The Qingluan Palace is magnificent with carved beams and painted buildings. The sacred pillars are decorated with flying dragons and phoenixes, colorful and magnificent.

The most important thing is that the concentration of immortal energy here is shocking.

Every breath is equivalent to refining an immortal essence pill.

Some places are even almost turned into liquid.

If you practice here, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. I'm afraid a pig will take off.

Following the instructions, Jiang Feng finally came to Princess Longji's boudoir.

As soon as he entered, a faint fragrance came to his nose, refreshing and extremely comfortable.

This place is not as grand as the outside, but delicate and small, pink, full of warmth.

"Take out your Three Lights Divine Water. If you dare to deceive me, watch out for your head!"

After closing the door, Princess Longji stared at Jiang Feng and said viciously.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile. He could feel that Princess Longji was actually kind-hearted and not the kind of rich second-generation who bullied others and was vicious and cruel.

"" Princess, please look!"

Jiang Feng did not hesitate. He flipped his hand and took out a pot of Three Lights Divine Water.

Seeing the Three Lights Divine Water that was full of mysterious light of gold, silver and purple, Princess Longji's beautiful eyes suddenly sparkled,"It's really the Three Lights Divine Water! Quick, apply it on me!"

After saying that, Princess Longji stretched out her jade hand and actually tore open the clothes on her back.

"Ah, this, this is not good.……"

Seeing Princess Longji being so carefree and not shy at all, Jiang Feng felt embarrassed.

She was the biological daughter of the Jade Emperor. He had the intention but not the courage to do it!

"What's wrong? Hurry up!

Princess Longji urged.

It seemed that the tearing of the clothes had aroused the wound. Her beautiful face showed pain, and cold sweat was sliding down her white forehead.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng no longer hesitated and immediately stepped forward and stood behind Princess Longji.

"Oh my god!"Jiang Feng was shocked.

There was a long narrow wound on Princess Longji's back, extending from her right shoulder to her left waist, with flesh and blood turned outward and bones visible.

Moreover, there was a strong demonic aura condensed on it, and it was obvious that she was injured by some big demon.

Thinking of the rumors about Princess Longji, Jiang Feng knew it well.

Although Princess Longji was a woman, she had a very strong personality and liked to compete, but as the daughter of the Jade Emperor, the immortals in the Heavenly Court dared not take any real action against her.

Therefore, Princess Longji often sneaked out of the Heavenly Court to kill demons and sharpen herself in the lower world.

Those demons didn't care about her background. At the critical moment of life and death, how could they hold back.

Therefore, her injury was inevitable, and the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother didn't Less scolding from her.

Presumably, she was afraid that her parents would find out, so Jiang Feng took the opportunity to heal her alone.

Otherwise, for such a minor injury, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother would have ten thousand ways to heal it.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng tilted the pot and poured out a few drops of the Three Lights Divine Water.

Soon, a magical scene happened.

The Three Lights Divine Water dripped on Princess Longji's wound, and it seemed to produce some kind of strange magic.

The wound that was deep enough to see the bone healed on its own at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, in the blink of an eye, the long and narrow wound disappeared without a trace, without even a trace left, as if it had never appeared.

In an instant, Princess Longji's back was smooth and tender, white and radiant, without any damage at all.

For a moment, Jiang Feng couldn't help but stare in amazement.

"Hey, if you dare to look at me again, I will tear your eyes out!"

Princess Longji had been staring at Jiang Feng with her beautiful eyes.

Jiang Feng was shocked, his mind racing, he hurriedly said:"Oh, that, this Three Lights Divine Water is indeed the number one healing elixir in the prehistoric world!"

Upon seeing this, Princess Longji snorted coldly, and did not pursue the matter further, but asked:"Where did you get this Three Lights Divine Water?"

"I picked it up by chance." Jiang Feng responded, and then hurriedly put away the Three Lights Divine Water, fearing that Princess Longji would take it away by force.

Princess Longji rolled her eyes and said,"Don't worry, stingy guy, I'm not that kind of person."

""Okay, we don't need you here anymore, you can leave!"

Then, Princess Longji waved her hand and ordered them to leave.

Jiang Feng was stunned,"What? You're driving me away right now, how ruthless."

Of course, Jiang Feng only dared to grumble in his heart, but didn't dare to disobey.

But he was very unwilling in his heart, and it would be too disadvantageous to just leave like this.

He didn't get any benefit at all, which was not in line with his original intention.

So, Jiang Feng stopped and turned around.

"Hey, what else do you want?" Princess Longji frowned.

""Um," Jiang Feng showed an innocent smile, but asked with trembling hands:"Um, Princess, I want to ask, do you need a warm bed at night?"

"What! What did you say?"

Princess Longji's beautiful eyes widened and her mouth opened wide, wondering if she had heard it wrong.

She was the supreme ruler of the Three Realms, the daughter of the Jade Emperor, and her status was so high and noble, how could anyone dare to speak to her like that!

"If it weren't for the fact that you healed my wounds, I would have killed you!"

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Princess Longji roared angrily.


Jiang Feng responded and quickly ran away.

After leaving Qingluan Palace, Jiang Feng let out a long breath, and a huge stone in his heart finally fell.

Although he was sure that Princess Longji was not the kind of ungrateful person, after all, he played too big a game, and if he was not careful, he would lose his head.

Fortunately, in the end, there was no danger, and everything was under his control.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been rejected by Princess Longji and obtained a gold-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

At this time, the system's clear and pleasant voice sounded at the right time.

"It's actually a gold-level treasure chest!"

Jiang Feng was shocked and almost danced with excitement.

"Open it quickly!"

"Congratulations to the host for opening the gold-level treasure chest and obtaining a Great Dao Cushion, a Flame Flag, and ten Nine Thousand Year Old Peaches!"

"Wow, it's a gold-level treasure chest. I'm rich. Haha.……"

Jiang Feng's mouth stretched to his ears, and he immediately started to investigate.

The Great Dao Cushion, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, has no offensive or defensive power, but it can obtain the induction of the Great Dao and improve the speed of cultivation. In other words, sitting cross-legged on this cushion to cultivate can achieve twice the result with half the effort, and on the basis of the innate sacred footing, it can further speed up the cultivation speed.

The second reward, the Lidi Flame Light Flag, does not need the system to introduce it, Jiang Feng also knows that this is one of the five innate flags.

These five innate flags are transformed from the five lotus leaves of the Chaos Blue Lotus that gave birth to the great god Pangu in the past. They are the central Wu Ji Xinghuang Flag, the eastern Qinglian Treasure Flag, the southern Lidi Flame Light Flag, the western Yunjie Plain Flag and the northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag.

Each flag is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and the Lidi Flame Light Flag can confuse yin and yang, reverse the five elements, make all evil retreat, and be invulnerable to all methods.

It is rumored that the combination of these five innate flags is comparable to an innate treasure.

However, since the beginning of the world, no one has ever gathered the five innate flags, so it is unknown whether the rumor is true.

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