"this……"Jiang Feng pondered for a moment and said,"With my magical power, it's hard for me to help."

Both Empress Pingxin and Emperor Jiang felt depressed, but then Jiang Feng suddenly changed his tone,"However, the person who tied the bell must be the one to untie it. Empress, have you ever thought about doing the opposite and swallowing the essence of the tunnel to become the master of the tunnel?""

"If you can really achieve this, then the Queen will be able to transcend, not at the mercy of the heavens, and the Falling Saint Pill will not be a hindrance."

"Swallow the source of the tunnel!"

Pingxin Niangniang's pupils widened, full of disbelief.

This idea was simply too bold. For countless years, she racked her brains, always thinking about how to get rid of the erosion, but never thought of doing the opposite. After a long time, Pingxin Niangniang's beautiful eyes sparkled, as if she had found a clear way, full of hope.

"Thank you for your guidance, my friend. I will definitely repay you when you achieve something in the future!" Empress Pingxin said with a smile.

After the conversation, she and Jiang Feng became closer. She no longer had the cold attitude at the beginning, but called him"young friend".

"It doesn't matter, it's just a small favor!" Jiang Feng smiled indifferently.

Then, he stayed in the underworld for a while, and then his soul returned to heaven.

Although he didn't gain anything substantial in the underworld this time, it was of great significance.

If one day, Niangniang Pingxin swallowed the origin of the underworld and became the master of the underworld, then he would get a peerless and powerful ally, and he would have a strong support in fighting against the Western Buddhism and even against the Heavenly Dao.


In Miro Palace, Jiang Feng's soul returned to his place, his eyes gradually brightened, and he suddenly woke up.

"Jiang Feng, you are finally back. How are you? Are you okay?"

"I hope Empress Pingxin didn't make things difficult for you?"

"We were so worried."

In the room, the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother and Princess Longji breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Jiang Feng was safe and sound.

""Your Majesty and the Empress are worried. Empress Pingxin chatted with me for a few words and didn't make things difficult for me." Jiang Feng explained briefly.

The Jade Emperor did not continue to ask. Jiang Feng's trip to the underworld might involve some secrets, which could not be disclosed to avoid leaking the secrets.

Since he didn't want to say it, the Jade Emperor also knew it well.

"By the way, Your Majesty, can you send someone to collect the materials I need?"Jiang Feng suddenly asked. He wanted to set up the Zhoutian Xingdou formation as quickly as possible.

Because he had a premonition that a storm was about to come.

Under his plan, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, ate a yellow plum and achieved the Golden Immortal.

If this matter was discovered by the Western Buddhist sect, there would be a big fuss and the world would be turned upside down.

Before, Sun Wukong only achieved the Golden Immortal Taiyi, and the Western Buddhist sect attached great importance to it and did not hesitate to send the Peacock King to attack and kill Jiang Feng. Now that the monkey has achieved the Golden Immortal Daluo and completely deviated from the trajectory of the journey to the west, how could those old bald donkeys let it go?

"This is natural," the Jade Emperor nodded with a smile,"I will naturally spare no effort to complete the things that you have asked me to do. However, time is limited. Now I have only collected about the amount of the Lingxiao Palace. Don't worry, I will send more people and increase the efforts to collect"

"The amount of a Lingxiao Palace is thousands of tons, which is enough to refine most of the Zhoutian Xingchen Banner!"Jiang Feng's expression was delighted.

Although the Jade Emperor is a puppet of the saint, he has been operating in the Heavenly Court for so many years and still has his own power. If all of them are mobilized, it will also be a powerful force that cannot be ignored.

"Since you are all right, I will go ahead and send someone to deliver the materials later."

Leaving behind a word, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother left together.

"Xiaowu, come in and tell me what to do." Jiang Feng was about to say something.

However, no one responded outside the door. Jiang Feng couldn't help but frown, feeling something was amiss.

Usually, Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang would wait outside the door, ready to take his orders at any time, and would send his men to guard even if something happened. But at this time, there was no one, which was very abnormal.

In an instant, Jiang Feng's powerful divine sense spread out, covering the entire Miro Palace, and under the blessing of the Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Array, under the saint, nothing could be hidden, and no secrets could be hidden.

Soon, Jiang Feng discovered the abnormality. It turned out that Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang were captured and taken to a side hall.

"Jiang Feng, what happened?"Seeing that Jiang Feng looked a little strange, Princess Longji asked in confusion.

"The Western Buddhist sect has sent someone again, follow me!" Jiang Feng immediately opened the door and left.

"What! It’s these old bald donkeys again! Princess Longji’s forehead was bulging with veins, and she followed angrily with the Qingluan Sword in hand.


In the side hall, Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang sat cross-legged side by side, but their eyes were dull and lifeless.

In front of them, a middle-aged man dressed in armor and dressed as a celestial soldier stood proudly, obviously casting some kind of spell on them.

"Zhao Xiaowu, Fairy Nishang, tell me, what happened on that day when the strange phenomenon appeared in the sky in your Miluo Palace? Where is the Peacock King?"

"No, I don't know……"

"What Peacock King? I've never heard of him."

Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang shook their heads, not knowing why.

""Hmm?" The middle-aged man was stunned, full of doubts,"It shouldn't be! How could they not know it?"

But at this moment, a cold and playful voice came into his ears,"Hey, silly, what are you doing?"

The middle-aged man was startled and quickly dodged to the side. Only then did he find that there was a man and a woman behind him. They were Jiang Feng and Princess Longji.


At this time, Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang fell to the ground one after another, unconscious.

"Jiang Feng, they……"Princess Longji frowned.

Jiang Feng waved his hand,"It's okay, they were just hit by a small spell, just rest for a while."

""Oh," Princess Longji nodded, and then pointed her sword at the middle-aged man,"Who are you? Why did you sneak into the Miro Palace? What do you want to do?"

"Long Ji, don't panic, he is just a little silly eagle. Jiang Feng said indifferently, knowing the details of the middle-aged man.

"What did you call me?"The middle-aged man looked surprised.

"Silly Eagle, aren’t you the Golden-winged Peng Eagle, the uncle of Tathagata and the son of Yuan Feng, the patriarch of the Xiantian Phoenix clan? Is it wrong for me to call you that?"

"You are quite clever. You disguised yourself as an ordinary heavenly soldier and sneaked into my Miluo Palace. You also used the magic of bewitching to control my subordinates and inquire about the whereabouts of your brother Kong Xuan. Do you think you can conceal the truth and do it without anyone noticing?"

"Even your brother failed at my hands, let alone you, a mere silly eagle. Tell me, are you stupid?"


Suddenly, the middle-aged man transformed from the golden-winged Peng Eagle was horrified and could not believe it. The other party was just a Da Luo Jin Xian, how could he see through his secret at a glance?

This was incredible!

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