"Congratulations to the host, you have opened two supreme treasure chests, and obtained the cultivation of tens of millions of years, a clone of a good corpse, the great magical power of the Heavenly Seal of Creation, the Heaven-Swallowing and Earth-Devouring Domination Heavenly Art, the shaft of the God-Slaying Spear, and two drops of Pangu's blood!"

The system's voice sounded immediately afterwards.

"Good fellow, good fellow, good fellow." Jiang Feng exclaimed repeatedly, his eyes shining like two lanterns.

As he expected, the reward was unprecedentedly generous, which made Jiang Feng unbelievable, as if in a dream.

The first reward, tens of millions of years of Taoism, needless to say, Jiang Feng had directly reached the peak of Daluo with this.

The most important thing is the following five rewards, each one is more valuable and rarer than the other.

The first is the Shanshi clone, which is specially tailored for Jiang Feng according to his own personality characteristics. It can be said that it has paved the way for him to become a quasi-saint.

The realm of quasi-saint is tainted with the word"saint", which is unfathomable and incredible. It requires walking out of one's own avenue, not just as simple as comprehending the laws.

And to walk out of one's own avenue, one must first analyze oneself and resolve oneself.

In this world, the person who knows the least is oneself.

Therefore, the realm of quasi-saints must kill the three corpses and kill the To produce one's own good corpse clone means to have entered the realm of quasi-saints and entered the initial stage.

The third reward is the Seal of Creation, which is a peerless magical power that can seize the creation of heaven and earth and operate the mystery of chaos. In one seal, it encompasses everything, as if it has become the creator, creating everything, and at the same time it can destroy everything and rule everything.

This peerless magical power can compete with the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm of the Western Buddhist Sect and the art of the universe in the sleeves of Zhenyuan Daxian.

The fourth reward is the Heavenly Art of Swallowing the Sky and Devouring the Earth. This is an unparalleled magical skill that includes various magical powers, spells, body techniques, and combat skills. It is unique and takes a path of supreme devouring.

It can transform into a master, swallow the sky and the earth, and is omnipotent.

This skill is comparable to the Holy Fighting Art of the Monkey King Sun Wukong. They are evenly matched and each has its own merits.

The Holy Fighting Art has already surpassed Sun Wukong. Wukong was made into the Supreme God of War, who fought against heaven and earth, and was extremely terrifying.

He had just stepped into the Daluo realm, and he defeated the three Bodhisattvas of Western Buddhism, which made him incredibly powerful.

There is no doubt that if this heaven-swallowing and earth-devouring mastery of heaven skill is passed on to a young hero, it can definitely help Jiang Feng create another peerless strongman.

But Jiang Feng has not thought of a suitable candidate yet, so he had to put it aside for the time being.

The fifth reward, the shaft of the God-killing Spear.

Jiang Feng's heart skipped a beat. This was the magic weapon of the Demon Ancestor Luohou. It was an innate treasure that focused on killing and was good at attacking. It was incredibly powerful.

It was formed by the lotus stem of the Chaos Green Lotus that gave birth to the great god Pangu, combined with the fierce and evil spirit between heaven and earth. After the battle between Taoism and demons in the past, with the disappearance of the Demon Ancestor Luohou, it also disappeared.

Jiang Feng never thought that it would be rewarded to him by the system at this time.

This infinite Over the years, countless creatures in the Three Realms have been frantically searching for this innate treasure that focuses on killing. Its power is comparable to that of Yuanshi Tianzun's Pangu Banner, and it is terrifying.

But it seems that the system rewarded Jiang Feng with only a broken God-killing Spear, which only had the gun barrel.

However, after Jiang Feng carefully investigated, he found that it was not that simple.

Although it was the gun barrel of the God-killing Spear, it was complete without a single flaw.

At the same time, the system also revealed an important news to Jiang Feng.

This innate treasure, the God-killing Spear, was not broken, but it disintegrated on its own due to the infinite power it endured in the terrible battle between Taoism and Demons.

This disintegration is a normal disintegration, not a shattering.

In other words, if the rest of the gun head and gun tip can be found, the God-killing Spear can be fully assembled to reproduce its former sharpness, and there is no need to repair it.

Because it is not broken, the origin has not been damaged at all, but it is just a normal disintegration.

The original complete God-killing Spear was assembled from three parts: the gun head, the gun barrel, and the gun tip.

"So that's it!" Jiang Feng was immediately delighted, even more excited than when he got a part of the Chaos Bell from the Fairy Chang'e in Guanghan Palace.

Because this Chaos Bell was broken and its origin was damaged, even if all the fragments were collected, it would take a lot of energy to repair it.

But this God-killing Spear does not need that, it only needs to be assembled to fit perfectly, becoming a true innate treasure that can hurt the body of a saint. The most terrifying thing is the sixth reward, two drops of Pangu's blood.

At this moment, two drops of bright red blood appeared out of thin air in front of Jiang Feng's eyes, the size of a longan, flashing with a bright red light, mysterious and unpredictable.

At such a close distance, Jiang Feng could clearly perceive the majestic energy contained in it, it was simply It was terrifying beyond description.

None of the innate peaches, ginseng fruits, yellow plums, and jade marrow of creation that Jiang Feng had seen before could be compared with it, not even one ten-thousandth of it.

Before, Jiang Feng had also been rewarded with the blood of ancestor witches by the system, but it was not comparable to the blood of Pangu.

The twelve ancestor witches were all transformed from the blood of Pangu. The blood of ancestor witches was nothing compared to the blood of Pangu.

At this moment, Jiang Feng vaguely realized that these two drops of Pangu's blood contained the mystery of creation, the truth of the avenue, and the mystery of the law. It was mysterious and unfathomable.

It was hard to imagine that just two drops of blood could be so magical, as if they were fragments of the avenue.

Even Jiang Feng felt He felt that even with his current cultivation level at the peak of Daluo, he was not sure enough to refine the blood essence of Pangu.

If he was not careful, his body would explode and die, his body and soul would be destroyed.

Jiang Feng had no choice but to put it away temporarily.


At this moment, a mysterious passage opened above Jiang Feng's head, and a mysterious force of heaven and earth poured down, wrapping Jiang Feng in it.

There was no way to store such a virtual reward of tens of millions of years of cultivation, so it was immediately awarded to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng was excited but helpless.

This kind of direct reward for the improvement of his cultivation level is not available every time a treasure chest is opened.

It is very random and does not depend on Jiang Feng's will.

Therefore, Jiang Feng still needs to seize the time to practice hard on weekdays.

With the influx of the secret power of heaven and earth, Jiang Feng's aura rose steadily, his magic power soared, and soon he reached the peak, and he was half a step away from the quasi-saint realm.

However, to be promoted to the quasi-saint realm, it is not enough to have a high enough level of Taoism. It is necessary to rely on the innate spiritual treasure and cut out the good corpse clone. This is a hard condition.

And this is not difficult for Jiang Feng. The system has already prepared everything for him.

In an instant, a sense of enlightenment emerged in Jiang Feng's mind, which immediately made his mind as clear as a mirror and understood everything.

And in front of him, soon, a good corpse clone that looked like him, with kind eyes and a gentle smile, immediately took shape.

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