"In the prehistoric world, there are three realms: heaven, earth, and man. There is the Way of Heaven in heaven, the Way of Man in the human world, and the Way of Earth in the earth world. Each realm has its own supreme rules. The three realms of heaven, earth, and man coexist in a symbiotic relationship."

"However, at the beginning of the birth of the prehistoric world, the Way of Heaven was formed first. However, the Way of Heaven is not kind, and treats all things as straw dogs. Its nature is relatively mean and insidious, and it is very selfish. In order to rule the entire prehistoric world, it maliciously suppresses the Way of Humanity and the Way of Earth."

Jiang Feng told the story, without hiding anything from Lady Pingxin,"Lady Pingxin, you transformed into the six reincarnations and perfected the Way of Heaven so that the whole prehistoric world could operate smoothly. This is such a huge merit, comparable to Lady Nuwa molding clay to create humans, and compared to the Three Pure Ones establishing the Three Religions."

"However, this huge merit did not fall entirely on you, but only on you, because you only mastered the power of the six reincarnations. Because the heaven is calculating you and is wary of you, fearing that you will control the earth and thus pose a threat to it."

"Just imagine, Niangniang Pingxin, just by controlling the power of the six realms of reincarnation, you are enough to be compared with the six great saints. If you are blessed with that huge amount of merit, how powerful you will be? It is simply unimaginable!"

"What!"Empress Pingxin was dumbfounded, in disbelief.

She had never thought that she had been plotted against in such an ancient time, and it turned out that the Heavenly Dao had swallowed up her merits.

This made her extremely angry, and her white jade fists could not help but clenched tightly together.

She sacrificed her body, transformed into the six reincarnations, and completed the Heavenly Dao. How selfless she was, but she did not get the merits she deserved, but was swallowed up by the Heavenly Dao. This was really infuriating.

"As for humanity, it is the most miserable. Heaven has been suppressing it from the beginning to the end. The people here do not just refer to the human race, but all living things living in the human world, including the former Qilin clan, witch clan, demon clan, human race, etc."

"Therefore, there are the Dragon and Han Tribulations, the Witch and Demon Tribulations, and the Conferred God Tribulations. These are all means for the Way of Heaven to suppress the Way of Man."

"Every time they experienced a catastrophe, the vitality of each race was greatly damaged, and their energy gradually weakened, which also led to the gradual decline of humanity."

"Today, the prehistoric world has fallen apart, and only four states remain in the human world. It is far from the prosperity of the early prehistoric times and has become extremely weak. It is no exaggeration to say that humanity is now just struggling to survive and it is difficult for it to resist."

"As for the Underworld," Jiang Feng's eyes once again stared at Lady Pingxin,"The Heavenly Dao swallowing up your merits is only secondary. The Heavenly Dao's spokesperson Hongjun obeyed the will of the Heavenly Dao and suppressed you in this underworld, confining you forever, causing the power of the Underworld to continuously erode you. In time, your will will be completely swallowed up, and you will no longer be yourself, but only become a puppet of the Underworld."

"This is the erosion of the tunnel from instinct. Such supreme rules are spiritual, and they also need to develop and grow. You are imprisoned here forever and cannot escape. If there are no variables, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape the fate of being eroded."

"This is the case with Hongjun, the founder of Taoism. He merged himself with Taoism and became the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao. From then on, Hongjun was Heavenly Dao, but Heavenly Dao was not Hongjun.……"

Jiang Feng explained in detail. When the last word fell, Empress Pingxin's eyes widened and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Jiang Feng's words had a huge impact on her. She could never have imagined that she had been in the calculation of the Heaven from the beginning to the end.

"Frankly speaking, the way of heaven in the prehistoric world is the evil way of heaven. The so-called saints are high above, looking down on all living beings, but they are just saints of heaven. In fact, they are puppets of heaven. Everything must obey the way of heaven."

"If you dare to go against the will of heaven, heaven will wipe you out in a minute. It looks brilliant and extremely prominent, but in fact it is just a pathetic puppet."

Jiang Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Brother Jiang is indeed a great man. He has such extraordinary knowledge that is truly eye-opening!"

At this moment, a hearty laugh was heard, extremely loud and resounding throughout the Pingxin Palace.

Jiang Feng looked over and saw a sturdy man with a broad back and strong waist walking out from behind the screen. He walked like a dragon and a tiger, and his figure was extremely burly, like a small mountain, giving people an extremely heavy pressure.

Moreover, Jiang Feng sensed a mysterious aura from this sturdy man. This man seemed to be right in front of him, but he seemed to be far away in the sky, as if he was not in the same space with him, mysterious and unpredictable. Jiang

Feng could not help but frown. This sturdy man spoke in a heroic manner, and exuded an extremely noble aura throughout his body. He was naturally proud and even above Empress Pingxin. He was obviously not the King of Hell in the Ten Palaces.

"Who is this person?" Jiang Feng frowned deeply, and looked at him carefully for a moment. Suddenly, a bright light flashed through his mind, and he couldn't help but exclaimed on the spot:"Di Jiang, are you Di Jiang, the eldest brother of the Wu clan?"

"That's right," the sturdy man nodded, and many muscular lines appeared on his face just with a faint smile,"Brother Jiang is really knowledgeable, he actually recognizes me!"

"It's really the Wu clan's eldest brother Di Jiang!"

Jiang Feng was completely shocked and dumbfounded.

This Wu clan's eldest brother was the leader of the twelve ancestor witches. He was born to master the unfathomable laws of space and was incredibly powerful. In the final battle between the witches and the demons, the two clans suffered heavy casualties. The ancestor witches withdrew from the prehistoric stage. Everyone thought that these ancestor witches had all fallen, even Jiang Feng. But he never thought that Di Jiang, the eldest brother of the Wu clan, was still alive!

And he was quite humble and actually called him brother.

This made Jiang Feng a little flattered. Whether it was realm, combat power or seniority, Jiang Feng was not worthy of it!

""At the beginning," Niangniang Pingxin said suddenly,"I transformed into the six realms of reincarnation, and my physical body was unable to escape. But it was the time when the Second War between Liches and Wizards was approaching. As a member of the Wizard Clan, how could I sit back and watch?"

"Besides, the demon clan was strong, Donghuang Taiyi was in charge of the innate treasure Chaos Bell, and there were Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array and Hunyuan Heluo Great Array to protect the world. I couldn't bear to see the witch clan suffer heavy casualties, so I intervened forcibly and saved my eldest brother at the critical moment."

"Because of this, he was forced by Daozu Hongjun to eat the Meteoric Pill, and was completely confined here afterwards."

"So that's it!" Jiang Feng nodded in understanding. He had never thought that there was such a secret in the witch-demon calamity, but it was also reasonable. After all, Lady Pingxin was one of the twelve witch ancestors, so how could she let it go?

But this also gave the Heavenly Dao sufficient reason to suppress the Earthly Dao

"Brother Jiang," Di Jiang suddenly stepped forward and asked in a very serious manner,"Since you know about my little sister's abnormal condition, do you have a way to save her and get her out of the erosion of the tunnel?"

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