"Mother, what are you talking about?" Princess Longji lowered her head, scratched the corner of her clothes with her jade hands, and blushed instantly.

Although her heart had already belonged to Jiang Feng, and she would not marry anyone but Jiang Feng in this life, she was still too young after all, and it was difficult for her to accept the matter of men and women.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng hurriedly took advantage of the situation and said,"There is no rush. Let's see what Longji means."

The only way to get married with Princess Longji was to delay it until Jiang Feng thought of a foolproof plan and a suitable time.

In this regard, Princess Longji remained silent. She naturally could not refute Jiang Feng. If she wanted to hold the wedding immediately, it would make her, Princess Longji, too unrestrained.

The Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor did not say much. Then, after chatting about some trivial things, Jiang Feng said goodbye and left.

Returning to the Miro Palace and closing the door, Jiang Feng immediately began to plan the journey to the west.

With a flip of his hand, a thick black diary appeared on it. It was the diary of mother and child.

After thinking deeply last night, Jiang Feng finally thought of the wonderful use of this mother-child diary.

Sun Wukong is an important candidate for the Journey to the West, and now he has gone to heaven, so he must be started.

In order to destroy the Journey to the West, Sun Wukong must be rebellious and hate Western Buddhism to the core.

This is actually very simple. Sun Wukong is just a pawn of Western Buddhism. His whole life has been designed, and he can never escape the palm of the Buddha. It is really sad.

If all this is told to Sun Wukong truthfully, he will definitely hate Western Buddhism.

But how to tell Sun Wukong? It is definitely not possible to reveal the truth blatantly, which will leave a handle for Western Buddhism, and it is a naked violation of the way of heaven, which is obviously not advisable.

However, the mother-child diary rewarded by the system solves this problem very well.

This diary is mysterious and can conceal the secrets of heaven, even the way of heaven cannot detect it, and the content written on the mother copy can be displayed on the child copy in real time.

If Jiang Feng controlled the mother copy, wrote down the conspiracy of the Western Buddhist sect, exposed the truth, and then gave the child copy to Sun Wukong without anyone noticing, wouldn't this layout be realized naturally?

Moreover, with the mother-child diary, Jiang Feng could secretly lay out for Sun Wukong anytime and anywhere in the future, hiding the truth from the world and disrupting the entire Journey to the West.

Of course, Jiang Feng started with Sun Wukong and made careful layouts, not to treat Sun Wukong as a puppet.

In fact, he was helping this monkey to get rid of his identity as a tool man, find himself, and break free from the shackles of fate.

After a little thought, Jiang Feng used his magic power as ink and his fingers as a pen to write on the mother copy.

He first wrote a title, three words, Monkey Biography.

Then, the main text began, from Sun Wukong breaking out of the nine-hole divine stone, becoming the Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain, and then crossing mountains and ridges and going through hardships to come to the three-star cave of the slanting moon on the Lingtai Fangcun Mountain in Xiniu Hezhou to worship Bodhi Patriarch as his teacher.

After that, he went to the Heavenly Palace, was appointed Bi Ma Wen, guarded the Peach Garden, disrupted the Peach Festival, stole the elixir of Taishang Laojun, made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, and was suppressed by Tathagata Buddha under the Five Finger Mountain for 500 years.

Jiang Feng even listed the 81 difficulties that followed in detail.

At the end of the article, Jiang Feng revealed the truth, described the ugly face of Western Buddhism vividly, and repeatedly mentioned Sun Wukong's identity as a puppet tool. His tone was sad and full of sadness.

This diary can be said to be Sun Wukong's autobiography. It has hundreds of thousands of words in total, but Jiang Feng only took half an hour to finish writing it.

""Very good!"

Seeing that the same handwriting appeared on the sub-book, Jiang Feng couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng took the sub-book out and sneaked to the Imperial Stables without anyone noticing.

Under the guidance of the servants, Sun Wukong was already familiar with the entire Imperial Stables and its job responsibilities.

At this time, he was wearing a red official uniform, jumping up and down in the main hall, grinning from ear to ear with joy.

Jiang Feng waited for some time, and when the subordinates went out to lead the horses for people, he secretly threw the sub-book at Sun Wukong's feet, without anyone noticing.

"Hey! What is that?"

Sun Wukong was jumping around when he suddenly felt something under his feet. He stopped to check.

Then, he picked up a black diary.

Out of curiosity, Sun Wukong couldn't help but flip through it. He didn't care at first, after all, a monkey wouldn't have the patience to read a diary.

But when he saw his name, Sun Wukong was instantly fascinated and read the whole diary in one breath.

"Ridiculous! I am the Spiritual Stone Monkey, who is able to transform and know the weather. It only took me a few hundred years to ascend to the Golden Immortal Realm. How could I be manipulated by others and become their puppet? This is complete nonsense!"

Sun Wukong was furious and threw the diary into the corner with a grin.

"This must be the villain in Heaven trying to play a trick on me. Don’t get caught by me, or I’ll blow your head off."

Sun Wukong roared, not believing a single word of what was written in the diary.

Jiang Feng saw the whole scene, but he was not surprised.

After all, the truth is often the cruelest, especially for the unruly Sun Wukong. It was too much of a shock to him, and it was understandable that he could not accept it for a while.

However, after some time, the contents of the diary came true one by one, and there was no need to worry that Sun Wukong would not believe it.

Jiang Feng only needed to wait patiently now.

So Jiang Feng did not stay too long and returned immediately.

Back in the Miluo Palace, Jiang Feng ordered Zhao Xiaowu to send people to guard strictly and not to disturb him without his order, and then locked himself in the room.

He wanted to refine a pill to help Nezha achieve Taiyi Jinxian in the shortest time.

This pill is called the Six-Turn Golden Pill, which is the unique secret pill of Taishang Laojun. Although it is not as magical as the Nine-Turn Golden Pill, eating one It can achieve Daluo Jinxian, but it is also extraordinary.

Like Nezha, who is at the peak of Jinxian, eating one pill can successfully promote to Taiyi Jinxian.

This pill is considered to be of medium and high grade, which is not comparable to Qianqing Dahuan Dan. I am afraid that the Yin-Yang Bagua furnace, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, can't bear it at all.

Jiang Feng did not have a suitable top-grade innate spiritual treasure to refine the pill, and it was impossible to borrow one from Taishang Laojun, so he could only use the innate treasure Qiankun Ding.

Soon, Jiang Feng selected dozens of innate spiritual roots he needed, more than half of which were top-grade innate spiritual roots, which is also the main reason why this kind of pill is scarce and precious.

The required materials are of various types, and each one is precious. It is absolutely difficult to refine without a great power. Even Taishang Laojun does not have much stock.

Sitting cross-legged, calming his mind, and getting alert, Jiang Feng could not help but mobilize his magic power and hold up the Qiankun Ding.

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