"This, this is the eldest brother of the Wu clan, Di Jiang, the leader of the twelve ancient witches?"

"Oh my God, am I seeing things?"

"The Wu clan’s eldest brother Di Jiang is not dead!"

"He bent the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife with one punch. He is worthy of being the Ancestral Witch who is famous for his physical body!"

"Jiang Feng's network of contacts is so wide. How could he have deserved such strong support from the Immortal Zhenyuan and the Wu clan's eldest brother Dijiang?"

"Yes, it's incredible. I originally thought Jiang Feng would definitely die today, but now it seems that he is in jeopardy."

"With the Wu clan's big brother Dijiang protecting us, even if the real body of Tathagata Buddha comes, I'm afraid he won't be able to take advantage!"


As Emperor Jiang appeared, the gods and immortals in heaven started to discuss again. They were all horrified and their hearts were filled with turmoil.

""Lu Ya, you flat-haired beast, you still want to hurt my brother Jiang? Even if your fallen father is here, you have to ask my iron fists if they agree!"

Emperor Jiang stood in the air, with his hands behind his back, with an arrogance that looked down on the world.

The twelve witch ancestors did not respect the sky or the earth, but only respected Pangu the father god and stood proud in the world.

In the distant early days of the prehistoric times, Emperor Jiang, the eldest brother of the witch clan, was a powerful and fearless person. Even Donghuang Taiyi, who was in charge of the innate treasure Chaos Bell, could not take advantage of him. At the current time, he is even more fearless.

Hearing this, Taoist Lu Ya's teeth were almost broken, his nails were deeply embedded in his flesh, and he was angry. It was the extreme.

He was the prince of the demon clan, with noble blood and unique advantages, but now he was called a flat-haired beast, which made him unbearable.

However, facing the big brother of the witch clan, Dijiang, he dared not speak out. No matter how angry he was, he could only hold it in.

The other party was the leader of the twelve witch ancestors and the formidable enemy of the entire ancient demon court. Even his father, the demon emperor Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, were extremely troubled. In the end, they took out all their resources and exhausted the power of the entire demon court, but Dijiang still survived. You can imagine how terrifying he was.

"Well, I haven't fought for a long time. Today I will stretch my muscles and fight with you for three hundred rounds. Come on!"

Di Jiang laughed heartily. As soon as he finished speaking, he clenched a pair of iron fists and pushed forward horizontally, showing an invincible momentum.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile.

I'm afraid that Di Jiang came here more to stretch his muscles.

This is reasonable. The witch clan is warlike, and after the witch and demon calamity, Di Jiang was rescued by Hou Tu Ping Xin Niangniang and placed in the underworld.

After so many years, he didn't know how many years he had been dormant, and he must have been itching to fight.

Now there is such a good opportunity to come out and fight, how can Di Jiang bear to miss it?

Rumble, rumble...

Then, the shock���The sound of", which was heard continuously.

The big brother of the Wu clan, Dijiang, punched like a dragon, which was extremely terrifying. Every time he punched, it was like a chaotic thunder, deafening, full of explosive force, and explosive lethality.

At this moment, Jiang Feng truly realized what it meant to have an unparalleled physical body. Dijiang's pair of iron fists were the best magic weapon, and he was fearless.

He used his fists to open the way, and his Qi rushed to the bullfighting, sweeping across the invincible, and nothing could stop him.

Originally, Jiang Feng thought that after he practiced the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art to the seventh revolution, his physical body would be comparable to the best innate spiritual treasure, and even compete with the twelve ancestors of the witches, but now it seems that he was completely wrong.

However, this error is understandable. After all, Dijiang has been dormant in the underworld for countless years, and with the guidance of Lady Pingxin, it is completely normal for his physical body to be further improved than before.

In the past, the water god Gonggong angrily touched the Buzhou Immortal Mountain, knocking it down, poking a hole in the sky, and the water of the Tianhe River poured down.

Now, Dijiang's body is even more terrifying. Jiang Feng feels that he is only one step away from becoming a saint in his body. With time, he may be able to cross this threshold and reach a higher level.

At this moment, Lu Ya Taoist is no different from an ordinary flat-haired beast in front of Dijiang. He was beaten and fled with his head in his hands, retreating step by step, without any ability to fight back.

No matter what magic weapon Lu Ya Taoist activated or what kind of magical power he displayed, Dijiang didn't care and only met the enemy with a pair of iron fists.

His body is so strong that he can bend the flying knife of the immortal, and even the best innate spiritual treasure can't withstand it, let alone Lu Ya Taoist.

Moreover, Taoist Lu Ya couldn't escape even if he wanted to. The Wu Clan's eldest brother, Di Jiang, was in charge of the space law. Not to mention Taoist Lu Ya, even the extremely fast Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle or Kunpeng Demon Master had to get his permission to escape.

In terms of speed and strength, Di Jiang was far superior to Taoist Lu Ya. He beat him to the ground and wailed.

If this continued, let alone fighting for 300 rounds, I'm afraid that Taoist Lu Ya would be directly beaten by Di Jiang in less than 100 rounds.

Seeing this scene, the Nine Infants Demon Commander was anxious, but he was helpless.

He was only at the level of Daluo Jinxian, and he had been imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison for so many years. His cultivation had not improved but declined. He was not good enough in front of Di Jiang, and he would only be a food delivery.

On the side, Demon Saint Bai Ze gritted his teeth, then stomped his feet, and had to bite the bullet and rush up.

Bai Ze was born to control the law of water. He was once praised as a lucky beast. If you are lucky enough to meet it, you will have good weather and a bumper harvest all year round.

However, there are rumors in the world that wherever Bai Ze goes, it will turn into a swamp and cause floods.

At this moment, Bai Ze's magic power surged all over his body. He moved his mind, and in an instant, snowflakes suddenly floated in the endless sky.

The snowflakes were extremely wide and getting bigger and bigger, like goose feathers, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

In this process, the temperature of the entire thirty-three heavens dropped sharply.

Soon, half of the sky turned into a piece of ice and snow, and the eldest brother of the witch clan, Dijiang, was covered in it.

Then, wherever the snowflakes fell, they all formed ice blocks and connected together, freezing three thousand miles, like forming an ice and snow cage, trapping Dijiang in it.

Obviously, Bai Ze's years have not been in vain. His understanding of the law of water has also sublimated and reached the pinnacle. With a thought, he instantly froze three thousand miles.

Under Bai Ze's control, the ice cage gradually shrank, forming its own world, shrinking towards Dijiang.

If an ordinary quasi-saint faced this attack, he would be instantly frozen into an ice sculpture, unable to fight back.

Of course, Bai Ze did not expect to freeze Dijiang, but just hoped to delay some time so that he could rescue the demon prince Lu Ya Taoist and escape from this place of trouble.

However, his wish was ultimately unfulfilled.

Just as the ice cage began to shrink, a sharp blade with a glow suddenly rushed out, cutting through the sky and earth, instantly cutting the ice cage apart, causing it to collapse and disappear.

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