"Wow, my system is awesome!" Jiang Feng was ecstatic.

The Jade Marrow of Creation, which seizes the creation of heaven and earth, contains the mysterious power of creation. It is pure and thick, and is formed by absorbing the endless essence of the sun and the moon.

Generally speaking, it takes ten thousand years to produce one drop, but now the system has rewarded a bottle.

With these alone, Jiang Feng is more than enough to break through to the Golden Immortal.

The second reward is the ginseng fruit, which is of course one of the ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world and belongs to the ancestor of earthly immortals, Zhenyuan Daxian.

Its value and efficacy are even better than the peaches of the Queen Mother.

This ginseng fruit only bears thirty in ten thousand years. Just smelling it can increase your lifespan by a thousand years. If you eat one, you can increase your Taoism by a million years.

The first two rewards are both precious cultivation resources, but what Jiang Feng can't understand is the third reward, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.

As far as he knew, this supreme innate spiritual treasure was the magic weapon of Taiyi Zhenren, which was given to him by his master Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Is there a second Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover, or is it different from the same one?" Jiang Feng wondered in his heart.

"No, this is Taiyi Zhenren's Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover!" The system responded immediately.

Jiang Feng was shocked,"What! You actually stole Taiyi Zhenren's magic weapon in secret!"

"What does stealing mean? The magic weapon in the world belongs to the capable. This system has great magical powers and can do anything. It is a blessing for it to have taken a fancy to this Nine Dragon Divine Fire Cover in eight lifetimes!"The system said proudly

""System, you are causing trouble, but I like it!" Jiang Feng smiled sinisterly, and his previous depression was swept away.

But then, he suddenly thought of a serious problem and asked hurriedly:"System, this, Taiyi Zhenren will not find out, right? If he finds out about it, I will be doomed!"

"Don't worry, Taiyi Zhenren's soul mark has been erased by this system. It is now ownerless. Moreover, this system has the power to cover the sky. Not to mention a small Taiyi, even Yuanshi Tianzun can't figure it out."The system replied calmly.


Jiang Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then raised a playful smile at the corner of his mouth,"If this old dog Taiyi finds out that his magic weapon is lost, will he be anxious? Haha……"

"Hey, what are you grinning at? Are you seriously ill?"

Princess Longji glared at Jiang Feng when she noticed his strangeness.

"Oh, nothing!" Jiang Feng touched his nose. Such a secret naturally could not be disclosed.

Princess Longji did not ask any more questions."Okay, let's go home!"

Jiang Feng nodded and followed behind.


After Taiyi Zhenren snatched the Qingping Sword, he returned directly to his own cave, the Jinguang Cave in Qianyuan Mountain.

""Hey!" Suddenly, Taiyi Zhenren seemed to realize something and exclaimed,"Where is my Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover? How come it suddenly disappeared?"

"This shouldn't be the case. I just tamed a big demon to guard the gate not long ago. How could it disappear for no reason?"

Taiyi Zhenren searched his whole body, but still couldn't find it.

"Could it be that Longji’s two little kids stole it when I wasn’t paying attention?"

Taiyi Zhenren frowned, but he rejected the idea as soon as it came to his mind,"It’s absolutely impossible. How could two little kids who are still wet behind the ears steal my magic weapon without anyone noticing?"

"But what is going on? Even the mark of my soul has been wiped out. This can only be done by a person with great supernatural powers. Who, who is playing a trick on me?"

Thinking of this, Taiyi Zhenren couldn't help but use his magic power and shouted in a very shameless manner:"Who is the master who stole my magic weapon? It's too shameful!"

However, the surroundings were empty and silent, and no one responded.

Taiyi Zhenren then cursed,"What kind of ability is it to hide your head and show your tail? Come out and see if you have the guts?"

"How dare you go against my Chan sect? I think you don’t want to live anymore!"

"Don't let me catch you, otherwise, I will tear you into pieces and destroy you both physically and spiritually!"

"What a villain! He doesn't even have the courage to show up. Ugh, what a waste!"


Taiyi Zhenren gradually became angry, and his face became extremely ferocious, almost distorted.

Seeing this, many creatures around him could not help but whisper to each other.

"Isn’t this Taiyi Zhenren from the Chan school?"

"What happened? Why are you cursing at the air so stupidly? Is that funny?"

"Could it be that he has gone astray?"

"Oh my god, why is he getting more and more excited the more he curses! He is crazy, crazy, this Taiyi is a complete lunatic!"

"Yeah, why are you competing with the air?"


On the way back.

A soft voice suddenly rang out,"Benefactor, please let me out!"

Jiang Feng frowned, and then he suddenly realized,"It's Fairy Yunxiao!"

He immediately took out the Three Lights Divine Water and opened the lid of the pot.

Immediately, a ball of light floated out, and then, after a hazy light, a gorgeous woman came into view.

She was dressed in white clothes that were whiter than snow, with a stunning appearance, a beautiful woman, and a gentle and generous temperament. It was Fairy Yunxiao.

After several years of nurturing, Fairy Yunxiao's body regenerated without any hindrance.

However, Jiang Feng also consumed half of the pot of Three Lights Divine Water.

This made him more or less distressed. After all, such a treasure is precious, and one drop is one less.

"Yunxiao thanks the two benefactors for saving my life. I will never forget it!"

Fairy Yunxiao bowed gracefully, her beautiful eyes filled with gratitude.

"It's okay, it's just a piece of cake." Princess Longji waved her hand nonchalantly, and then asked,"By the way, what are your plans next?"

"me……"Fairy Yunxiao frowned deeply, and she couldn't help but feel sad.

Now, Master Tongtian was imprisoned, Jiejiao was destroyed, and she was homeless.

And now she was just an ordinary celestial being, and it was easy for her to be abducted and eaten by some big monsters.

Although the Three Lights Divine Water could revive the dead and heal her injuries, it could not restore her cultivation to its original state.

After all, she had been suppressed by the Qiankuntu for too long, and her cultivation had long been scattered.

In the blink of an eye, the world has changed, and everything has changed.

Thinking of the vast wilderness, there was no place for her to be safe, Fairy Yunxiao couldn't help but tear up.

Jiang Feng knew it well, but he could do nothing about it. He was just a captain with a low status. Besides, Fairy Yunxiao was a woman, how could he settle her down?

"How about this, you come back to heaven with me, your two sisters are there too, it would be best to let them take care of you."Princess Longji suddenly said

"Thank you, Princess!"Fairy Yunxiao cried with joy.


After returning to the Heavenly Palace, Jiang Feng and Princess Longji parted ways and went back to their own homes.

Law Enforcement Hall, Heavenly Army Camp.

As soon as Jiang Feng came back, he had a bad feeling.

In front of his tent, a familiar figure stood, as if he had been waiting for him for a long time.

"Captain Jiang, you are finally back. Has the commander waited for a long time?"

Wang Ming came forward with a sinister look in his eyes and a playful smile on his face.

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