"Who, who dares to steal my sword?" Princess Longji's forehead was full of black lines, full of anger.

She had finally got the Qingping Sword. Jiang Feng was full of doubts, who was so bold to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

Turning around, Jiang Feng saw that in mid-air, the Qingping Sword was held in the hands of a Taoist.

This Taoist was fat and pot-bellied, more than three times bigger than him.

""What a good sword! What a good sword!"

The fat Taoist carefully examined the Qingping Sword, muttered to himself, and then put it into his bag.

"Taiyi Zhenren! Princess Longji exclaimed in surprise.

"This fat Taoist is actually Taiyi Zhenren, one of the twelve golden immortals of the Chanjiao under Yuanshi Tianzun!"

Jiang Feng frowned.

Then, Princess Longji said with some dissatisfaction:"Senior Taiyi, I found the Qingping Sword first. It's too unfair for you to do this. Everything has to be first come first served!"

Princess Longji's words were very tactful.

In fact, Taiyi Zhenren's behavior was not only unfair, but also robbery!

""Haha," Taiyi Zhenren chuckled,"Princess Longji, you are wrong. The spiritual treasure belongs to those who are capable. You can't control the Qingping Sword, it has nothing to do with you."

"The competent shall take it! But, but I already got it, you clearly snatched it from me."Princess Longji was so angry that her body was shaking.

If the other party had not been Taiyi Zhenren, with her violent temper, she would have chopped him off with a sword.

"Princess, you are wrong again. Although the sword is in your hand, you have not refined it, so it has never belonged to you. How can you say that you have robbed it?" Taiyi Zhenren said with a fake smile.

""Fuck, this is also possible!" Jiang Feng was stunned on the spot. It was clear that the Qingping Sword was snatched from Princess Longji by Taiyi Zhenren, but he denied it flatly, making up one crooked argument after another. Isn't this just lying with open eyes?

How shameless!

No wonder he is so fat, that pig face alone is probably thicker than the city wall.

"you……"Princess Longji was so angry that she couldn't speak. This was too shameless.

I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen such a shameless person!

This completely refreshed my worldview and broke the bottom line.

"Princess, you can play for a while. I have something else to do, so I will leave first!"

After saying this, Taiyi Zhenren turned around and left.

Princess Longji's face turned pale and looked extremely ugly, but she had no choice.

Taiyi Zhenren was one of the twelve golden immortals of the Chan Sect and a disciple of the saint. Even though she was a princess of the heavenly court, she could not do anything.

""Stop!" At this moment, a loud shout suddenly rang out, deafening. It was Jiang Feng who spoke up,"Damn Taiyi, return the Qingping Sword to the princess immediately, otherwise, the Jade Emperor's wrath is not something you can bear!"

Jiang Feng's shout was so sudden and unexpected that even Princess Longji was startled.

In mid-air, Taiyi Zhenren was also stunned, and then, a surge of anger suddenly rose in his heart.

Turning around, Taiyi Zhenren's face was extremely gloomy, so dark that it seemed to drip water,"Who do you think you are? You dare to yell at me, you're looking for death!"


In an instant, the earth shook, the universe was surging, Taiyi Zhenren raised one hand and slapped Jiang Feng. In an instant, a large handprint appeared, covering the sky and the sun, obliterating everything, like a hundred thousand sacred mountains pressing down, as powerful as a prison, unstoppable.

Taiyi Zhenren was one of the twelve golden immortals of the Chan Sect, and one of Yuanshi Tianzun's proud disciples. His name had long been known throughout the three realms.

Although during the Conferred God Tribulation, he was cut off the three flowers on his head by the Nine Bends of the Yellow River Formation of the Three Heavenly Fairies, and his cultivation was wasted, turning into a mortal.

But afterwards, Yuanshi Tianzun helped him recover his vitality. Now, after such a long time, his cultivation level is higher than before.

Therefore, his palm is particularly terrifying, at least it is the level of Taiyi Xuanxian.

Not to mention Jiang Feng, even Princess Longji can't bear it.

Immediately, Jiang Feng's hair stood on end, and he felt as if a hand of death was suppressing him, and there was no way to resist, no way to escape.


At the critical moment of life and death, Jiang Feng flashed and hid behind Princess Longji in an instant.

At the moment, Princess Longji is his only life-saving straw.

The reason why he dared to shout out that voice before was also because of Princess Longji.

""Princess, save me!" Jiang Feng said anxiously.

Princess Longji hurriedly said:"Stop! Senior Taiyi, I don't want the Qingping Sword anymore. My subordinates don't know etiquette, please spare his life."

Seeing this, Taiyi Zhenren withdrew his hand, snorted angrily, and left with his sleeves.

""Okay, I'm gone now. Look how scared you are! I thought you were really capable, but you're just a coward!"

Princess Longji turned around and glanced at Jiang Feng.

"have they gone……"Jiang Feng was breathing rapidly, looking like he had just survived a catastrophe.

After a long while, he finally calmed down and said unconvincedly,"This old dog Taiyi has only practiced for a little longer than me. If I had the same amount of time, I, Jiang Feng, could suppress him with a flip of my palm."

"Come on, you are just a braggart. Why didn't you say anything when others were around? You are just showing off your power of words."Princess Longji rolled her eyes.

Jiang Feng chuckled and said,"Well, when you are under someone's roof, you have to bow your head!"

""Okay, let's go home, it's so unlucky!" Princess Longji sighed, looking dejected.

She had begged and begged, and finally borrowed the plain flag of Yunjie from her mother. She also spent a lot of effort to get the Qingping Sword here, but in the end, the fruits of victory were stolen by Taiyi Zhenren.

All her hard work turned into wedding clothes for others. Whenever Princess Longji thought of this, she had the urge to cry out of anger.

This damn Taiyi was too bullying.

"Taiyi, you bastard, just wait for me. One day, I will get it back with interest.

Princess Longji gritted her teeth and swore fiercely.

"Princess, don't worry, one day, I will kill that old dog Taiyi to avenge you. Jiang Feng solemnly promised

"If you can kill that old dog, I will obey you in everything."Princess Longji said indifferently, not taking it seriously at all.

"Okay, this is what you said."Jiang Feng secretly remembered it in his heart.

Princess Longji may think that he is just trying to make her happy, but Jiang Feng is serious.

Time will prove everything.

At this time, the system prompt sound suddenly rang out,"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by Taiyi Zhenren and obtained a diamond-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

"Wow, a diamond-level treasure chest has been upgraded to a higher level!" Jiang Feng's heart was shocked, but after thinking about it carefully, it made sense.

Taiyi Zhenren was one of the famous twelve golden immortals of the Chan Sect. At least Taiyi Jinxian's cultivation level was

"This is not in vain for my previous efforts to walk on a tightrope, to commit suicide like crazy. System, open it and take a look."

"Congratulations to the host for opening the diamond-level treasure chest and obtaining a bottle of Good Fortune Jade Marrow, three ginseng fruits, and the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover!"

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