This marked that Jiang Feng had thoroughly stepped into the realm of quasi-saints.

As a result, he was reborn, and his whole body had undergone earth-shaking changes, which could no longer be compared.

His magic power was more powerful and tyrannical, and the unique power of Hongmeng was the condensation of nearly a hundred laws, mysterious and unfathomable.

And above his head, in the dark, the three flowers of heaven, earth and man appeared. At this time, the flowers bloomed thirteen times, shining brightly, illuminating the heavens and the world, exuding an invincible aura, and the world was respected. The three flowers of heaven, earth and man are independent of each other, but closely connected together, as if forming the prototype of a world, and even exuding a surging aura of the avenue, which is daunting.

On the road to becoming a saint, Jiang Feng took a big step forward, his combat power increased several times, and he was stronger than ever before.

""Greetings to the real deity!" The clone of the good corpse appeared and immediately bowed to Jiang Feng in greeting.

He has his own soul and can be called an independent individual. He can think, make decisions, comprehend and practice, which is no different from a normal life.

However, because it was the clone of the good corpse that was beheaded, his nature is kind.

Moreover, although he can think about problems independently, he still focuses on the real deity.

At that moment, Jiang Feng nodded, and then let the clone of the good corpse practice alone.

This clone of the good corpse is based on the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus. It is also a quasi-saint, but it is very ordinary and cannot be compared with Jiang Feng's real deity.

Jiang Feng has made up his mind not to spend too many resources and energy on the clone of the good corpse.

In his cognition, beheading the three corpses is just a need to break through the realm, and it is just a means to become a saint. In the end, the three corpses must be united.

If too much time and energy is spent on practicing the three corpse clones, it will be counterproductive. It is a small path that hinders the steps of becoming a saint.

Jiang Feng firmly believes that the truth is that the original body is strong. Every time he kills a three-corpse clone, the original body's strength will soar exponentially.


He clenched his fist, and the veins on it bulged. A crisp sound of bone joints came out, full of explosive power.

This is an unprecedented force. Jiang Feng feels that if he punches out of thin air, it will crack the space and create a space crack.

This is enough to scare people to death and tear the void. Generally speaking, only the supreme existence who cuts out the corpse and enters the late stage of the quasi-saint can do it.

The quasi-saint realm is divided into four small realms: early stage, middle stage, late stage and peak. Although it is a small realm, each breakthrough is as difficult as ascending to heaven, and the difference between the front and the back is like the difference between clouds and mud, and the distance is very far.

Jiang Feng just cut out the good corpse clone and stepped into the early stage of the quasi-saint, but he can match the late stage of the quasi-saint who is two small realms higher than him. The horror is beyond imagination.

"Finally, I have achieved the status of a quasi-saint!" Jiang Feng grinned and let out a long breath.

Now, he finally has the qualifications to compete with the Western Buddhist sect.

Even if he is not in the Miro Palace, he has enough ability to protect himself.

If he faces the Peacock King, the first person under the saint, Jiang Feng can handle it with ease and at will.

Although his realm is still insufficient, with the Heavenly Dao Fierce Treasure Zhentian Coffin, Jiang Feng can also be invincible.

Entering the realm of quasi-saint, his control over the innate treasure has also reached a higher level, and his luck It is more handy to use.

But even so, he is only qualified to compete with Western Buddhism, not too strong.

Western Buddhism has two saints sitting in the seat, and has developed to this day. The foundation is extremely profound and cannot be guessed. It must not be taken lightly.

After a brief pause and calming down, Jiang Feng sat cross-legged, ready to start refining Pangu's blood and practicing the Nine Revolutions.

These days, this technique has fallen behind a lot, but now with Pangu's blood, it will definitely be twice as effective with half the effort. , making rapid progress.

Having achieved the status of a quasi-saint, Jiang Feng was also confident enough to refine Pangu's blood.

The Heavenly Court had clearly expressed its attitude towards what happened at the Peach Festival, and almost tore its face with the Western Buddhist sect.

Due to the face of Hongjun Daozu, the old bald donkeys could not do anything to the Jade Emperor, but they would never let Jiang Feng go.

The Journey to the West was too important to the Western Buddhist sect, and they would never allow anyone to destroy it.

As for Jiang Feng, the culprit, no matter how much it cost, the Western Buddhist sect would find ways to get rid of him.

This was the consistent style of the Western Buddhist sect.

Jiang Feng had a premonition that a huge storm would hit soon. Before that, he had to improve his strength as much as possible and make adequate preparations.

Forcing the Western Buddhist sect to this point, even if he had a close relationship with Nuwa, it would not be of much use. Strong strength was the hard truth.

Just when Jiang Feng was about to refine Pangu's blood, suddenly, the voice of Zhao Xiaowu outside the door suddenly rang out,"Sir, the Second Lord of Guanjiangkou wants to see you!"

"Erlang Shen! Why is he here?"

Jiang Feng was a little confused at first, but then his eyes lit up and he suddenly realized what was going on. He immediately stood up and said,"Please come in!"

Not long after, a young man came in hurriedly. He was wearing a golden battle armor and his body was straight, as straight as a javelin.

Moreover, he was handsome, heroic, and outstanding. He could compete with Jiang Feng. He was indeed a genius.

"Greetings, God of Jiang Tian!"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian bowed slightly, neither humble nor arrogant.

He had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and looked very heroic, with a sense of pride between his brows.

Jiang Feng smiled lightly, and said straight to the point:"True Lord Erlang, I know why you are here, but do you want to save your mother Yao Ji?"

"That's right!" Erlang Shen nodded.

At the Peach Festival, the heavenly rule that the immortals in heaven were not allowed to fall in love and marry was abolished, and this matter had long since spread throughout the three realms and six paths. After hearing the news, Yang Jian rushed over as soon as possible.

His mother, Yao Ji, fell in love with a mortal in the past, which angered the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, who suppressed her under the Peach Mountain.

For this reason, Yang Jian hated the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother since he was a child. After he became a disciple of Jade Ding Zhenren, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals of the Chan Sect, he practiced hard and never dared to relax for a moment, just to rescue his mother from the Peach Mountain one day.

But unfortunately, even though he was a natural talent, he was still powerless in the face of the huge heaven.

However, now that the rule has been abolished, his mother should also be released

"This is not difficult, but," Jiang Feng's tone suddenly changed,"there was something strange about your mother's incident back then, you actually blamed your uncle and aunt wrongly."

It was precisely because Yang Jian had a grudge against the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother that even as the Erlang Zhenjun of Guanjiangkou, he always obeyed orders but not announcements.

"Wrongly blame them?" Yang Jian smiled coldly,"They only care about authority and status, and don't care about brotherhood at all. How could I wrongly blame them?"

Yang Jian didn't believe Jiang Feng's lies.

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