As for the third reward, Jiang Feng was even more familiar with it.

But this time, it was ten nine thousand year old peaches.

These were top grade peaches. Eating one was equivalent to one hundred thousand years of cultivation.

"It is indeed a gold-level treasure chest, and it has obviously been upgraded to a higher level!"

Jiang Feng was overjoyed.

However, it was a pity for him that the Lidi Yanguang Banner was a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and with his current cultivation level, he was unable to refine and use it.

This required at least the cultivation level of a Golden Immortal.

"It doesn't matter. With so many peaches, becoming a Golden Immortal is just around the corner!"After comforting himself, Jiang Feng rushed back to the Heavenly Army Camp and started practicing without stopping.

He took out the Great Dao Cushion, sat cross-legged on it, looked at his nose with his eyes, looked at his heart with his nose, and immediately sank into the state of practice.

Invisibly, the Cushion gave rise to the Great Dao induction, which made Jiang Feng's mind clear and transparent.

It was like a ray of golden sunlight suddenly penetrated the gray sky, breaking through the clouds and mist, and suddenly became clear.

This further increased Jiang Feng's practice speed, and it was like soaring like a rocket.


I don't know how much time passed, Jiang Feng suddenly opened his eyes in the tent.

"Good man, I refined ten nine thousand year old peaches, but I only advanced to the late stage of Xuanxian, is this wrong?"

Jiang Feng frowned deeply, looking depressed.

Ten nine thousand year old peaches are equivalent to a million years of cultivation. If it were any gifted person, he would have been promoted to Jinxian!

In the end, Jiang Feng thought for a moment and attributed this abnormality to the Hongmeng Creation Sutra.

This scripture seizes the fortune of heaven and earth, which is the first magic skill in the prehistoric world, and it is naturally difficult to practice.

Since it has given him the ability to fight beyond his level, the difficulty of promotion has naturally increased.

"It seems that I still have to find some more cultivation resources!"

Now, Jiang Feng only has five six thousand year old peaches left, which is definitely not enough to break through to the Golden Immortal.

""Xiaowu, come in for a moment!"

Jiang Feng suddenly ordered.

After a moment, Zhao Xiaowu, who had been waiting outside, came in.

"I am here, what instructions do you have, Captain?" Zhao Xiaowu bowed and said respectfully.

"I have a 6,000-year-old peach here, take it and eat it!"

Jiang Feng got straight to the point, stretched out his hand, and directly rewarded a 6,000-year-old peach.

After observing for a period of time, Jiang Feng found that Zhao Xiaowu was diligent and loyal to him, and was worthy of being cultivated as his confidant.

As for his own people, Jiang Feng would never treat them unfairly or stingily.

"What! This……"


Seeing this, Zhao Xiaowu's mind was shocked and he almost fainted.

For him, peaches, such innate spiritual roots, only exist in legends.

You know, even the Golden Immortals and Heavenly Generals may not be qualified to taste them.

The Queen Mother regarded them as treasures and only took them out at the Peach Festival. On weekdays, don't even think about it.

Not to mention eating a bite, even smelling it is a luxury for Zhao Xiaowu.

And now, Jiang Feng actually rewarded him with a 6,000-year-old peach. This is so outrageous that it makes him feel like a dream.

"Captain, this, this is unacceptable……"

Zhao Xiaowu waved his hands repeatedly, with some timidity in his eyes.

"Just take it if I tell you to. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Jiang Feng shouted and threw the peaches over, then said,"Eat it with confidence. They are not stolen. However, you still have to be careful to avoid unnecessary trouble."

Stealing peaches is a capital crime. Therefore, Zhao Xiaowu had some concerns.

After taking the peaches, Zhao Xiaowu pondered for a moment, and suddenly fell to his knees with a plop,"Captain, thank you for your cultivation. From now on, as long as I am driven, I, Zhao Xiaowu, will do it even if it means climbing mountains of swords and diving into seas of fire."

"Well, very good!"Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction.

"Refine it as soon as possible. When your cultivation level improves, I can find a position for you as a team leader."

Patting Zhao Xiaowu on the shoulder, Jiang Feng strode out.

He led a team of heavenly soldiers to patrol and monitor

""Hey, you, wait a minute!"

After leaving the Law Enforcement Hall, before walking far, suddenly, a pleasant voice came from behind.

Jiang Feng thought the voice sounded familiar, and when he turned around, a pure and beautiful figure came into view. It was Princess Longji.

"This princess has something to do, please come with me!"

Princess Longji came forward and said domineeringly.

Jiang Feng frowned,"Well, Your Highness, I have official duties to attend to and cannot leave my post without permission!"

Jiang Feng was afraid that Princess Longji would cause trouble for him because of the previous incident, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

""What could be more important than protecting this princess's safety?" Princess Longji asked back.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but grin and said,"Your Highness, don't joke. You are a Golden Immortal General. How can a small law enforcement captain under you protect your safety? You should seek help from someone else!""

"This princess asks you again, are you going or not?"

Suddenly, Princess Longji crossed her arms across her chest, her beautiful eyes wide open, and she looked very threatening.

Jiang Feng frowned, but he couldn't do anything about it, so he had to compromise,"Then I will respectfully obey your order."

"That’s more like it," Princess Longji snorted, then seemed to remember something and said,"By the way, what’s your name and what do you do?"

"I am Jiang Feng, the captain of the first legion of the Yulin Army of the Law Enforcement Hall."Jiang Feng replied truthfully.

"The Law Enforcement Hall is Li Jing's bastard subordinate.……"

Princess Longji grumbled, she seemed very dissatisfied with the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing, but she didn't say much.

Not long after, under the leadership of Princess Longji, the two sneaked out of the Heavenly Palace and went to the underworld.

"Princess Longji is not going to take me to the lower world to slay demons and train myself!"

Jiang Feng thought more and more about this.���The plan needed his Three Lights Divine Water, so she took him along.

After flying all the way for an unknown period of time, Princess Longji suddenly landed on a cliff,"Stop and take a rest first!"

Jiang Feng also landed slowly.

This cliff was rocky and jagged, rising from the ground, majestic and magnificent, shaped like a unicorn.

"Qilin Cliff!"

Jiang Feng saw these three words on a stone tablet and frowned immediately. This name seemed familiar.

"Hey, Jiang Feng, did you hear a woman crying? It's so miserable!"

Suddenly, Princess Longji frowned and asked Jiang Feng

"The sound of a woman crying?"

Jiang Feng was puzzled, but the next moment, the sound of crying came into his ears.

The sound was very small, like a candle in the wind, which could go out at any time. It was difficult to hear it if you didn't pay attention.

"There is no one here, how could there be a woman crying out of nowhere?"

Princess Longji was full of doubts. She looked around but did not see any woman.

But at this moment, a bright light flashed in Jiang Feng's eyes, and he suddenly realized,"I know, it's Fairy Yunxiao."

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