Okay," the Jade Emperor nodded, and then said,"My dear minister, you are now the master of the Law Enforcement Hall. You can move to the Law Enforcement Hall and take up the post as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Jiang Feng frowned,"Your Majesty, the Journey to the West catastrophe will soon come, and the layout is imminent. I have to spend time planning and concentrate on practicing in order to better fight against Western Buddhism. I am afraid I will have no time to take care of other things and it will be difficult for me to take on the heavy responsibility."

On the one hand, Jiang Feng has adapted to the Miluo Palace and regards it as his home, and even a place of spiritual sustenance. He is unwilling to move to the Law Enforcement Hall.

On the other hand, he does have too many things to do and is unwilling to waste time on the trivial matters of the Law Enforcement Hall.

In fact, he no longer has any pursuit of official positions. He just wants to be a free and easy god of justice.

"this……"The Jade Emperor frowned. Li Jing was dismissed, and Jiang Feng refused to take up the position. Such an important position could not be left vacant.

Moreover, he could not go back on his word. He could neither dismiss Jiang Feng nor reinstate Li Jing. What should he do?

Seeing this, Jiang Feng knew what was going on."Your Majesty, don't worry. I have someone recommended by me who can definitely take on the important task.""

"Who?" Queen Mother asked hurriedly.

""Nezha, the great god of the Three Altars and Sea Assembly," Jiang Feng pointed at the handsome Nezha standing aside,"Brother Nezha is smart and capable, thoughtful, and will definitely be able to take on the important task. Your Majesty can appoint him as the deputy chief of the Law Enforcement Hall and take charge of the Law Enforcement Hall on my behalf."

""Palace Master Jiang is joking. Nezha is just a golden immortal. How can he be worthy of the position of deputy palace master? I am afraid that I will fail the trust of His Majesty!"

Nezha refused to accept it.

Indeed, the rigid requirement for the position of deputy palace master is that he must be a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

""How difficult is this?" Jiang Feng smiled calmly."Brother Nezha has been immersed in the Golden Immortal realm for a long time, and is only a wall away from the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal. It is only a matter of time before he breaks through this realm.""

"How about this, I will send some training resources to Nezha later, and I will make sure he becomes a Taiyi Golden Immortal within three days."

""Three days to achieve Taiyi Jinxian!" Nezha's heart was shocked, and his eyes flashed with a bright light of desire.

Taiyi Jinxian was the realm he had always dreamed of. Although he was only one step away from breaking through, it was not so easy. I'm afraid it would take at least a hundred years.

Now, Jiang Feng vowed to let him achieve Taiyi Jinxian within three days, which made him very happy.

"Okay, it's settled." The Jade Emperor clapped his hands and was very pleased.

After the matter was settled, the Queen Mother looked at Jiang Feng with a burning gaze and asked with a smile:"My dear Jiang, you and my daughter Princess Longji have a good relationship.���When will the wedding be held and the couple be tied the knot?"

"Yes," the Jade Emperor also agreed with a smile,"Since you two love each other, I think you should not delay it and set an auspicious date as soon as possible."

"this……"Jiang Feng was in a dilemma.

It was not that he did not want to marry Princess Longji. On the contrary, he had been waiting for this day to come in his dreams.

Princess Longji was beautiful, of high status, lively and graceful, just like an angel. She was worthy of him in every way. Jiang

Feng dreamed of marrying such a fairy, having sex day and night, and enjoying the feeling of ecstasy.

However, he could not explain to Goddess Nuwa!

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