Jiang Feng's guess was correct. It was indeed Empress Pingxin who invited him.

Before his eyes, the Pingxin Palace was magnificent, like a dragon lying horizontally, with a stream of light shining on it, as if it was a beacon in the underworld, illuminating all directions.

""Palace Master Jiang, please, the Queen has been waiting for a long time!" King Yama made an invitation gesture.

Jiang Feng nodded and pushed the door open.

This Pingxin Palace was out of tune with the underworld. It was not so gloomy, cold, and dark, but colorful and gorgeous, and filled with a strong breath of life, extremely huge.

In front, a woman was sitting on the top. From the moment Jiang Feng came in, her eyes followed Jiang Feng closely, looking him up and down.

Jiang Feng also looked over. The woman had black hair like a waterfall, draped over her shoulders, with exquisite facial features, crystal skin, and shining eyes. She was perfect and almost impeccable.

She looked ordinary, but gave people a feeling of being unfathomable and immeasurable, and she exuded a noble and supreme aura, as if she was born with it. , born with pride, neither respecting heaven nor earth.

That kind of noble and proud temperament is rare in the world, as if no one in this world can conquer it.

In terms of appearance, Princess Longji, Fairy Chang'e and others can be compared with her, but in terms of temperament, in Jiang Feng's knowledge, only Empress Nuwa can be compared with her. There is no doubt that this woman is the ruler of the underworld, Empress Pingxin, and also Hou Tu among the twelve ancestor witches.

At the same time, Empress Pingxin stared at Jiang Feng, and a hint of surprise flashed in the depths of her eyes.

In these endless years, Jiang Feng is the only young man who can make her see through and understand.

Then, just as Jiang Feng was about to pay his respects, Empress Pingxin took the lead and said,"Are you Jiang Feng?"

Her voice was exceptionally cold and lofty, with a sense of distance thousands of miles away, sacred and inviolable.

This was completely within Jiang Feng's expectations. The Ancestral Witch was transformed from Pangu's blood essence. They didn't even respect the heaven and earth or Hongjun Daozu, but only respected Pangu the Father God. Their inner arrogance was evident.

"It’s me," Jiang Feng nodded with a smile, and said neither humbly nor arrogantly,"I wonder why Empress Pingxin summoned me here?"

"How did you get the Dutian God and Evil Flags that we refined?"Empress Pingxin asked straight to the point.

The Dutian God and Evil Flags are unique to the Wu Clan. They were refined by the twelve ancestor witches at a great cost. Unlike the Zhoutian Star Banner of the Zhoutian Star Array, anyone can refine it as long as they master the method and have the materials.

Only the ancestor witches of the Wu Clan can refine the Dutian God and Evil Flags.

In this regard, Jiang Feng already had a response plan,"Perhaps, I have a deep connection with the Wu Clan. To be honest, Empress, those twelve Dutian God and Evil Flags were all obtained by me by chance."

He naturally couldn't say that they were rewards from the system, but he claimed that he picked them all up. Although it was too coincidental, Empress Pingxin couldn't find any fault with it. After all, she had no way of calculating Jiang Feng's fate.

"It seems that you and my Wu clan really have a great fate."Empress Pingxin spoke calmly, her expression was calm, her emotions were not revealed, and it was hard to guess what she was thinking.

"As far as I know, you are not the reincarnation of Taoist Fuxi, so why are you so close to Nuwa?" Niangniang Pingxin asked again. She was very direct and didn't beat around the bush, which was very consistent with the straightforward character of the Wu clan.

Jiang Feng frowned, and then he was relieved.

As early as the early days of the prehistoric times, before Nuwa became a saint, she and Houtu of the Wu clan were very good sisters.

It is understandable that Niangniang Pingxin cares about her now.

As the ruler of the underworld, in charge of the six reincarnations, the reincarnation of Taoist Fuxi naturally cannot be hidden from Niangniang Pingxin.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng couldn't help but look puzzled and said,"In fact, I am also wondering, Niangniang and I don't know each other, how can I be so favored by Niangniang Nuwa? I'm afraid Niangniang will have to ask Nuwa for the answer to this question."

Jiang Feng threw the answer to Nuwa and resolved it cleverly.

Hearing this, Pingxin Niangniang fell silent. Based on her intuition, she almost concluded that this young man was extraordinary and had some unusual means, but she didn't know where to start.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but ask,"I wonder if Pingxin Niangniang has solved the troubles that have plagued us for so many years?"

Through a few simple conversations, Jiang Feng knew that Pingxin Niangniang summoned him down not just for the twelve Dutian Shensha flags, but because of face, Pingxin Niangniang couldn't say some things.

It just so happened that Jiang Feng also came with a purpose, so he might as well take the initiative and speak frankly.

"Troubled?"Hearing these two words, Empress Pingxin was a little surprised at first, but she quickly concealed it and smiled softly,"I created the six reincarnations, perfected the way of heaven, and ruled the entire underworld. My status is equal to that of the six great saints. How could I have ever been troubled? Ridiculous!"

"In that case, let me tell you, Your Majesty rules the underworld and controls the power of the six reincarnations. Her strength is comparable to the six great saints of the world, but she is confined to this dark underworld and cannot go out. Isn't this a problem?"Jiang Feng responded. However,

Your Majesty Pingxin showed disdain and even a little disappointment. She invited Jiang Feng to come this time for a purpose, hoping that this prehistoric anomaly could help her get rid of some troubles.

But now it seems that she is just thinking too much.

"Is this the trouble you mentioned?" Empress Pingxin sneered.

Jiang Feng was still smiling, and then slowly said:"No, this is just one of the reasons. The biggest trouble for the Empress is that she is being eroded by the power of the tunnel. If this continues, the Empress will probably be completely eroded and become a puppet of the tunnel." When Jiang

Feng finished speaking, Empress Pingxin's eyes widened, and she reacted extremely strongly. She stood up on the spot.���The power of the earth, you mean, the power that is eroding me is the power of the earth?"

Her expression changed drastically, and a huge wave of shock rose in her heart. She could no longer remain calm.

""Yes." Jiang Feng nodded firmly.

At this time, Lady Pingxin stood up, and Jiang Feng realized that she was not like Zhurong and Gonggong, the ancient witches, who were all big and strong, with muscular bodies, but she was graceful, with exquisite curves, and had a perfect golden ratio. She was absolutely a great beauty.

"Then what is the underground tunnel? Why does it corrode me?"

Empress Pingxin stared at Jiang Feng and asked impatiently.

Jiang Feng did not keep him in suspense and continued:"The underground tunnel is the same as the heavenly way. It is a supreme rule that is above all living things, dominating the heaven and earth and ruling the world."

Empress Pingxin pricked up her ears, her beautiful eyes did not blink, and her attention was completely focused on Jiang Feng, as if she had not missed even a word.

What Jiang Feng said today was completely beyond her understanding and cognition.

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