That's right, this middle-aged man is the Golden Winged Peng.

In the early days of the prehistoric times, at the end of the Dragon and Han catastrophe, Yuan Feng, the patriarch of the Xiantian Phoenix Clan, gave birth to two sons, one of which was Kong Xuan, who was condensed from the innate five elements, and the other was the Golden Winged Peng, who was condensed from the innate yin and yang.

They are a pair of brothers, with Kong Xuan being the eldest, and now they have the same fate, both of them being converted by the Western Buddhist sect.

After the Conferred Gods Tribulation, Duobao Daoren, the chief disciple of the Jiejiao Tongtian Sect Master

, was led by Zhunti to convert into Buddhism and became the Tathagata Buddha of the Great Leiyin Temple. One day, Tathagata was meditating on the Great Dao under the Bodhi tree, and was swallowed by the Golden Winged Peng on the tree. So Tathagata broke open its belly and drilled out. Unable to bear taking its life, he led it into the Buddhist sect to guard the Eight Treasures Merit Pool.

Therefore, this Golden Winged Peng is also the uncle of Tathagata Buddha.

Obviously, everything was as Jiang Feng expected. The Peacock King failed to kill him and there was no news. The Western Buddhist sect sent the Golden Winged Peng Eagle to investigate the situation.

This silly eagle was born in the early days of the prehistoric times. It is unknown how many years it has survived. Although its reputation is not as big as Kong Xuan, it is also extraordinary. It is a genuine quasi-saint.

Jiang Feng guessed that the Western Buddhist sect would take action, but he never thought that they would send the Golden Winged Peng Eagle.

In this way, he may continue to plan and maximize the value of the two brothers.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Feng couldn't help but say:"Silly eagle, I know why you are here, but are you here for your brother, the Peacock King? Look, he is here!"

Jiang Feng waved his sleeves, and the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin appeared out of thin air. Then, the coffin lid opened, and Jiang Feng shot out a divine light and fished out the Peacock King.

At this time, the so-called first person under the saint in the Conferred God period was already dying, his breath was weaker than ever before, like a candle in the wind.

The Heaven-Suppressing Coffin was a fierce and strange treasure of the Heavenly Dao. Even if a saint was suppressed in it, it would be difficult to escape for a while and would be eroded by the infinite fierce power, not to mention the Peacock King.

Although it did not take his life, it was very uncomfortable, at least he was seriously injured.

Seeing this scene, the Golden Winged Peng Eagle's eyes flashed with vigilance, frowned deeply, and did not dare to move forward.

He had been lurking in the Miluo Palace for some time, but he had tried his best to find out the whereabouts of his brother, but now he saw it easily, which made him think deeply.

What kind of medicine is this Jiang Feng selling in his gourd?

"Golden-winged Peng Eagle, this Palace Master will not embarrass you because of the deep love between you two brothers. You can take him away!" Jiang Feng continued

""Jiang Feng, what are you doing? You can't let them go!" Princess Longji was holding Jiang Feng's arm, puzzled. Jiang Feng raised his hand, signaling her not to speak.

Princess Longji pursed her lips and had to remain silent. She was always arrogant and noble, so she could only be obedient in front of Jiang Feng.

"What! Let us go? You, are you serious?"

The Golden-winged Peng's eyes almost popped out, suspecting that he had heard wrongly.

His two brothers were ordered by the Buddhist sect to take Jiang Feng's life, but Jiang Feng let them go without any grudges, as if nothing had happened. This was incredible.

The Golden-winged Peng's mind was a little confused for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Of course I take it seriously. As the God of Justice in Heaven and the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall, I am in charge of punishment. How can I go back on my word?" Jiang Feng responded affirmatively. The

Golden-winged Peng Eagle was skeptical, but finally took a tentative step and carried his brother, the Peacock King, on his back.

During the whole process, the Golden-winged Peng Eagle remained alert and alert, but Jiang Feng did not move at all.

However, just before they were about to leave the side hall, Jiang Feng suddenly spoke,"You can leave, but before you leave, I have a few words to say to you." The

Golden-winged Peng Eagle frowned, but also paused.

If the other party did not want to let him go, I am afraid it would be difficult to escape even if he spread his speed.

"The reason why I am willing to let you go is not because I am magnanimous, but because your fate is too tragic. In the future, you will all be worse off than dead without my help." Jiang Feng started to deceive people.

""Hmm? What do you mean? How do you know my future fate?" The Golden Winged Peng Eagle asked doubtfully, gradually being influenced by Jiang Feng's words.

"I know a little bit about divination," Jiang Feng continued,"You two brothers are blessed with great talents and distinguished bloodlines, but now you have become disciples of the Western Buddhist sect."

"Your brother Kong Xuan was born with the magical power of five-colored divine light, so strong that he could defy the heavens. During the Conferred God Tribulation, he was invincible in the world and never lost a single battle under the saints. But now he is just the mount of the Taoist Zhunti. How sad!"

"As for you, your fate is even more tragic."

Jiang Feng suddenly stared at the golden-winged Roc and said solemnly:"You don't know yet, you are one of the candidates for the calamity of the Journey to the West."

Upon hearing this, the golden-winged Roc's eyes stood up, and his face showed panic.

Under the calamity, it is difficult for non-sages to escape. Even his mother, the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the demon emperor Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were all turned into ashes.

As a person who was destined to be calamity, how could he survive?

"If my calculations are correct, in the near future, you will be sent down to the mortal world by the Tathagata Buddha, stationed in the Lion City on earth, along with the mounts of Manjusri and Samantabhadra, Lingya Xian and Qiushou Xian, to reflect on your mistakes together and help him complete the plan of the Western Buddhist sect."

"In the end, you will be beaten back to your original form, all your life's cultivation will be wasted, you will become an animal, and you will lose your freedom completely. From the moment you enter the Western Buddhist sect, your fate is doomed. You are just a pawn of the Tathagata Buddha and a victim of the Journey to the West."

For the sake of the Journey to the West,���The Buddha and a group of high-ranking Buddhists had planned a lot, covering a wide range of issues, but the plan that the Golden Winged Peng Eagle would be banished to the Lion City on earth and participate in the catastrophe was naturally concealed.

Jiang Feng's words were half true and half false. The actual ending of this silly eagle was not that tragic, but how could the Golden Winged Peng Eagle know that now? His emotions were up and down for a while, and his mood fluctuated violently.

After a moment, the Golden Winged Peng Eagle's body shook, and he looked at Jiang Feng coldly and said,"Nonsense, nonsense. My elder brother and I have a high status in the Western Buddhist community and are highly respected. The Buddha also treats us well. It is impossible for him to use me as a sacrifice."

"Don't think of bewitching me and sowing discord between me and Buddhism!"

The Golden Winged Peng Eagle looked determined and didn't believe Jiang Feng's lies.

Jiang Feng was not anxious. He didn't expect that just a few words would make this silly eagle betray Buddhism and join the Heavenly Court. That would be too stupid.

"It doesn't matter, you can ignore it, and you will know when it comes true in the future."

Jiang Feng smiled lightly, then waved his hand,"Take your brother away."

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