After leaving a word, Nezha rode on his wind-fire wheels and flew away

""Meet the captain!"

Immediately, all the heavenly soldiers saluted with fists and shouted in unison.

Although Nezha was not a member of the Personnel Hall, he was a golden immortal and the son of the Heavenly King Li.

He naturally had the right to promote Jiang Feng to the captain.

A moment later, a member of the Personnel Hall suddenly visited and came in person to replace Jiang Feng's identity card, register him, and issued him a pair of silver-gray Xuanxian battle armor.

Many heavenly soldiers looked at him with envy. This was what they had dreamed of!

Jiang Feng accepted it all very calmly.

He deeply understood that his current status was still insignificant, and he was not even qualified to talk to Nezha.

Nezha was just optimistic about him. If he could not be promoted to a golden immortal, he would still live at the bottom and be nothing more than a bigger ant at best.

This is the Heavenly Court, this is Journey to the West, with strict hierarchy and the law of the jungle.

""Golden Immortal, I must be promoted to Golden Immortal!"

Jiang Feng clenched his fists and swore in his heart.

Golden Immortals are considered to have entered the hall of the strong, truly entered the hall, and have a certain right to speak. Golden Immortals are called heavenly generals in the heavenly court, and have the qualifications to meet the Jade Emperor and have the capital to issue orders.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng entered the tent and practiced frantically.

Ten three thousand year peaches were refined, but he also obtained ten six thousand year peaches.

These energies are naturally more pure and rich.

Relying on the innate sacred footing, Jiang Feng made rapid progress, and every day that passed, he became more and more powerful. , the breath will increase by one point.

After being promoted to captain, Jiang Feng had a lot of free time, with a thousand heavenly soldiers under him.

On weekdays, some trivial matters can be handed over to his squadron leaders to handle, thus freeing up more time for him to practice.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng's Hongmeng Creation Sutra took a small step forward after consuming five six-thousand-year peaches.

His cultivation has made great progress, from the early stage of Xuanxian to the middle stage.

The Hongmeng power in the golden elixir in his body has become more condensed and powerful, with a force of more than ten thousand kilograms.

At this time, Jiang Feng couldn't help but stand up.

"It's time to go out for a walk!"

Firstly, cultivation requires a combination of work and rest, and one cannot just work hard in vain.

Secondly, it's time to replenish the resources for cultivation.

At his refining speed, the six thousand year peaches will soon be used up.

Moreover, Jiang Feng relied on the God-level Rejection System to make a fortune, not on hard practice.

Therefore, this golden finger must be used well.

Not long after, Jiang Feng led a team out of the Law Enforcement Hall, patrolling and monitoring the Heavenly Court.

The team of a hundred people, wearing uniform battle armor, marched in unison, all looked majestic and solemn, gathered together, and there was an invisible aura of iron-blooded killing, cold and piercing.

Along the way, many palace maids and fairies were all panicked and avoided them like snakes and scorpions.

The Law Enforcement Hall is the legal violent agency of the Heavenly Court.

If they violated the Heavenly Law and fell into their hands, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Am I that scary?" Jiang Feng asked himself.

To be honest, he felt that he was very friendly. However, even if he showed a bright smile, everyone still kept their distance.

But this also made Jiang Feng fully experience the feeling of being in power.

At this moment, a graceful purple figure came into view and walked straight towards Jiang Feng.

Unlike others, she was not afraid at all and did not take Jiang Feng and others seriously at all.

Jiang Feng could not help but stare at her.

She was wearing a purple fairy dress and had a nearly perfect face, like an angel, breathtakingly beautiful.

Her skin was crystal clear like snow, so tender that it seemed to be able to squeeze out water, and her willow waist was slender and showed a charming curve.

She walked very fast and looked lively and agile, like a purple elf.

"It turned out to be the daughter of the Jade Emperor, Princess Longji!"

Jiang Feng was stunned.

This is the second generation of the rich in the heaven, a real white, rich and beautiful.

No matter in any aspect, she crushes the Fairy Zixia and Fairy Baihua who had met before.

This Princess Longji is not like the Seven Fairies and the Weaver Girl, who are the adopted daughter of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

She is the real daughter.

Of course, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are not real husband and wife, and Princess Longji is not born from their intercourse, but is bred by the two of them using their great supernatural powers to condense the extremely yin and yang energy.

Just like the prehistoric Like Yuan Feng, the patriarch of the Xiantian Phoenix Clan in the early days, she condensed the innate five elements to give birth to the first peacock in the world, Kong Xuan, and condensed the innate yin and yang to give birth to the golden-winged Dapeng.

The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were originally named Haotian and Yaochi. They were originally two stones in the Zixiao Palace, one extremely yin and one extremely yang. Fortunately, they were enlightened by the ancestor Hongjun and were able to transform. A million years ago, the two of them exerted their great magic power to condense the essence of their own extreme yin and extreme yang, thus creating Princess Longji.


A burst of fragrance drifted by, and Princess Longji passed by Jiang Feng and others.

""Wait a minute!" Jiang Feng suddenly shouted

"What are you doing?"

Princess Longji turned around, glaring at Jiang Feng with her beautiful eyes, her pretty face was very cold.

Jiang Feng walked forward with a smile on his face, and then said:"Princess, are you hurt?"

Just now, Jiang Feng accidentally glanced at the back of Princess Longji. There was a large wound with blood dripping, which was shocking.

Hearing this, Princess Longji frowned, her expression became even colder, and she said angrily:"It's none of your business!" After that

, she wanted to turn around and leave.

Jiang Feng stepped forward again and said:"Princess, I have the Three Lights Divine Water, which can heal the princess without leaving any trace!"

""Three Lights Divine Water!" Princess Longji couldn't help but open her beautiful eyes.

This is the first holy medicine for healing in the prehistoric world, which can cure any disease.

However, she had only heard of it and had never seen it.

"Do you really have it?" Princess Longji blinked her beautiful eyes and asked in disbelief.

Jiang Feng nodded affirmatively,"I dare not deceive Her Highness the Princess!"

""Okay, follow me!"

Jiang Feng couldn't help but look happy. This time he hooked up with a real rich second generation, and he must seize the opportunity.

Soon, he told Zhao Xiaowu and followed Princess Longji.


Soon, a vast palace came into view.

Qingluan Palace, this is the residence of Princess Longji.

This palace is not the kind of palace that Jiang Feng built when he was a contractor. It is one of the thirty-six palaces and seventy-two treasure halls.

These thirty-six palaces and seventy-two treasure halls existed when the thirty-three layers of heaven were discovered on the top of Mount Buzhou.

They are naturally formed and ingenious. Every brick and tile contains the meaning of supernatural craftsmanship and contains the connotation of Taoism. It is wonderful.

""Come in!"

Princess Longji called out, and Jiang Feng stepped in.

This was Jiang Feng's first time entering such a luxurious and noble place. As soon as he stepped in, Jiang Feng was stunned.

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