The Qiankun Ding was indeed an innate treasure. Jiang Feng felt a little tired when he started to activate it, but fortunately, it was within his tolerance.

Then, Jiang Feng threw two top-grade innate spiritual roots into it, ignited the Qiankun Ding with his magic power, carefully controlled the fire, and concentrated on refining it.


Marshal's Mansion.

Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, was lying on the bed with a big belly, and he kept wailing.

"Father, the Lord is here."

A series of hurried footsteps sounded, and at this moment, Jinzha and Muzha came quickly with the Lord.

""Old, Laojun, yes, thank you for your help."

Li Jing said with trembling voice and pleading eyes.

Taishang Laojun waved his hand, signaling him not to speak, and then sat on the bed. From his wide sleeves, a big old hand like a dry bone emerged and immediately felt Li Jing's pulse.

However, after a long time, Taishang Laojun did not speak, and his brows were getting deeper and deeper.

Jin Zha couldn't help but get anxious,"Laojun, what's going on with my father?"

After waiting for a while, Taishang Laojun let out a long breath, his face showed a solemn expression, and then told the truth:"There is a ball of fetal energy condensed in the body of the king, which is indeed a sign of pregnancy."

"What!"Li Jing was dumbfounded and almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

He was the commander-in-chief of the three armies, in charge of millions of heavenly soldiers and generals in heaven, with a respected status and a very important position. Now she was pregnant. How could he deal with his reputation?

"Laojun, are you seeing things? How could my father be pregnant? This is too absurd."Jin Zha also widened his eyes, unable to believe it.

"In my opinion, there is an evil spirit at work, deliberately harming my father. Watch me kill this evil creature!"

Mu Zha drew his sword impulsively and was about to chop Li Jing's stomach.

"Second young master, you can't do that," Taishang Laojun raised the dust in his hand and hurriedly stopped him from falling,"Don't be impulsive, what the old Taoist said is true, this fetal energy is very strange, it has become one with the king of heaven, and the lifeline is connected. If you kill him, I'm afraid the king of heaven will also die."

"What should I do now?" Mu Zha retracted his sword, looking dejected.

Seeing this, the usually calm Jin Zha stepped forward and said,"Since Laojun has seen the problem, can you please help get rid of the fetus?"

"Why……"Laojun sighed, then shook his head helplessly and said:"This fetus and the king of heaven will rise and fall together, so we can't move them for the time being!"

"Who? Who is it that played such a trick on my father?" Mu Zha roared to the sky, full of sorrow.

"The other party's methods are unfathomable and difficult to grasp. He must be a powerful person."Taishang Laojun said with a dejected look.

As the good corpse of Laozi, the Taoist of Taoism, there are few things in the three realms and six paths that can be hidden from him.

But in this matter, he was really powerless and was filled with shock. Who on earth has such a brilliant method that even he is helpless!


At the side, Jin Zha couldn't help but clench his fists and hammered the wall fiercely, venting his incompetence.

"Jinzha Muzha, please take me to the Lingshan Mountain in the west to seek help from my master, the ancient Buddha Randeng.……"

On the jade bed, Li Jing shouted with all his might.

Jinzha and Muzha's eyes suddenly lit up, and they hurriedly helped Li Jing up, and then headed to Lingshan Da Leiyin Temple as fast as possible.


"Sir, come back quickly, you can't go there……"

On the edge of the Milky Way, Sun Wukong led a group of celestial horses to gallop. Several of his subordinates were chasing them in panic, but Sun Wukong ignored them.


At this moment, a sudden explosion was heard in the center of the Milky Way.

Immediately afterwards, three figures flew out and instantly landed on the edge of the Milky Way, blocking Sun Wukong.

The leader was handsome and extraordinary, holding a nine-toothed rake in his hand. He was indeed Marshal Tianpeng.

""Who are you? How dare you make a noise here?"

Marshal Tianpeng asked sternly, holding a nine-toothed rake.

Sun Wukong, sitting on his Pegasus, was not afraid at all, but asked,"Who are you? How dare you mess with me!"

Marshal Tianpeng was shocked,"I am the great Marshal Tianpeng, in charge of the Tianhe Water Palace"

"Oh, it turns out to be Marshal Tianpeng, rare, rare," Sun Wukong nodded, and then introduced himself,"I am the new Heavenly Official Bimawen, Sun Wukong"

""You are a new official, so why don't you know the rules?" Marshal Tianpeng said sternly. Sun

Wukong still had a playful look on his face."There is abundant water and grass in the Tianhe Realm, so it's a good time to let the horses go.""

"How dare you!" Marshal Tianpeng suddenly shouted angrily,"I order you to retreat immediately. Otherwise, be careful of the nine-toothed rake in my hand."

Sun Wukong was unruly by nature, and he became excited when he heard it,"I, Sun Wukong, would like to learn from you."

The next moment, the two sides fought each other, but Marshal Tianpeng was no match for Sun Wukong. After dozens of rounds, Marshal Tianpeng fell into a disadvantage and was kicked away.

At this time, several subordinates of the Imperial Horse Administration rushed over, immediately stepped forward to stop them, and apologized to Marshal Tianpeng with a flattering face.

Marshal Tianpeng snorted coldly, hurriedly went down the steps, and left.

Sun Wukong sat on the Pegasus, happy for a while, and finally, under the persuasion of several subordinates, drove the Pegasus back to the Imperial Horse Administration.

However, halfway through, Sun Wukong's expression straightened up, and he suddenly remembered something. His experience just now seemed to be exactly the same as the content in the black diary, exactly the same.

"Could it be that the monkey fax is my autobiography? My fate was determined when I was born. It's impossible. It's absolutely impossible. It's a coincidence. It must be a coincidence!"

Sun Wukong finally comforted himself with a coincidence and let it go.

He seemed to be indifferent, but in fact, his originally firm heart had loosened a little.


Miro Palace.

After a day and night of refining, Jiang���Finally he opened his eyes, completing the last step.

He took a breath, then slowly retracted the magic fire, and when it was all extinguished, he slapped the lid of the tripod open.

Instantly, golden light shone everywhere, filling the sky, including the entire Miro Palace, and it was bright.

At the same time, an alluring fragrance of the elixir floated out, quickly spreading in all directions, covering every corner.

"What a dazzling golden light! What happened?"

"It’s the adult’s room. Could it be some innate spiritual treasure?"

"Hiss! This fragrance is so refreshing and tempting"

"Hey! I feel like my Xuanxian shackles seem to be loosening a bit"


The heavenly soldiers and generals in the mansion were amazed and talked about it.

Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang heard the news and came to wait outside the door, ready to receive orders at any time.

"Xiaowu, Nishang, come in."

Jiang Feng's voice suddenly came out, but it was a little weak, like a candle in the wind, which could go out at any time.

Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang were startled and hurriedly pushed the door open.

In the room, Jiang Feng collapsed on the ground, his face was pale, as if he had collapsed, his breath was very weak, but his eyes were clear, his spirits were radiant, and he was shining with thousands of rays of light.

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