"Fairy Yunxiao, who is that?" Princess Longji asked with a frown.

"No way, you haven't heard of the Three Fairies of Jiejiao, disciples of Tongtian Sect? These Three Fairies are all as beautiful as celestial beings. In the past, their reputations were known throughout the three realms!" Jiang Feng said in surprise.

""Tsk," Princess Longji rolled her eyes in disdain when she heard that,"Is she more beautiful than me?"

"Of course not. Princess, you are peerless and gorgeous, the most beautiful in the world. Looking at the three realms, no one can compare to you!"Jiang Feng said with a smile.

Although he meant to flatter her, Princess Longji was indeed so beautiful that she was bubbling.

""Okay, stop flattering me. Tell me why the Fairy Yunxiao is here? Didn't Jiejiao fall?"

Princess Longji was disgusted by Jiang Feng's flattery, but she couldn't hide her joy.

As a woman, who doesn't like to be praised for her beauty? Princess Longji is no exception.

"The three fairies are Yunxiao, Qiongxiao and Bixiao. They lived on Sanxian Island in the past, free and unfettered."

At the moment, Jiang Feng told the story. As a time traveler, he knew everything about the ancient times.

"During the Conferred God Tribulation, the Three Fairies, in order to avenge their brother Zhao Gongming, united with the lower world and used the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Hunyuan Golden Bowl to set up the Nine Bends of the Yellow River Array."

"In order to clear the obstacles, the twelve golden immortals of the Chan Sect jumped into the formation collectively, but all of them had their three flowers on their heads cut off, and their life-long cultivation was thrown into the East China Sea, turning into a dream bubble."

"Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the Chan Sect, was furious, so he joined forces with Laozi, the Taoist master, to break the formation. In the end, Fairy Yunxiao was wrapped up by Laozi with the Qiankuntu and suppressed under the Qilin Cliff."

"Fairy Qiongxiao was killed by Yuanshi Tianzun's Sanbao Yuruyi, and Fairy Bixiao was also killed by Yuanshi Tianzun, and the magic jade box turned into blood."

"Now, Qiongxiao and Bixiao are staying in heaven because they are on the Conferred God List, but they didn't expect that Fairy Yunxiao is still suppressed under the Qilin Cliff."

"What! This is really outrageous?"Just as Jiang Feng finished speaking, Princess Longji suddenly roared angrily,"The Conferred God Calamity is a fight between the disciples of the Chan and Jie sects to end the killing calamity and eliminate the evil spirit of the calamity. Saints are not allowed to intervene. This Yuanshi and Laozi are so shameless, bullying the weak with the big, how shameless."

Seeing this, Jiang Feng could not help but be stunned.

What status are Yuanshi Tianzun and Daode Tianzun, saints who are high above, second only to one person and above all living beings. Who dares not to respect them?

Princess Longji actually scolded them mercilessly.

After being shocked, Jiang Feng could not help but admire Princess Longji.

What he said just now was true, but it was not mixed with any personal feelings, and did not lean towards any side.

But Princess Longji could distinguish right from wrong, black and white, and was not afraid of power.

From this, it can be seen that Princess Longji has a very positive outlook on life and is a person of true temperament, which Jiang Feng admired very much.

In the past of the Conferred God, many people in the Three Realms knew the inside story, but who dared to say that Yuanshi and Laozi had a disagreement?

"No, I want to rescue Fairy Yunxiao. After so long, all the grudges should be resolved, and she shouldn't suffer from this oppression anymore."

Princess Longji muttered, and suddenly flew up and floated into the air.

""Qingluan Sword, open it for me!"

With a light shout, Princess Longji immediately held the sword in her jade hand, her magic power surged, and then she slashed with the sword. At this moment, her black hair fluttered, her eyes were sharp, and she showed her supreme style. She looked so heroic, like a god of war in heaven, like a heroine, and Jiang Feng was stunned for a moment.


A thousand-foot sword light appeared, like a big waterfall, majestic and overwhelming.

This Qingluan Sword is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. With the power of Princess Longji's golden fairy, it is powerful and extraordinary.


With a loud noise, Qilin Cliff was It was split into two halves.

Then, a mysterious scroll fell down, with the two characters"Qian Kun" written on it. It was the Qian Kun Tu.

Jiang Feng was not surprised at all.

Although the Qian Kun Tu was placed here by Laozi, the Taoist Lord of Dao, the power of the saints on it had long been corroded and worn out over the years.

Princess Longji was more than capable of dealing with an ownerless scroll.


Suddenly, Princess Longji turned into a rainbow light, shot over, and grabbed the Qian Kun Tu in her hand.

This is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure!

"Good baby! It's yours now, princess.……"

Princess Longji laughed twice, and then happily put it into her bag.

At this moment, her beautiful eyes sparkled, like a little money-grubber.

"I go……"Jiang Feng was stunned. Why did he feel that compared to saving Fairy Yunxiao, Princess Longji cared more about this Qiankun Map?

""Jiang Feng, come down quickly and see how Fairy Yunxiao is doing?"

Princess Longji called out.

Jiang Feng immediately leaned down.

At the bottom of the split Qilin Cliff, there was an illusory figure lying on the ground. It was Fairy Yunxiao.

However, she was no longer as graceful as before. At this moment, her breath was weak and she was in her twilight years.

The phantom was her soul.

As for her body, it had been shattered by the Qiankuntu for so many years and turned into nothingness.

Even her soul was extremely weak. If it was left for a long time, I am afraid that even her soul would be shattered.

At that time, her body and soul would be annihilated, and she would be truly dead and no longer exist.

"Many thanks, benefactor……"

Fairy Yunxiao thanked her with just a few simple words, but to her, it seemed like she had spent her entire life to thank her.

""Jiang Feng, hurry up, the Three Lights Divine Water!" Princess Longji hurriedly reminded


Jiang Feng nodded, turned his palm, took out the kettle, and dripped a few drops on Fairy Yunxiao's soul.

Fairy Yunxiao absorbed it quickly, and her pretty face showed a comfortable expression.

But this time, the Three Lights Divine Water did not show an immediate effect.���Effect.

Fairy Yunxiao only recovered a little, her breath was slightly stronger, and she was still far from recovered.

However, this was understandable.

After all, Fairy Yunxiao had lost her body, and her soul was extremely weak. If she was not rescued, she would have died even without the suppression of the Qiankuntu.


Seeing this, Jiang Feng could not help but frown.

As the saying goes, send the Buddha to the west, save the person to the end, and Jiang Feng deeply sympathized with the plight of Fairy Yunxiao, and he himself stood on the side of Jiejiao.

So, Jiang Feng stretched out his right hand, and immediately used his magic power to capture the soul of Fairy Yunxiao, and directly immersed it in the pot of Sanguang Holy Water.

With the Sanguang Holy Water to nourish the soul, after a while, Fairy Yunxiao will recover as before.

"Not bad, you are willing to give!"

Princess Longji praised and gave Jiang Feng a thumbs up.

Then she said:"Okay, let's go to Qingyun Mountain!"

"Qingyun Mountain!"

Jiang Feng frowned. He felt that Princess Longji seemed to be prepared for some purpose when she came to the lower world.

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