Jiang Feng opened his mouth in surprise when he saw this scene.

That sharp blade was not a magic weapon. On it, there was a strong condensation of the law of space. It was the result of the Wu clan's eldest brother Dijiang applying the law of space to the extreme, superimposing thousands of layers of space to condense it.

This was a big sharp blade of space. It was not a magic weapon but it was better than a magic weapon. It was indestructible and sharp.

Using space as a weapon to cut through everything, only Dijiang, the eldest brother of the Wu clan, could do it.

Not only was his physical body unparalleled, but his attainments in the law of life had also reached the pinnacle.

"You want to trap me with just this little trick? What are you thinking?"

Di Jiang laughed loudly, and then took a step forward, shrinking the ground into an inch, and rushed straight towards the demon saint Bai Ze.

Crackling, crackling... a series of sounds were heard, accompanied by bursts of wailing. Di Jiang fought fiercely and mercilessly. He changed from beating Lu Ya alone to beating up the demon saint Bai Ze as well.

The scene was extremely violent and bloody. Di Jiang waved a pair of invincible iron fists, which were extremely fierce. Every punch caused a large amount of blood to splatter, which was horrible to watch.

The two men fled with their heads in their arms, but how could they escape from Di Jiang's palm? They were chased and beaten, and soon disappeared from sight, but sharp screams were heard from time to time.

"Oh no……"

Suddenly, a hysterical howl filled with despair was heard.

Jiang Feng's eyes could not help but look there, and he saw that on the other side of the battlefield, Dingguang Happy Buddha was suddenly pierced in the chest by a shining long sword.

The long sword was full of killing energy, condensed into substance, pierced from Dingguang Happy Buddha's chest, and came out from his back, and carried great force, penetrated the whole body, and then pierced out from his back.

In an instant, a blood hole appeared on Dingguang Happy Buddha's chest, which was transparent from front to back. Blood first spurted out, and then flowed out like a small snake.

The long sword that pierced Dingguang Happy Buddha suddenly shook and turned into the appearance of Wu Dang Holy Mother.

It turned out that Wu Dang Holy Mother had pushed the Great Killing Technique to the extreme, reaching the realm of unity between heaven and man, using her body as a sword, and immediately turned into a killing sword, and one strike determined the fate of the world.

When the sword of slaughter pierced through the body of Dingguang Happy Buddha, endless killing energy erupted, crushing his vitality on the spot, and even his soul was torn into pieces. It seemed that he would not survive.


Finally, Dingguang Happy Buddha raised a finger, as if he wanted to say something, but he lost his strength after uttering only one word, and then his whole body fell down in free fall.

Seeing this, Wu Dang Holy Mother couldn't help but reveal a smile, a smile that was wanton and wild.

Finally, this great traitor of Jiejiao was killed by her own hands, and countless Jiejiao souls who died because of him were comforted.

Jiang Feng was also ecstatic. The evil beast Chang'er Dingguang was dead. As the new generation of Jiejiao's supreme leader, he could be said to have given an explanation to Tongtian Jiaozhu.

""Master, this is the Six Soul Banner!"

The Holy Mother Wu Dang stepped forward and presented the Six Soul Banner to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng naturally put it away. This magic weapon can only exert its true power when the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation is formed.

If the Holy Mother Wu Dang holds it, it will only be buried. If Jiang Feng is in charge, in time, the Heavenly Court will gradually develop and grow, and it is not impossible to make the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation reappear in the world.

"Wu Dang, well done! Next, you should help Zhen Yuan Da Xian and make sure to suppress Zhu Long."

Jiang Feng ordered immediately.

Zhen Yuan Da Xian holds the Earth Book and is extraordinary, but Zhu Long is not an easy target either. It is difficult to tell who will win, but if Wu Dang Sheng Mu helps, the chances of winning will naturally increase greatly.

"Obey the leader's orders!" Wu Dang

Shengmu killed him immediately without any hesitation.

So far, Dingguang Happy Buddha fell. This war initiated by the Western Buddhist organization to kill Jiang Feng actually started with the fall of a Buddha.

The souls of the three realms were shocked. Dingguang Happy Buddha actually fell and was killed on the spot.

Over the years, the Western Buddhism has been powerful, so strong and arrogant. Not to mention a Buddha, even a Bodhisattva, no matter where he goes, is respected and revered.

However, now, a Buddha was killed. This is incredible. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?

This is a huge humiliation for the Western Buddhism, which is equivalent to slapping the Tathagata Buddha hard. It is bound to make him crazy and set off an uproar.

"Buddha Juliusun, this is the preparation that you Western Buddhists have made these days, it doesn't seem very good!"

At this moment, Jiang Feng's gaze suddenly turned to the Buddha Juliusun who was almost stunned, his words were full of sarcasm and merciless ridicule.

Buddha Juliusun was panicked and said nothing, not even daring to fart.

At this time, a loud Buddhist voice suddenly rang out,"Master Jiang, don't speak too early. I, the Buddhists, want you to die at three o'clock in the morning, who dares to keep you until five o'clock?"

As the voice came out, a burst of Buddha's light shone, and right in the air in front of him, the Western Buddhist sect actually sent people to reinforce.

There were two people coming, one of whom had an extremely hot and fierce aura, like a scorching sun. The other one's arms were extremely thick, even longer than his thighs, like old tree roots.

These two people had participated in the Peach Festival before, and their status in Buddhism was very important. Jiang Feng was not unfamiliar with them. They were the Great Sun Tathagata and the Thousand-Handed Tathagata.

There are three great Tathagatas in Western Buddhism. The master of the Great Leiyin Temple, the Tathagata Buddha, is the Duobao Tathagata, and the other two are the Great Sun Tathagata and the Thousand-Handed Tathagata.

Although their cultivation level is not as good as that of the Duobao Tathagata, they are also equivalent to a Buddha and should not be underestimated.

However, Jiang Feng did not care at all,"You old bald donkeys, you are not afraid of the wind biting your tongue when you talk! Just relying on you chickens and clay dogs, you want to take my life, it's ridiculous, no matter how many of you come, they are just serving food"

"Then what about us!"As soon as Jiang Feng finished speaking, a cold voice came out.

The voice was still thousands of miles away, but three figures had already come into view.

In a short while, the three people came close and were on the same front as the Thousand-Handed Tathagata and the Great Sun Tathagata.

Jiang Feng looked closely and saw that the three people were all wearing gray Taoist robes, with a look of immortal style and bones. They were actually disciples of the Chan Sect, namely Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren and Jiang Ziya.

Good guy, three more quasi-saints have come. The immortals and gods in the heavenly court were also shocked. This time, the Western Buddhist sect was really well prepared. A total of six quasi-saints were sent out, including the ancient Buddha of Burning Lamp, the Eastern Buddha Maitreya Buddha, the Dingguang Happy Buddha, the Juliusun Buddha, the Duobao

Tathagata and the Thousand-Handed Tathagata. In addition, they also united with the ancient demon prince Lu Ya Taoist, the Bai Ze demon saint, the Zulong brother Zhulong, and even the external forces of Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren and Jiang Ziya of the Chan Sect.

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