In Jiang Feng's hand, there are ten golden pills, round and engraved with six pill patterns, intertwined with each other, with the divine light of the law faintly shining, mysterious and unpredictable, very magical, it is the sixth golden pill.

Hard work pays off, after going through untold hardships, Jiang Feng finally succeeded in refining it.

The Qiankun Ding is worthy of being an innate treasure. Even though Jiang Feng practiced the Hongmeng Creation Sutra and is a follower of the Chaos Gods and Demons, the flower blooms to the thirteenth level, with a solid foundation, and the magic power is like a bottomless pit, almost endless, far beyond the ordinary Daluo Jinxian.

But after continuously controlling the innate treasure for a whole day and night, there are signs of exhaustion, making him weaker than ever before.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"My Lord, this……"

Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang's eyes widened, and then they hurried forward, one on each side, to help Jiang Feng up.

"It's okay, just take a rest." Jiang Feng said weakly.

He lay on the bed until it got dark, and then Jiang Feng finally recovered some strength.

With more energy, he immediately summoned Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang.

"Xiao Wu, immediately send these two pieces of tea leaves and two pills to the Great God of the Three Altars and Seas, Nezha, and tell him that the tea leaves must be soaked in water and drunk before practicing, remember!"

Jiang Feng prepared two six-turn golden pills and two pieces of ancient enlightenment tea leaves for Nezha, which were enough for Nezha to achieve Taiyi Jinxian within three days.

"Yes, Boss." Zhao Xiaowu took it and did not dare to neglect it. He immediately rushed to do the work.

""Nichang, go to the cellar and get a jar of osmanthus wine immediately." Jiang Feng ordered again. He planned to send it to the fairy Chang'e at night.

Not long after, Jiang Feng brought a jar of osmanthus wine and came to Guanghan Palace for the second time.

This place was still so deserted and quiet.

In front of Guanghan Palace, the fairy Chang'e was seen in a white dress whiter than snow, holy and otherworldly, holding a jade rabbit in her arms, stroking it from time to time.

At this moment, she looked up at the sky, her beautiful eyes flickering, and I don't know what she was thinking.

""Fairy Chang'e." Jiang Feng walked forward and called softly.

Fairy Chang'e was startled, and came to her senses in an instant. When she saw that the person coming was Jiang Feng, her expression relaxed,"Palace Master Jiang, why are you here?"

She gently bent down, let the Jade Rabbit go, and then walked up to him with lotus steps. The last time at the banquet hosted by the Jade Emperor, Jiang Feng was the center of attention. Even if Fairy Chang'e didn't care about worldly affairs, she couldn't be unaware of Jiang Feng's name.

It was also at this banquet that Fairy Chang'e got to know Jiang Feng thoroughly.

"Fairy, I took some osmanthus flowers from you last time. After hundreds of years, I finally brewed a kind of wine called osmanthus wine, so I specially sent it to you for you to taste."Jiang Feng shook the wine jar in his hand.

""Osmanthus wine! What a good name!" Fairy Chang'e's eyes sparkled, and she was obviously interested.

She had no other desires in her life, but she loved fine wine.

In the next moment, Fairy Chang'e waved her sleeves, and immediately, in front of the two of them, a table, two round stools, and two exquisite luminous cups appeared.

Jiang Feng brought up the wine jar and immediately filled the two luminous cups.

Before Jiang Feng could speak, Fairy Chang'e picked up a luminous cup, then tilted her head slightly and took a sip impatiently.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but laugh sadly. He didn't expect that Fairy Chang'e, the most beautiful woman in heaven, was such a drunkard.

"Well, it is sweet and sour, pleasantly fragrant, mellow and rich, it is really a peerless wine!"After tasting it, Fairy Chang'e closed her beautiful eyes, showing an expression of enjoyment, and praised it generously.

Jiang Feng also smiled,"As long as the fairy likes it."

Then, Fairy Chang'e picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

After a glass of wine, Fairy Chang'e had an endless aftertaste, and instantly became obsessed with this taste, with a sense of being unable to extricate herself.

So, she personally picked up the wine jar, poured herself and drank one glass after another.

Not long after, a few blushes appeared on the fair white face of Fairy Chang'e, which looked very charming. The delicate skin was more tender and moisturized by the wine, like a kiwi, making people want to take a bite.

Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment, suddenly came to his senses, and hurriedly dissuaded:"Fairy Chang'e, although the wine is good, you must not be greedy."

He came here just to fulfill the agreement, not to get Chang'e drunk and do something wrong.

Hearing this, Chang'e ignored the dissuasion and said,"Good wine needs to be tasted more to highlight its value." Chang'e's words were unclear, and she was obviously a little drunk.

This sweet-scented osmanthus wine is mellow and rich, with a strong aftertaste. It is easy to get drunk if you drink too much.

After a few glasses of wine, Chang'e's pretty face has turned red like an apple.


Suddenly, Chang'e fell drunk in Jiang Feng's arms.

"Ah this……"Jiang Feng panicked, not knowing whether to move or not, and was at a loss.

But in the end, Jiang Feng still locked his mind and held on to his bottom line.

He had already established a relationship with Princess Longji, and he didn't know how to deal with Nuwa, so how could he dare to get involved with Fairy Chang'e?

"Fairy, you are drunk, let me help you back to the palace!"

Jiang Feng put his hand on the willow waist of Fairy Chang'e, helped her up, and prepared to send her to Guanghan Palace.

But at this moment, Fairy Chang'e said incoherently:"No, I'm not drunk, I won't be drunk, sit down."

Jiang Feng had no choice but to sit down, but Fairy Chang'e was so drunk that she couldn't control her center of gravity at all, causing most of her body to hang on Jiang Feng.

Such a peerless beauty, such a beautiful body, and such skin-to-skin intimacy, if it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have been unable to restrain himself and executed Fairy Chang'e on the spot.

"Lord Jiang, do you know……"

Then, Fairy Chang'e actually started chatting with Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng didn't dare to move, but he couldn't leave her alone, so he had to agree with her.

As the saying goes, true feelings come out after drinking. From Fairy Chang'e's confession, Jiang Feng could clearly sense that although this most beautiful woman in heaven was an iceberg beauty, her appearance was aloof and inviolable, but in fact she was still very lonely and isolated in her heart.

""Master Jiang, you've come all the way here, how about I dance for you?"

Fairy Chang'e said something shocking, and then she stood up shakily and actually danced for Jiang Feng.

Although she was drunk, she was completely relaxed, and her dance was still so graceful, moving, and beautiful. Every move was so exciting that Jiang Feng couldn't take his eyes off her.

After the dance, Fairy Chang'e smiled and staggered towards Jiang Feng again.


Suddenly, she lost her balance and was about to fall, but she tried to control herself and finally fell directly on Jiang Feng's thighs.

"Lord Jiang, I will tell you a secret, the Chaos Bell, it is related to the innate treasure Chaos Bell, do you want it?"

Jiang Feng almost lost his mind, but when he heard the word Chaos Bell, his attention was suddenly attracted.

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